4 This euell and aduouterous generacio seketh a toke, & there shal no toke be geue the, but the toke of ye prophet Ionas. So he left the, and departed.
Matthew 16:4 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 6:3
3 Then sayde ye LORDE: My sprete shal not allwaye stryue with man, for he is but flesh also. I wil yet geue him respyte an hundreth and twety yeares.
Hosea 4:17
17 And where as Ephraim is become partaker of Idols, wel, let him go.
Hosea 9:12
12 And though they bringe vp eny, yet will I make them childlesse amonge men. Yee wo shall come to them, when I departe from them.
Jonah 1:17
17 Bvt the LORDE prepared a greate fyshe, to swalow vp Ionas. So was Ionas in the bely of the fysh, thre dayes and thre nightes.
Matthew 12:39-40
39 And he answered and saide vnto the: This euell and aduouterous generacion seketh a token: and there shal no token be geuen the, but the token of the prophete Ionas.
40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nightes in the Whalles bely, so shal the sonne of ma be thre dayes and thre nightes in the hert of the earth.
Matthew 15:14
14 Let the go, they are ye blynde leaders of ye blynde. Wha one blinde leadeth another, they fall both i ye diche.
Mark 5:17-18
Mark 8:12
12 And he sighed in his sprete, and sayde: Why doth this generacion seke a token? Verely I saye vnto you: There shal no toke be geue vnto this generacion.
Mark 8:38
38 Who so euer is ashamed of me and of my wordes amonge this aduouterous and synfull generacion, of him shal the sonne of man also be ashamed, whan he commeth in the glory of his father with the holy angels.
Luke 11:29-30
Acts 2:40
40 And wt many other wordes bare he witnesse, and exorted them, and sayde: Saue youre selues from this vntowarde generacion.
Acts 18:6
6 But wha they sayde cotrary and blasphemed, he shoke his rayment, and sayde vnto them: Youre bloude be vpon youre awne heade. From hence forth I go blamelesse vnto the Gentyles.