37 Iesus saide vnto him: Thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, and with all thy mynde:
Matthew 22:37 Cross References - Coverdale
Deuteronomy 6:5
5 And thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God wt all thy hart, with all yi soule, & with all thy mighte.
Deuteronomy 10:12
12 Now Israel, what requyreth the LORDE thy God of the, but yt thou feare the LORDE thy God, and that thou walke in all his wayes, & loue him, & serue the LORDE yi God with all thy hert, & with all thy soule:
Deuteronomy 30:6
6 And the LORDE thy God shall circumcyse thine hert, and the hert of thy sede, that thou mayest loue the LORDE yi God with all thy hert and with all yi soule, that thou mayest lyue.
Mark 12:29-30
Mark 12:33
33 and to loue him with all the hert, with all the mynde, with all the soule, and with all the strength, and to loue a mans neghboure as himself, is more then brent sacrifices and all offerynges.
Luke 10:27
27 He answered and sayde: Thou shalt loue thy LORDE God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, with all thy strength, and with all thy mynde, and thy neghboure as thy self.
Romans 8:7
7 For to be fleshly mynded is enemyte agaynst. God, syth it is not subdued vnto ye lawe of God, for it can not also.
Hebrews 10:16-17
1 John 5:2-5
2 By this we knowe that we loue Gods children, whan we loue God, and kepe his commaundementes.
3 For this is the loue of God, that we kepe his commaundementes, and his commaundemetes are not greuous.
4 For all that is borne of God, ouercommeth the worlde: and this is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde, eue oure faith.
5 Who is it yt ouercommeth the worlde, but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God?