Jeremiah 2:20 Cross References - Coverdale

20 I haue euer broken thy yock of olde, & bursten thy bondes: yet saiest thou, I wil nomore serue, but (like an harlot) thou runnest aboute vpon all hie hilles, & amonge all grene trees:

Exodus 3:8

8 and am come downe to delyuer them from the power of the Egipcians, and to carye them out of that lode, in to a good and wyde londe, euen in to a londe that floweth with mylke and hony: namely, vnto the place of the Cananites, Hethites, Amorites, Pheresites, Heuytes & Iebusites.

Exodus 19:8

8 And all the people answered together, and sayde: All that the LORDE hath sayde, wyll we do. And Moses tolde the wordes of the people vnto the LORDE agayne.

Exodus 24:3

3 Moses came and tolde the people all the wordes of the LORDE, & all the lawes. Then answered all the people with one voyce, and sayde: All ye wordes that the LORDE hath sayde, wyl we do.

Exodus 34:14-16

14 for thou shalt worshipe no other god. For ye LORDE is called gelous, because he is a gelous God: 15 lest (yf thou make any agrement with the indwellers of the londe, and whan they go a whoringe after their goddes, and do sacrifice vnto their goddes) they call ye, and thou eate of their sacrifice, 16 and lest thou take of their doughters vnto thy sonnes to wyues, and the same go a whoringe after their goddes,

Leviticus 26:13

13 For I am the LORDE youre God, which brought you out of the londe of Egipte, that ye shulde not be their bondmen. And I haue broke the cepter of youre yocke, and caused you to go vp right.

Deuteronomy 4:20

20 But you hath the LORDE taken, and broughte you out of the yron fornace, namely, out of Egipte, that ye shulde be the people of his enheritaunce, as it is come to passe this daye.

Deuteronomy 4:34

34 Or whether God assaied to go & take vnto him a people out of ye myddes of a nacion, thorow tentacions, thorow tokens, thorow wonders, thorow warre, & thorow a mightie hande, & thorow a stretched out arme, and thorow greate visios, acordinge vnto all as the LORDE youre God hath done with you in Egipte before thine eyes.

Deuteronomy 5:27

27 Go thou and heare all yt the LORDE oure God sayeth, and tell us. All yt the LORDE sayeth vnto the, that will we heare and do.

Deuteronomy 12:2

2 Destroye all the places, wherin ye Heithen (who ye shal conquere) haue serued their goddes, whether it be vpo hye mountaynes, vpo hilles, or amonge grene trees.

Deuteronomy 15:15

15 And remembre that thou also wast a seruaunte in the lode of Egipte, and how that the LORDE thy God delyuered the, therfore commaunde I the this thinge to daye.

Deuteronomy 26:17

17 The same daye maydest thou a promysse vnto the LORDE, that he shulde be thy God, and yt thou woldest walke in all his wayes, and kepe his ordynaunces, his commaundementes, and his lawes, and to herken vnto his voyce.

Joshua 1:16

16 And they answered Iosua and sayde: All that thou hast commaunded vs, wyll we do: and whither so euer thou sendest vs, we wyl go thither.

Joshua 24:24

24 And the people sayde vnto Iosua: We wyll serue the LORDE oure God, and be obedient vnto his voyce.

Joshua 24:26

26 And Iosua wrote this acte in the boke of the lawe of God, and toke a greate stone, & set it vp there vnder an oke, which was in ye Sanctuary of ye LORDE,

1 Samuel 12:10

10 But they cried vnto the LORDE, and sayde: We haue synned, in that we haue forsaken the LORDE, and serued Baalim and Astaroth. But now deliuer vs from the hande of oure enemies, and we wyl serue the.

1 Kings 12:32

32 And vpon the fiftene daye of the eighte moneth he made an holy daye, like as the solempne feast in Iuda, and offered vpon the altare. Thus dyd he at Bethel, in doynge sacrifice vnto the calues which he had made,and at Bethel he ordeyned the prestes of the hye places that he had made:

Psalms 78:58

58 But turned their backes and fell awaye like their forefathers, startinge asyde like a broken bowe.

Isaiah 1:21

21 How happeneth it then that the rightuous citie (which was full of equite) is become vnfaithfull as an whore? rightuousnes dwelt in it, but now murthur.

Isaiah 9:4

4 For thou shalt breake the yocke of the peoples burthen: the staff of hys shulder, and the rod of his oppressoure, as in ye daye at Madia.

Isaiah 10:27

27 Then shal his burthen be taken from thy shulders, and his yock from thy neck, yee the same yock shal corrupte for very fatnesse.

Isaiah 14:25

25 The Assirians shalbe destroyed in my londe, and vpon my mountaytaines wyll I treade them vnder fote. Wherthorow his yocke shall come from you, & his burthen shalbe taken from youre shulders.

Isaiah 57:5-7

5 Ye take youre pleasure vnder the okes, & vnder all grene trees, the childe beynge slayne in the valleys, & dennes of stone. 6 Thy parte shalbe with the stony rockes by the ryuer: Yee euen these shal be thy parte. For there thou hast poured meat and drynkoffringes vnto the. Shulde I ouersee that? 7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon hie mountaynes, thou wentest vp thither, and there hast thou slayne sacrifices.

Jeremiah 3:1-2

1 Comonly, when a man putteth awaye his wife, and she goeth from him, and marieth with another, then the question is: shulde he resorte vnto her eny more after that? Is not this felde then defyled and vnclene? But as for the, thou hast played the harlot with many louers, yet turne agayne to me, saieth the LORDE. 2 Lift vp thine eyes on euery syde, and loke, yf thou be not defyled. Thou hast waited for them in the stretes, and as a murtherer in the wildernesse. Thorow thy whordome and shamefull blasphemies, is the londe defyled.

Jeremiah 3:6-8

6 The LORDE sayde also vnto me, in the tyme of Iosias the kinge: Hast thou sene what that shrekinge Israel hath done? how she hath runne vp vpon all hie hilles, and amonge all thick trees, and there played the harlot? 7 hast thou sene also, (when she had done all this) how I sayde vnto her: that she shulde turne agayne vnto me, and yet she is not returned? Iuda that vnfaithfull sister of hirs also sawe this: 8 Namely, that affter I had well sene the aduoutrye of the shrenkinge harlot Israel, I put her awaye, and gaue her a byll of deuorcement. For all this, hir vnfaithfull sister Iuda was not ashamed, but wente backe and played the whore also.

Jeremiah 17:2

2 yt youre children also maye thynke vpon youre aulters, woddes, thicke trees, hie hilles, mountaynes & feldes.

Jeremiah 30:8

8 For in that daye, saieth the LORDE, I will take his yock from of thy neck, & breake thy bondes. They shall nomore serue straunge goddes vnder him,

Ezekiel 16:15-16

15 But thou hast put confidece in thine owne beuty, & played the harlot, when thou haddest gotten the a name. Thou hast committed whordome, with all that wente by the, & hast fulfilled their desyres: 16 Yee thou hast taken thy garmetes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thine aulters therwith, where vpon thou mightest fulfill thine whordome, of soch a fashion, as neuer was done, ner shalbe.

Ezekiel 16:24-25

24 thou hast buylded thy stewes and brodel houses in euery place: yee at the heade of euery strete 25 hast thou buylded the an aulter. Thou hast made thy beuty to be abhorred: thou hast layed out thy legges to euery one that came by, and multiplied thine whordome.

Ezekiel 16:28

28 Thou hast played the whore also with the Assirians, which might not satisfie the: Yee thou hast played the harlot, & not had ynough.

Ezekiel 16:31

31 buyldinge thy stewes at the heade of euery strete, and thy brodel houses in all places? Thou hast not bene as an other whore, yt maketh booste of hir wynnynge:

Ezekiel 16:41

41 They shall burne vp thy houses, and punysh the in the sight of many wome. Thus wil I make thy whordome to ceasse, so that thou shalt geue out no mo rewardes.

Ezekiel 20:28

28 For after I had brought them in to the londe, yt I promysed to geue them, when they sawe euery hie hill & all the thicke trees: they made there their offringes, and prouoked me with their oblacions, makinge swete sauoures there, & poured out their drinkeofferinges.

Ezekiel 23:5

5 As for Oola, she beganne to go a whorynge, when I had take her to me. She was set on fyre vpon hir louers the Assirians,

Hosea 2:5

5 Their mother hath broken hir wedlocke, and she that bare them, is come to cofucion. For she sayde: I wil go after my louers, that geue me my water and my bred, my woll & my flax, my oyle and my drynke.

Hosea 3:3

3 & sayde vnto her: Thou shalt byde with me a longe season, but se that thou playest not the harlot, and loke thou medle with none other man, & then wil I kepe my self for the.

Nahum 1:13

13 And now wil I breake his rodde from thy backe, and burst thy bondes in sonder.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.