46 And they wente aboute to take him, but they feared ye people, because they helde hi for a prophet.
Matthew 21:46 Cross References - Coverdale
2 Samuel 12:7-13
7 Then sayde Nathan vnto Dauid: Thou art euen the man. Thus sayeth the LORDE the God of Israel: I haue anoynted the to be kynge ouer Israel, and delyuered the out of the hande of Saul,
8 and haue geuen the yi lordes house, and his wyues into thy lappe, and the house of Israel and Iuda haue I geuen the: and yf that be to litle, I wyl yet do this and that for the also.
9 Wherfore hast thou then despysed the worde of the LORDE, to do soch euell in his sighte? Vrias the Hethite hast thou slayne with the swerde: His wife hast thou taken to be thy wyfe, but him hast thou slayne with ye swerde of the children of Ammon.
10 Now therfore shal not ye swerde departe from thy house for ouer, because thou hast despysed me, and taken the wife of Vrias the Hithite, to be thy wife.
11 Thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, I wyll rayse vp euell of thyne awne house, and wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and wyl geue them vnto thy neghboure, so that he shall lye with thy wyues by Sonnelighte.
12 For thou hast done it secretly, but I wyl do this in the sighte of all Israel, and by Sonne lighte.
13 Then sayde Dauid vnto Nathan I haue synned vnto the LORDE. Nathan sayde vnto Dauid: So hath the LORDE also taken awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye.
Proverbs 9:7-9
7 Who so reproueth a scornefull personne, getteth him self dishonoure: and he that rebuketh the vngodly, stayneth himself.
8 Reproue not a scorner, lest he owe the euell wil: but rebuke a wyse man, and he wil loue the.
9 Geue a discrete man but an occasion, & he wilbe the wyser: teach a rightuous man, and he wil increase.
Proverbs 15:12
12 A scornefull body loueth not one yt rebuketh him, nether wil he come amonge ye wyse.
Isaiah 29:1
1 Wo vnto the o Ariel Ariel, thou cite that Dauid wane. Take yet some yeares, and let some feastes yet passe ouer:
Matthew 21:11
11 And the people sayde: This is Iesus ye prophet of Nazareth out of Galile.
Matthew 21:26
26 But yf we saye it was of men, the feare we the people: For euery ma helde Ihon for a prophet.
Luke 7:16
16 And there came a feare on them all, and they praysed God, and sayde: A greate prophet is rysen amonge vs, and God hath vysited his people.
Luke 7:39
39 But whan the Pharise which had called him sawe that, he spake within himself, and sayde: Yf this ma were a prophet, he wolde knowe who, & what maner of woman this is that toucheth him, for she is a synner.
John 7:7
7 The worlde can not hate you, but me it hateth: because I testifye of it, that the workes of it are euell.
John 7:40-41
Acts 2:22
22 Ye men of Israel, heare these wordes: Iesus of Nazareth, ye man approued of God amonge you with miracles, and wonders and tokens, which God dyd by him in the myddes amonge you, as ye yor selues knowe also,