11 The tyme wil come, that thy gappes shal be made vp, and the lawe shal go abrode:
Micah 7:11 Cross References - Coverdale
Ezra 4:12-24
12 Be it knowne vnto ye kynge, that the Iewes which are come vp from the to vs vnto Ierusale in to that sedicious & wicked cite, buylde the same, and make vp ye walles of it, & brynge it out of ye foundacion.
13 Be it knowne now therfore vnto ye kynge, yt yf this cite be buylded & the walles made vp agayne, the shal not they geue tribute, toll, and yearly custome, and their deuyce shal do ye kynge harme.
14 But now that we all are therby which destroyed the temple, we wolde no longer se the kynges dishonoure. Therfore sent we out, and caused the kynge to be certified therof:
15 That it maye be soughte in ye Cronicles of thy progenitours, and so shalt thou fynde in the same Cronicles, and perceaue, that this cite is sedicious and noysome vnto kynges and londes, and that they cause other also to rebell of olde, and for the same cause was this cite destroyed.
16 Therfore do we certifie the kynge, that yf this cite be buylded, and the walles therof made vp, thou shalt kepe nothinge on this syde the water by the reason of it.
17 Then sent ye kynge an answere vnto Rehum the chaunceler, and Simsai the Scrybe, and to the other of their councell that dwelt in Samaria, and vnto the other beyonde ye water. Peace and salutacion.
18 The letter which ye sent vnto vs, hath bene opely red before me,
19 and I haue commaunded to make search: and it is founde, that this cite of olde hath made insurreccion agaynst, kynges, & how yt vpror and rebellion hath bene commytted therin.
20 There haue bene mightie kynges also at Ierusale, which haue reigned ouer all that is beyonde the water, and toll, tribute and yearly custome was geuen vnto them.
21 Do ye now after this commaundemet, forbyd the same men, that the cite be not builded, tyll I haue geue comaundemet.
22 Take hede now that ye be not necligent here in, lest the kynge haue harme there thorow.
23 Now wha kynge Artaxerses letter was red before Rehum the chaunceler and Simsai the Scrybe and their councell, they wente vp in all the haist to Ierusalem vnto the Iewes, and forbad them with the arme and auctorite.
24 Then ceassed the worke of the house of God at Ierusalem, and continued so vnto the seconde yeare of Darius kynge of Persia.
Nehemiah 2:8
8 & letters vnto Assaph the lorde of the kynges wod, yt he maye geue me wodd for balkes to the gates of the palace, which are harde on the house & harde on the walles of the cite, & for the house that I shal entre in to. And ye kynge gaue me acordinge to the good hande of God vpo me.
Nehemiah 2:17
17 & I saide vnto the: Ye se the myserye yt we are in, how Ierusale lyeth wayst, & how ye gates therof are brent wt fyre, come, let vs buylde vp ye walles of Ierusale, yt we be nomore a rebuke.
Nehemiah 3:1-16
1 And Eliasib the hye prest gat him vp with his brethren the prestes, and buylded the Shepegate. They halowed it, and set vp the dores of it: euen vnto the tower Mea halowed they it, namely vnto the tower of Hananeel.
2 Nexte vnto him buylded ye men of Iericho. And besyde him buylded Sachur the sonne of Imri.
3 But the Fyshporte dyd the children of Senaa buylde, they couered it, and set on the dores, lockes and barres of it.
4 Nexte vnto him buylded Meremoth the sonne of Vria the sonne of Hacoz. Nexte vnto him buylded Mesullam ye sonne of Barachias ye sonne of Mesesabeel. Nexte vnto him buylded Sadoc ye sonne of Baena.
5 Nexte vnto him buylded they of Thecoa. But their greate me put not their neckes to ye seruyce of their lorde.
6 The Oldgate buylded Ioiada ye sonne of Passeah, & Mesullam the sonne of Besodia: they couered it, and set on the dores, lockes & barres of it.
7 Nexte vnto them buylded Melacia of Gibeon, and Iadon of Morono, me of Gibeon and of Mispa, for the seate of the Debyte on this syde the water.
8 Nexte vnto him buylded Vsiel the sonne of Harhaia the goldsmyth. Nexte vnto him buylded Hanania ye Apotecarys sonne, & they repayred Ierusale vnto the brode wall.
9 Nexte vnto him buylded Rephaia the sonne of Hur, the ruler of the halfe quarter of Ierusalem.
10 Nexte vnto him buylded Iedaia the sonne of Harumaph, ouer agaynst his house. Nexte vnto him buylded Hattus the sonne of Hasabema.
11 But Malchia the sonne of Harim, and Hasub the sonne of Pahath Moab buylded ye other pece, and the tower beside the fornace.
12 Nexte vnto him buylded Sallum the sonne of Halohes the ruler of the halfe quarter of Ierusalem, and his daughters.
13 The valley gate buylded Hanum, and the citesins of Sanoah. They buylded it, and set on the dores, lockes and barres therof, and a thousande cubytes on the wall, vnto the Dogeporte.
14 But the Dongeporte buylded Malechia the sonne of Rechab, the ruler of the fourth parte of the vynyardes: He buylded it, & set on the dores, lockes & barres therof.
15 But the Wellgate builded Sallum ye sonne of ChalHose, the ruler of the fourthparte of Mispa: He builded it, & couered it, & set on ye dores, lockes, & barres therof, & the wall vnto the pole of Sybah by the kynges garden, vnto the steppes that go downe from the cite of Dauid.
16 After him builded Nehemia the sonne of A?buk, the ruler of the halfe quarter of Bethzur, vntyll the other side ouer agaynst the sepulcres of Dauid, and to the pole Asuia, & vnto the house of the mightie.
Nehemiah 4:3
3 And Tobias the Ammonite beside him saide: Let the builde on, yf a foxe go vp, he shall breake downe their stonye wall.
Nehemiah 4:6
6 Yet buylded we the wall, & ioyned it whole together, vnto ye halfe heigth. And the people were well mynded to labor.
Isaiah 54:11
11 Beholde, thou poore, vexed & despised: I wil make thy walles of precious stones, & yi foundacio of Saphires,
Daniel 9:25
25 Vnderstode this then, and marcke it well: that from the tyme it shalbe concluded, to go and repayre Ierusalem agayne, vnto Christ (or the anoynted) prynce: there shalbe seuen wekes. Then shall the stretes & walles be buylded agayne lxij. wekes, but with harde troublous tyme.
Amos 9:11-15
11 At that tyme wil I buylde agayne the tabernacle off Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what is broke, I shal repayre it: Yee I shal buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme,
12 yt they maye possesse the remnaunt of Edom, yee and all soch people as call vpon my name wt the, saieth the LORDE, which doth these thinges.
13 Beholde, the tyme commeth (saieth the LORDE) that the plowman shal ouertake ye mower, and ye treader off grapes, him that soweth sede. The mountaynes shall droppe swete wyne, and the hilles shall be frutefull,
14 and I wil turne the captyuyte of my people of Israel: they shal repayre the waist cities, & haue the in possessio: they shal plante vinyardes, ad drynke the wyne therof: they shal make gardens, and enioye the frutes off the.
15 And I wil plate them vpo their owne groude, so that I will neuer rote them out agayne from their londe, which I haue geuen the sayeth the LORDE thy God.