Psalms 107:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 Hongrie & thirstie, & their soule faynted in the.

Judges 15:18-19

18 But wha he was sore a thyrst, he called vpo the LORDE, & saide: Soch greate health hast thou geue by the hade of thy seruaunt, but now must I dye a thyrst, & fall in to ye hande of ye vncircucised. 19 The God opened a gometothe in ye chekebone, so yt water wete out: & whan he dranke, his sprete came agayne, & he was refresshed. Therfore vnto this daye it is yet called ye well of ye cheke bone of him yt made intercession.

1 Samuel 30:11-12

11 And they founde a man of Egipte vpon the felde, him they broughte vnto Dauid, & gaue him bred to eate, and water to drynke, 12 and gaue him a quantite of fygges, & two quantities of rasyns. And whan he had eaten, his sprete came to him againe: for in thre dayes and thre nightes he had eate no bred, and dronke no water.

Isaiah 44:12

12 The smyth taketh yron, and tempreth it with hote coles, and fashioneth it with hammers, & maketh it wt all the strength of his armes: Yee somtyme he is faynt for very hunger, and so thurstie, that he hath no more power.

Jeremiah 14:18

18 For yff I go in to the felde, lo, it lieth all full off slayne men: Yff I come in to the cite, lo, they be all fameshed of honger. Yee their prophetes also and prestes shalbe led in to an vnknowne londe.

Lamentations 2:19

19 Stonde vp, and make thy prayer in the first watch of the night, poure out thine hert like water before the LORDE: lift vp thine hondes, for the lyues of thy yonge children, that dye of honger in the stretes.

Mark 8:2-3

2 I haue compassion vpon the people, for they haue taried wt me now thre dayes, & haue nothinge to eate. 3 And yf I let them go home fro me fastynge, they shulde faynte by the waye. For some of them were come from farre.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.