16 Neuertheles his disciples vnderstode not these thinges at the first, but whan Iesus was glorified, then remebred they that soch thinges were wrytte of him, and that they had done soch thinges vnto him.
John 12:16 Cross References - Coverdale
Mark 9:32
32 But they vnderstode not that worde, and were afrayed to axe him.
Mark 16:19
19 And the LORDE, after that he had spoken vnto them, was taken vp in to heauen, and sytteth at the right hade of God.
Luke 9:45
45 But they wyst not what that worde meaned, and it was hyd from them, that they vnderstode it not. And they were afrayed to axe him of that worde.
Luke 18:34
34 And they vnderstode nothinge of these thinges. And this sayenge was hyd from them, and they perceaued not the thinges that were spoken.
Luke 24:6-8
Luke 24:25
25 And he sayde vnto the: O ye fooles and slowe of hert to beleue all that the prophetes haue spoke?
Luke 24:45
45 The opened he their vnderstondinge, that they might vnderstonde the scriptures,
John 2:22
22 Now wha he was rysen agayne from the deed, his disciples remembred that he thus sayde, and they beleued the scripture, and the wordes which Iesus spake.
John 7:39
39 (But this spake he of the sprete, which they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.)
John 12:23
23 Iesus answered the, and sayde: The houre is come, that the sonne of man must be glorified.
John 13:31-32
John 14:26
26 But that comforter euen ye holy goost, who my father shal sende in my name, he shal teache you all thinges, & bringe all to youre remembraunce, what soeuer I haue tolde you.
John 16:4
4 But these thinges haue I sayde vnto you, that whan the tyme cometh ye maye thynke theron, that I tolde you. But these thinges haue I not sayde vnto you from the begynnynge: For I was with you.
John 17:5
5 And now glorifye me thou father by thine awne self, with ye glory which I had or euer the worlde was.
Acts 2:33
33 Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare.
Acts 2:36
36 So therfore let all the house of Israel knowe for a suertye, yt God hath made this same Iesus (whom ye haue crucified) LORDE and Christ.
Acts 3:13
13 The God of Abraham and of Isaac, and of Iacob, ye God of oure fathers hath glorifyed his childe Iesus, whom ye delyuered and denyed in the presence of Pilate, whan he had iudged him to be lowsed.
Hebrews 8:1
1 Of the thinges which we haue spoken, this is the pyth: We haue soch an hye prest, that is set on ye righte hande of the seate of maiestie in heaue:
Hebrews 12:2
2 lokynge vnto Iesus ye auctor and fynissher of faith: which whan the ioye was layed before him, abode the crosse, and despysed the shame, and is set downe on ye righte hade of ye trone of God.