38 And in all this made we a sure couenaunt, & wrote it, & let or prynces, Leuites & prestes seale it.
Nehemiah 9:38 Cross References - Coverdale
2 Kings 23:3
3 And the kinge stode vpon a piler, and made a couenaut before the LORDE, that they shulde walke after the LORDE, and to kepe his commaundementes, witnesses, and ordinaunces with all their hert and with all their soule, yt they shulde set vp the wordes of this couenaunt, which are wrytten in this boke. And all the people entred in to the couenaunt.
2 Chronicles 15:12-13
2 Chronicles 23:16
16 And Ioiada made a couenaunt betwene him and all the people, and the kynge, yt they shulde be the people of the LORDE.
2 Chronicles 29:10
10 Now am I mynded to make a couenaunt with the LORDE God of Israel, yt he maye turne awaie from vs his wrath & indignacion.
2 Chronicles 34:31
31 And ye kynge stode in his place, and made a couenaunt before the LORDE, that they shulde walke after the LORDE, to kepe his comaundementes, his testimonies, and his statutes with all their hert and with all their soule, to do accordinge vnto all the wordes of the couenaunt that are wrytten in this boke.
Ezra 10:3
3 therfore let vs make a couenaut now with oure God, that we shal put awaye all the wyues (and soch as are borne of them) acordynge to the councell of ye LORDE, and of them that feare the commaundement of oure God, yt we maye do acordynge to the lawe.
Nehemiah 10:1
1 The sealers were: Nehemias (that is) Hathirsatha the sonne of Hachalia and Sedechias,
Nehemiah 10:29
29 and their lordes that had rule of them, receaued it for their brethren. And they came to sweare, and to bynde them selues with an ooth to walke in Gods lawe, which was geuen by Moses the seruaunt of God, that they wolde obserue and do acordinge vnto all the commaundementes, iudgmentes and statutes of the LORDE oure God: