Matthew 27:58 Cross References - Coverdale

58 He wete vnto Pylate, and axed the body of Iesus. Then commaunded Pylate that the body shulde be geue him.

Mark 15:44-46

44 But Pylate marueyled yt he was deed all ready, & called ye captayne, & axed hi, whether he had loge bene deed. 45 And wha he had gotten knowlege of the captayne, he gaue Ioseph ye body. 46 And he bought a lynne cloth, & toke him downe, & wrapped hi in ye lynne clothe, & layed him in a sepulcre, which was hewe out of a rocke, & rolled a stone before ye dore of ye sepulcre.

Luke 23:52-53

52 he wete vnto Pilate, and axed the body of Iesus. 53 And the toke him downe, wrapped him in a lynnen cloth, and layed him in a hewen sepulcre, wherin neuer man was layed.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.