Jeremiah 8:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 The Storke knoweth his apoynted tyme, the Turtledoue, ye Swalow and the Crane, cosidre the tyme of their trauayle: but my people will not knowe the tyme of the punyshment of the LORDE.

Proverbs 6:6-8

6 Go to the Emmet (thou slogarde) cosidre hir wayes, & lerne to be wyse. 7 She hath no gyde, no teacher, no leder: 8 yet in the sommer she prouideth hir meate, & gathereth hir foode together i ye haruest.

Song of Songs 2:12

12 The floures are come vp in the felde, the twystinge tyme is come, the voyce of the turtle doue is herde in oure londe.

Isaiah 1:3

3 An oxe knoweth his LORDE, and an Asse his masters stall, but Israel knoweth nothinge, my people hath no vnderstondinge.

Isaiah 5:12

12 In whose companies are harpes and lutes, tabrettes and pipes, and wyne. But they regarde not the worke of the LORDE, and cosidre not the operacio of his hondes.

Jeremiah 5:4-5

4 Therfore I thought in my self: peraduenture they are so symple and folish, that they vnderstonde nothinge of the LORDES waye, and iudgmentes of oure God. 5 Therfore will I go vnto their heades and rulers, and talke with them: yf they knowe the waye of the LORDE, and the iudgmetes of oure God. But these (in like maner) haue broken the yock, and bursten the bondes in sonder.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.