16 that when they haue dronke there of, they maye be madd, & out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wil sende amoge them.
Jeremiah 25:16 Cross References - Coverdale
Jeremiah 25:27
27 And saye thou vnto them: this is the commaundement of the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: drinke and be droncken, spewe, and fall, that ye neuer ryse: and that thorow the swearde, which I wil sende amonge you.
Jeremiah 51:7
7 Babilon hath bene in the LORDES honde a golden cuppe, yt maketh all londes droncken. Of hir wyne haue all people droncken, therfore are they out of their wittes.
Jeremiah 51:39
39 In their heate I shal set drynke before the, & they shalbe droncken for ioye: Then shal they slepe an euerlastinge slepe, & neuer wake, saieth the LORDE.
Lamentations 3:15
15 He hath fylled me with bytternesse, & geuen me wormwod to drynke.
Lamentations 4:21
21 And thou (O doughter Edom) that dwellest in the londe of Hus, be glad and reioyce: for the cuppe shal come vnto the also, which whe thou suppest of, thou shalt be droncke.
Ezekiel 23:32-34
32 Thus saieth the LORDE God: Thou shalt drynke off thy sisters cuppe, how depe & farre so euer it be to the botome. Thou shalt be laughed to scorne, and had as greatly in derision, as is possible.
33 Thou shalt be full off dronckennes and sorowe, for the cuppe of yi sister Samaria is a cuppe of destruccion & waistinge:
34 the same shalt thou drynke, and suppe it out eue to ye dregges, yee thou shalt eate vp the broken peces off it, and so teare thine owne brestes: For euen I haue spoken it, saieth the LORDE God.
Nahum 3:11
11 Euen so shalt thou also be droncken, and hyde thy self, and seke some helpe agaynst thine enemy.
Revelation 14:8
8 And there folowed another angell, sayenge: She is fallen, she is fallen: eue Babilon that greate cite, for she made all nacions drynke off the wyne off hyr whordome.
Revelation 14:10
10 the same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre and brymstone, before the holy Angels, and before the lambe.
Revelation 16:9-11
9 And the men raged in gret heate, and spake euell of the name of God, which had power ouer those plages, and they repented not, to geue him glory.
10 And the fifte angell poured out his vyall vpon the seate of the beest, and his kyngdome wexed derke, and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe,
11 and blasphemed the God of heaue for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes.
Revelation 18:3
3 for all nacios haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whordome. And the kynges of the earth haue committed fornicacion with her, and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundaunce of her pleasures.