Mark 6:36 Cross References - Coverdale

36 let them departe, that they maye go in to the vyllagies and townes rounde aboute, and bye them selues bred, for they haue nothinge to eate.

Matthew 15:23

23 And he answered her neuer a worde. The came his disciples vnto him, & besought him, sayege: Sede her awaye, for she crieth after us.

Matthew 16:22

22 But Peter toke him asyde, and beganne to rebuke him, sayenge: LORDE, fauoure thy self, let not this happen vnto the.

Mark 3:21

21 And when they that were aboute him herde of it, they wente out to holde him. For they sayde: he taketh to moch vpon him.

Mark 5:31

31 And his disciples sayde vnto him: Thou seist that the people thrusteth the, and sayest: Who hath touched me?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.