Jeremiah 5:28 Cross References - Coverdale

28 herof are they fat and welthy, and are runne awaye fro me with shamefull blasphemies. They ministre not the lawe, they make no ende of the fatherlesses cause, they iudge not the poore acordinge to equite.

Deuteronomy 32:15

15 And whan he was fat and had ynough, he waxed wanton. He is fat, and thicke, and smothe, & hath letten God go, that made him, and despysed the rocke of his saluacion.

Job 12:6

6 The houses of robbers are in wealth and prosperite, & they that maliciously medle agaynst God, dwel without care: yee God geueth all thinges richely with his honde.

Job 15:27-28

27 where as he couereth his face with fatnesse, and maketh his body well lykynge. 28 Therfore shall his dwellynge be in desolate cities, & in houses which no ma inhabiteth, but are become heapes of stones.

Job 21:23-24

23 One dyeth now when he is mightie & at his best, rich and in prosperite: 24 euen when his bowels are at the fattest, and his bones full of mary.

Job 29:12-14

12 For I delyuered ye poore whe he cried, & the fatherlesse yt wanted helpe. 13 He yt shulde haue bene lost, gaue me a good worde, & ye widdowes hert praised me. 14 And why? I put vpon me rightuousnes, which couered me as a garmet, & equite was my crowne.

Psalms 72:4

4 He shal kepe the symple folke by their right, defende the childre of the poore, and punysh the wrongeous doer.

Psalms 73:6-7

6 And this is the cause that they be so puft vp in pryde, & ouerwhelmed with cruelte and vnrigthuousnesse. 7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, they do euen what they lyst.

Psalms 73:12

12 Lo, these are the vngodly, these prospere in the worlde, these haue riches in possession.

Psalms 82:2-4

2 How longe wil ye geue wroge iudgment, & accepte the personnes of the vngodly? 3 Sela. Defende the poore & fatherlesse, se that soch as be in nede & necessite haue right. 4 Delyuer the outcaste & poore, & saue hym from the hande of the vngodly.

Psalms 119:70

70 Their herte is as fat as brawne, but my delite is in thy lawe.

Isaiah 1:23

23 Thy prynces are traytours and companyons of theues. They loue giftes altogether, and folowe rewardes. As for the fatherles, they helpe him not to his right, nether wil they let the wydowes causes come before them.

Jeremiah 2:33

33 Why boostest thou thy wayes so hylie, (to optayne fauoure there thorow) when thou hast yet stained them wt blasphemies?

Jeremiah 7:6

6 yf ye wil not oppresse the straunger, the fatherles & the wyddowe: yf ye will not shed innocent bloude in this place: yf ye wil not cleue to strauge goddes to youre owne destruction:

Jeremiah 12:1

1 O Lorde, thou art more rightuous, then that I shulde dispute with the: Neuertheles, let me talke with the in thinges reasonable. How happeneth it, that the waye off the vngodly is so prosperous? and that it goeth so wel with them, which (with out eny shame) offede and lyue in wickednesse?

Jeremiah 22:15-19

15 Thinkest thou to reigne, now that thou prouokest me to wrath with yi Cedre trees? Dyd not thy father eate and drynke, and prospere well, as loge as he dealt with equite ad rightuousnesse? 16 Yee when he helped ye oppressed and poore to their right, then prospered he well. From whence came this, but only because he had me before his eyes? saieth the LORDE. 17 Neuertheles, as for thine eyes and thine herte, they loke vpon covetousnesse, to shed innocent bloude, to do wronge and violence. 18 And therfore, thus saieth the LORDE agaynst Ioachim, ye sonne of Iosias kynge of Iuda: They shall not mourne for him (as they vse to do) alas brother, alas syster: Nether shall they saye vnto him: Alas syr, alas for that noble prynce. 19 But as an Asse shall he be buried, corrupte and be cast without the gates of Ierusalem.

Ezekiel 5:6-7

6 but she hath despised my iudgmetes more then ye Gentiles the selues, and broken my comaundementes more then the nacions, that lye rounde aboute her: For they haue cast out myne ordinaunces, and not walked in my lawes. 7 Therfore, thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as ye wt youre wickednesse farre exceade the Heithe, that dwell rounde aboute you: (For ye haue not walked in my lawes, nether haue ye kepte myne ordinauces)

Ezekiel 16:47-52

47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, ner done after their abhominacions: But in all thy wayes thou hast bene more corrupte then they. 48 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: Sodoma thy sister with hir doughters, hath not done so euel, as thou and thy doughters. 49 Beholde, the synnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, abundaunce and Idilnesse: these thinges had she and hir doughters. Besydes that, they reached not their honde to the poore and nedy, 50 but were proude, and dyd abhominable thinges before me: therfore I toke them awaye, when I had sene it. 51 Nether hath Samaria done half of thy synnes, yee thou hast exceaded them in wickednesse: In so moch that in comparison of all the abhominacions which thou hast done, thou hast made thy sisters good women. 52 Therfore beare thine owne shame, thou that in synne hast ouercome thy sisters: seinge thou hast done so abhominably, that they were better then thou. Be ashamed therfore (I saye) and beare thine owne confucion, thou that makest thy sisters good women.

Amos 4:1

1 Heare this worde, o ye fat kyne, that be vpon the hill of Samaria: ye that do poore me wronge, and oppresse the nedy: ye that saye to youre lordes: brynge hyther, let vs drynke.

Zechariah 7:10

10 Do the wyddowe, the fatherlesse, the straunger, and poore no wronge: and let no man ymagen euell agaynst his brother in his hert.

1 Corinthians 5:1

1 There goeth a commen reporte, that there is whordome amoge you, and soch whordome, as is not once named amoge the Heythen, that one shulde haue his fathers wife.

James 5:4-5

4 Beholde, the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of the which haue reped, are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth. 5 Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earth and in wantannes. Ye haue norysshed youre hertes, as in a daye of slaughter.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.