Micah 5:6 Cross References - Coverdale

6 these shal subdue the londe of Assur wt the swerde, and the londe of Nymrod with their naked weapens. Thus shal he delyuer vs from the Assiria, when he commeth within oure lande, and setteth his fote within oure borders.

Genesis 10:8-11

8 Thus also begat Nemrod, which beganne to be mightie in the earth, 9 and was a mightie hunter in the sight of the LORDE. Therof commeth the prouerbe: This is a mightie hunter before the LORDE like as Nemrod. 10 And the origenall of his kyngdome was Babel, Erech, Acad & Chalne in ye londe of Synear. 11 Out of that lode came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and ye stretes of ye cite, and Calah,

2 Kings 15:29

29 In the tyme of Pecah the kynge of Israel, came Teglatphalasser the kynge of Assiria, & toke Eion, Abel Beth Maecha, Ianoha, Redes, Hasor, Gilead, Galile, and all the londe of Nephtali, & caried the awaye in to Assiria.

2 Kings 17:3-5

3 Agaynst him dyd Salmanasar ye kynge of Assiria come vp. And Oseas was subiecte vnto him, & gaue him trybutes. 4 But wha ye kynge of Assiria perceaued yt Oseas had conspyred & sent messaungers to Sua ye kynge of Egipte, & payed not trybute yearly to ye kynge of ye Assirians, he beseged him & put him in preson. 5 And the kynge of Assiria wente vp in to all the londe and to Samaria, and layed sege vnto it thre yeare.

2 Kings 18:9-15

9 In the fourth yeare of Ezechias kynge of Iuda (yt was the seuenth yeare of Oseas the sonne of Ela kynge of Israel) came Salmanasar the kynge of Assiria vp agaynst Samaria, and layed sege vnto it, 10 and wanne it after thre yeares in the sixte yeare of Ezechias, that is in the nyenth yeare of Oseas kynge of Israel, the was Samaria wonne. 11 And the kynge of Assiria caried Israel awaye vnto Assiria, and set them at Halah and Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes. 12 And all because they herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE their God, and had transgressed his couenaunt: And as for all that Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE had commaunded the, they had nether herkened vnto eny of those, ner done them. 13 In the fourteth yeare of kynge Ezechias dyd Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria come vp agaynst all the stronge cities of Iuda, & coquered the. 14 Then sent Ezechias the kynge of Iuda to ye kynge of Assiria vnto Lachis, sayenge: I haue offended, turne back fro me: loke what thou layest vnto me, I wil beare it. The the kynge of Assiria layed vnto Ezechias the kynge of Iuda, thre hundreth talentes of syluer, & thirtie talentes of golde. 15 So Ezechias gaue all ye slyuer yt was foude in ye house of the LORDE, & in the treasures of ye kynges house.

2 Kings 19:32-35

32 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE concernynge ye kynge of the Assyrians: He shall not come in to this cite, and shall shute no arowe therin, nether shal there come eny shylde before it, nether shall he dygge eny backe aboute it, 33 but shal go agayne the waye that he came, and shall not come in to this cite, sayeth the LORDE: 34 and I wyll defende this cite, to helpe it for myne awne sake, and for my seruaunt Dauids sake. 35 And in the same nighte wente the angell of the LORDE, and smote in the hoost of the Assyrians, an hundreth and fyue and foure score thousande men. And whan they gatt them vp in the mornynge, beholde, all laye full of deed coarses.

2 Chronicles 33:11

11 Therfore dyd the LORDE cause the rulers of the hoost of the kynge of Assur to come vpo the, which toke Manasses presoner with bodes, and bounde him with cheynes, & broughte him vnto Babilon.

Isaiah 10:5-12

5 Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staff of my wrath, in whose honde is the rod of my punyshment. 6 For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete. 7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people, 8 for he saieth: are not my princes all kynges? 9 Is not Calno as easie to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Antiochia then Arphad? Or is it lighter to ouercome Damascus the Samaria? 10 As who say: I were able to wynne the kingdome of the Idolaters and their goddes, but not Ierusalem and Samaria. 11 Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem and their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ymages? 12 Wherfore the LORDE saieth: As soone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the Hyl of Syon and Ierusalem: the will I also vyset the noble and stoute kynge of Assiria, with his wysdome and pryde.

Isaiah 14:2

2 They shal take ye people, & cary the home wt the. And ye house of Israel shal haue the in possession, for seruautes & maydes in ye lode of ye LORDE. They shal take those prisoners, whose captyues they had bene afore: & rule those, yt had oppressed the.

Isaiah 14:25

25 The Assirians shalbe destroyed in my londe, and vpon my mountaytaines wyll I treade them vnder fote. Wherthorow his yocke shall come from you, & his burthen shalbe taken from youre shulders.

Isaiah 33:1

1 Therfore wo vnto the (o robber) shalt not thou be robbed also? and vnto the that laiest wait, as who saye there shulde no waite be layde for the? Wo vnto the which doest hurte, euen so shalt thou be hurt also. And as thou layest waite, so shal wait be layde for the also.

Nahum 2:11-3:3

11 Where is now the dwellinge of the lyos, and the pasture of the lyons whelpes? where the lyon and the lyonesse wente with the whelpes, and no man frayed them awaye?

Zephaniah 2:13

13 Yee he shall stretch out his honde ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shal make it desolate, drye and waist.

Luke 1:71

71 hat he wolde delyuer vs fro oure enemies, & from ye hande of all soch as hate vs.

Luke 1:74

74 for to geue vs.That we delyuered out of ye hade of or enemies, might serue him without feare

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