35 And the same daye at euen he sayde vnto them: let us passe ouer.
Mark 4:35 Cross References - Coverdale
Matthew 8:18
18 Whe Iesus sawe moch people about him, he commaunded to go ouer the water.
Matthew 8:23-27
23 And he entred in to a shyppe, & his disciples folowed him.
24 And beholde, there arose a greate tempest in the see, in so moch that the shippe was couered with wawes, & he was a slepe.
25 And his disciples came vnto him, and awoke hym, sayinge: LORDE, saue vs, we perishe.
26 And he sayde vnto them: why are ye fearfull, o ye of lytell faithe? Then he arose, and rebuked the wyndes and the see, & there folowed a greate calme.
27 And the men marueyled and sayde: what ma is this, that both wyndes and see obey hym?
Matthew 14:22
22 And straight waye Iesus made his disciples to entre in to a shippe, & to go ouer before hi, tyll he had sent ye people awaye.
Mark 5:21
21 And whan Iesus passed ouer agayne by shippe, there gathered moch people vnto him, and was by the see syde.
Mark 6:45
45 And anone he caused his disciples to go in to the shippe, and to passe ouer before him vnto Bethsaida, whyle he sent awaye the people.
Mark 8:13
13 And he left them, and wete againe into the shippe, and passed ouer.
Luke 8:22
22 And it fortuned vpon a certayne daye, yt he wente in to a shippe, and his disciples wt him, & he sayde vnto the: Let vs passe ouer to the other syde of ye lake. And they thurst of fro the lode.
Luke 8:25
25 But he sayde vnto the: Where is youre faith? Neuertheles they were afrayed, and wodred, and sayde one to another: What is he this? For he comaundeth the wyndes and the water, and they are obedient vnto him.
John 6:1
1 After this wente Iesus ouer the see vnto the cite Tiberias in Galilee.
John 6:17
17 and entred in to the shippe, and came to the other syde of ye see vnto Capernau. And it was darcke allready. And Iesus was not come to the.
John 6:25
25 And whan they founde him on the other syde of the see, they sayde vnto him: Master, whan camest thou hither?