Jeremiah 31:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 Heare the worde of the LORDE (o ye Gentiles) preach in the Iles, that lie farre of, and saye: he that hath scatred Israel, shall gather him together agayne, and shall kepe him as a shepherde doth his flocke.

Genesis 10:5

5 Of these are deuided the Iles of ye Heithen in their countrees, euery one after his speach, kynred and people.

Deuteronomy 30:4

4 And though thou werest thrust out vnto the vttemost partes of the heauen, yet shall the LORDE thy God gather the from thence, and from thece shal he fetch the,

Deuteronomy 32:26

26 I wyll saye: Where are they? I shall make their remembraunce to ceasse from amonge men.

Psalms 72:10

10 The kynges of the see and of the Iles shal brynge presentes, ye kinges of Araby & Saba shall offre giftes.

Isaiah 24:14

14 And those same (that remayne) shal lift vp their voyce, and be glad, & shal magnifie the glory of the LORDE, euen from the see,

Isaiah 27:12

12 In yt tyme shal ye LORDE shute from ye swifte water of Euphrates, vnto ye ryuer of Egipte. And there shal the children be chosen out one by one.

Isaiah 40:11

11 He shal fede his flock like an hirdman. He shal gather the lambes together with his arme, and carie them in his bosome, & shal kindly intreate those that beare yonge.

Isaiah 41:1

1 Be still (ye Ilondes) and herken vnto me. Be stronge ye people, Come hither, and shew youre cause, we will go to the lawe together.

Isaiah 42:4

4 He shal nether be ouersene ner haistie, that he maye restore rightuousnesse vnto the earth: & the Getiles also shal kepe his lawes.

Isaiah 42:10

10 Synge therfore vnto the LORDE, a new songe of thakes geuynge, blow out his prayse vnto the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, & all that is therin, prayse him, the Iles & they that dwel in them.

Isaiah 54:7

7 A litle while haue I forsaken the, but wt greate mercifulnes shal I take the vp vnto me.

Isaiah 60:9

9 The Iles also shal gather the vnto me, and specially the shippes of ye see: that they maye bringe the sonnes from farre, and their syluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the LORDE thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorified the.

Isaiah 66:19

19 Vnto them shal I geue a toke, and sende certayne of the (that be delyuered) amonge the Gentiles: in to Celicia, Africa and Lidia (where men can handle bowes) into Italie also and Grekelonde. The Iles farre of, that haue not herde speake of me, & haue not sene my glory: shal preach my prayse amonge the Gentiles,

Jeremiah 25:22

22 all the kinges of Tirus & Sidon: the kinges of the Iles, that are beyonde the see:

Jeremiah 50:17

17 Israel is a scatred flocke, the Lyons haue dispersed them. First the kinge of the Assirians deuoured them, last of all this Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon hath brussed all their bones.

Jeremiah 50:19

19 and will bringe Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture, that he maye fede vpon Charmel & Basan, and be satisfied vpon the mount of Ephraim & Galaad.

Ezekiel 5:2

2 And burne the thirde parte therof in the fyre in the myddest off the cite, and cut the other thirde parte in peces with a knyfe. As for the thirde parte that remayneth, cast it in the wynde, and then shewe the bare knyfe.

Ezekiel 5:10

10 For in the the fathers shal be fayne to eate their owne sonnes, and the sonnes their owne fathers. Soch a courte will I kepe in the, and the whole remnaunt will I scatre in to all the wyndes.

Ezekiel 11:16

16 Therfore tell them, thus saieth the LORDE God: I wil sende you farre of amoge the Gentiles, & scatre you amonge the nacions, & I wil halowe you but a litle, in the londes where ye shall come.

Ezekiel 20:34

34 & wil bringe you out of the nacions and londes, wherin ye are scatred: and gather you together with a mightie hode, with a stretchedout arme & wt indignacion poured out vpon you:

Ezekiel 34:12

12 Like as a shepherde amoge the flocke seketh after the shepe that are scatred abrode, euen so will I seke after my shepe, and gather them together out off all places, where they haue bene scatred in the cloudy and darcke daye.

Ezekiel 37:24

24 Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their kinge, & they all shal haue one shepherde only. They shal walke in my lawes, and my commaundementes shalt they both kepe & fulfill.

Micah 2:12

12 But I will gather the indede (o Iacob) and dryue the remnaunt off Israel all together. I shall cary them one with another, as a flocke in the folde, and as the catell in their stalles, that they maye be disquieted of other men.

Micah 4:6

6 At the same tyme (sayeth the LORDE) will I gather vp the lame and the outcastes, and soch as I haue chastened:

Micah 5:4

4 He shal stonde fast, and geue fode in the strength of the LORDE, and in the victory of the name of ye LORDE his God: and when they be conuerted, he shall be magnified vnto the farthest partes of the worlde.

Zephaniah 2:11

11 The LORDE shall be grymme vpon them, and destroye all the goddes in the londe. And all the Iles of the Heithen shal worshipe him, euery man in his place.

Zephaniah 3:19

19 And lo, in yt tyme wil I destroye all those that vexe the: I wil helpe the lame, and gather vp the cast awaye: yee I wil get them honoure and prayse in all lodes, where they haue bene put to shame.

Zechariah 9:16

16 The LORDE their God shal delyuer the in ye daye, as the flock off his people: for the stones off his Sanctuary shalbe set vp in his lade.

Luke 12:32

32 Feare not thou litle flocke, for it is youre fathers pleasure to geue you the kyngdome.

John 10:27

27 My shepe heare my voyce, & I knowe the, & they folowe me.

John 11:52

52 and not for the people onely, but that he shulde gather together the children of God, which were scatered abrode:

Acts 20:28-29

28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude. 29 For this I knowe, that after my departinge there shal enter in amonge you greuous wolues, which shal not spare the flocke.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.