2 O my God, I crie in the daye tyme, but thou hearest not: and in the night season also I take no rest.
Psalms 22:2 Cross References - Coverdale
Psalms 42:3
3 Now when I thinke there vpo, I poure out my hert by my self: for I wolde fayne go hence with the multitude, & passe ouer with them vnto the house of God, in ye voyce of prayse & thankesgeuynge, amonge soch as kepe holy daye.
Psalms 55:16-17
Psalms 80:4
4 O LORDE God of hoostes, how loge wilt thou be angrie ouer the prayer of thy people?
Psalms 88:1
1 O Lorde God my Sauyor, I crie daye & night before the: Oh let my prayer entre in to thy presence, encline thine eare vnto my callynge.
Lamentations 3:8
8 Though I crie & call piteously, yet heareth he not my prayer.
Lamentations 3:44
44 Thou hast hyd thy self in a cloude, that oure prayer shulde not go thorow.
Matthew 26:44
44 And he left them, and wente forth agayne, and prayed the thirde tyme, sayenge the same wordes.
Luke 6:12
12 And it fortuned at the same tyme, that he wente out in to a mountayne to praye, and continued all night in prayer to God.
Luke 18:7
7 But shall not God also delyuer his chosen, that crye vnto hi daye and night, though he differre the?
Luke 22:41-46
41 And he gat him from them aboute a stones cast, and kneled downe, prayed,
42 & sayde: Father, yf thou wilt, take awaye this cuppe fro me: Neuerthelesse, not my wyll, but thyne be fulfylled.
43 And there appeared vnto him an angell fro heauen, and conforted him.
44 And it came so, that he wrestled with death, and prayed the longer. And his sweate was like droppes of bloude, runnynge downe to the grounde.
45 And he rose vp fro prayer, and came to his disciples, and founde them slepinge for heuynesse,
46 and sayde vnto them: What, slepe ye? ryse vp and praye, that ye fall not into tentacion.
1 Thessalonians 3:10
10 We praye exceadingly daye and nighte, that we mighte se you presently, and fulfill that which is lackynge in yor faith.
2 Timothy 1:3
3 I thanke God, whome I serue fro my fore elders in a pure conscience, that without ceassynge I make mencion of the in my prayers night and daye: