Jeremiah 1:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 and this daye do I set the ouer the people and kingdomes: that thou mayest rote out, breake of, destroye, and make waist: and that thou mayest buylde vp, and plate.

1 Kings 17:1

1 And Elias ye The?bite one of the inhabiters of Gilead, saide vnto Achab: As truly as the LORDE God of Israel lyueth, whose seruaunt I am, there shal nether rayne ner dew come this yeare, excepte I speake it.

1 Kings 19:17

17 And it shal come to passe, yt, who so escapeth the swerde of Hasael, Iehu shall slaye him, & who so escapeth ye swerde of Iehu, Eliseus shal slaye him.

Isaiah 44:26-28

26 But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfil the councel of my messaugers. I saye to Ierusale: turne agayne: And to the cities of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places. 27 I saye to the grounde: be drie. And I drie vp thy water floudes. 28 I saye to Cirus: thou art myne hyrd man, so that he shal fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, and to the teple: be thou fast grounded.

Jeremiah 18:7-10

7 When I take in honde to rote out, to destroye, or to waist awaye eny people or kigdome: 8 yff that people (agaynst whom I haue thus deuysed) couerte from their wickednes: Immediatly, I repente off the plage, that I deuysed to bringe vpon the. 9 Agayne: Whe I take in honde, to buylde, or to plante a people or a kingdome: 10 yff the same people do euell before me, and heare not my voyce: Immediatly, I repente of the good, that I deuysed to do for them.

Jeremiah 24:6

6 and I will set myne eyes vpon them for the best, for I will bringe them agayne in to this londe: I will buylde them vp, and not breake them downe: I will plante them, and not rote them out.

Jeremiah 25:15-27

15 For thus hath the LORDE God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my honde, that thou mayest cause all the people (to whom I sende the) for to drinke of it: 16 that when they haue dronke there of, they maye be madd, & out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wil sende amoge them. 17 Then toke I the cuppe from the LORDES honde, & made all the people drynke there of, vnto whom the LORDE had sent me. 18 But first the cite of Ierusalem, & all the cities of Iuda, their kinges & prynces: to make the desolate, waist, despysed & cursed, acordinge as it is come to passe this daye. 19 Yee & Pharao ye kinge of Egipte, his seruauntes, his prynces & his people altogether one wt another 20 and all kinges of the londe of Hus, all kinges of the Philistynes londe, Ascalon, Gaza, Accaron & the remnaunt of A?dod, 21 the Edomites, the Moabites & the Ammonites: 22 all the kinges of Tirus & Sidon: the kinges of the Iles, that are beyonde the see: 23 Dedan, Thema, Buz & the shauen Ismaelites: 24 all the kinges of Araby, & (generally) all the kinges that dwell in the deserte: 25 all the kinges of Simri, all the kinges of Elam, all ye kinges of the Meedes, 26 all kinges towarde the north (whether they be farre or nye) euery one with his neghbours: Yee and all the kingdomes that are vpon the whole earth. The kinge of Sesach (sayde he) shal drinke with them also. 27 And saye thou vnto them: this is the commaundement of the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: drinke and be droncken, spewe, and fall, that ye neuer ryse: and that thorow the swearde, which I wil sende amonge you.

Jeremiah 27:2-7

2 Make the bondes & chaynes, and put them aboute thy neck, 3 & sende the to the kinge of Edom, the kinge of Moab, the kinge of Amon, the kinge of Tirus, & to the kinge of Sidon: & that by the messaungers, which shal come to Ierusalem vnto Sedechias the kinge of Iuda, 4 and byd them saye vnto their masters: Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel, speake thus vnto yor masters: 5 I am he that made the earth, the men & ye catell that are vpon the grounde, with my greate power & outstretched arme, & haue geuen it vnto whom it pleased me. 6 And now will I delyuer all these londes in to the power of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon my seruaunt. The beestes also of the felde shal I geue him to do him seruyce. 7 And all people shal serue him, & his sonne, and his childes children, vntil the tyme of the same lode be come also: Yee many people & greate kinges shal serue him.

Jeremiah 31:4-5

4 I will repayre the agayne (o thou doughter of Israel) that thou mayest be fast and sure. Thou shalt take thy tabrettes agayne, & go forth with them, that lede the daunce. 5 Thou shalt plante vynes agayne vpon ye hilles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plante, and synge.

Jeremiah 31:28

28 Yee it shall come therto, that like as I haue gone aboute in tymes past to rote them out, to scatre them, to breake them downe, to destroye them and chaste them: Euen so will I also go diligently aboute, to buylde them vp agayne, and to plante them, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 46:1-28

1 Here folowe the wordes off the LORDE to the prophet Ieremy, which he spake vnto the Gentiles. 2 These wordes folowinge preached he to the Egipcias concernynge the hoost off Pharao Necho kynge off Egipte, when he was in Charcamis besyde the water off Euphrates: what tyme as Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon slewe him, In the fourth yeare off Ioachim the sonne off Iosias kynge off Iuda. 3 Ye make redy buckler and shylde, ye go forth to fight: 4 Yee harnesse youre horses, & set youre selues vpon them: Ye set youre salettes fast on, ye bringe forth speares, ye scoure youre sweardes, & put on youre brest plates. 5 But alas, how happeneth it, that I se you so afrayed? why shrecke ye backe? where fore are youre worthies slayne? Yee they runne so fast awaye, that none off them loketh behynde him. Fearfulnesse is fallen vpon euerychone off them, saieth the LORDE. 6 The lightest off fote shall not fle awaye, and the worthies shall not escape. Towarde the north by the water of Euphrates they shall stomble and fall. 7 But what is he this, that swelleth vp, as it were a floude, roaringe & raginge like the streames off water? 8 It is Egipte that ryseth vp like the floude, and casteth out the waters with so greate noyse. For they saye: We will go vp, and will couer the earth: we wil destroye ye cities, with them that dwell therin. 9 Get you to horse backe, roll forth ye Charettes, come forth ye worthies: ye Morians, ye Libeans with youre buclers, ye Lideans with youre bowes: 10 So shall this daye be vnto the LORDE God of hoostes, a daye of vegeaunce, that he maye avege him of his enemies. The swearde shal deuoure, it shalbe satisfied and bated in their bloude: For the LORDE God off hoostes shall haue a slayneoffringe towarde the North, by the water of Euphrates. 11 Go vp (o Galaad) & bringe triacle vnto the doughter off Egipte: But in vayne shalt thou go to surgery, for thy wounde shall not be stopped. 12 The Heithen shall heare off thy shame, and the londe shalbe full of thy confucion: for one stronge man shall stomble vpon another, how then shulde they not fall both together? 13 These are the wordes that the LORDE spake to the prophet Ieremy, concernyge ye hoost of Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon, which was to destroye the londe off Egipte: 14 Preach out thorow the londe of Egipte, and cause it be proclamed at Migdal, Memphis and Taphnis, and saye: Stonde still, make the redie, for the swearde shal consume the rounde aboute. 15 How happeneth it that thy mightie worthies are fallen? why stode they not fast? Euen because the LORDE thrust them downe. 16 The slaughter was greate, for one fell euer still vpon another. One cried vpon another: Vp, let vs go agayne to oure owne people, and to oure owne naturall countre, from the swearde of oure enemie. 17 Crie euen there: O Pharao kynge of Egipte, the tyme will bringe sedicion. 18 As truly as I lyue (saieth the kynge, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes) it shall come as ye mount of Thabor, and as Libanus yf it stode in the see. 19 O thou doughter of Egipte, make redy thy geer to flyt. For Memphis shalbe voyde and desolate, so that no ma shal dwell therin. 20 The londe of Egipte is like a goodly fayre calfe, but one shall come out of the north to dryue her forwarde. 21 Hir wagied souldyers that be with her, are like fat calues. They also shall fle awaye together, and not abyde: for the daye off their slaughter and the tyme of their visitacion shall come vpon them. 22 The crie off their enemies shall make a noyse, as the blast of a trompet. For they shall entre in with their hooste, and come wt axes, as it were hewers downe of wod. 23 And they shall cut downe hir wod (saieth the LORDE) with out eny discrecion. For they shal be mo in nobre then the greshoppers, so that no man shalbe able to tell the. 24 The doughter of Egipte shalbe confouded. whe she shalbe delyuered in to the hondes off the people off the north. 25 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: Beholde I will vyset that restlesse people off Alexandria, Pharao and Egipte, yee both their goddes and their kynges: euen Pharao, and all them yt litten vnto him. 26 Yee I will delyuer them in to the hondes off those, that seke after their lyues: Namely, in to the power off Nabuchodonosor the kynge off Babilon, and in to the power off his seruautes. And after all these thinges, it shalbe inhabited as afore tyme, saieth the LORDE 27 But be not thou afrayed (o my seruaunt Iacob) feare not thou, o Israel. For lo, I wil helpe the from farre, and thy sede from the londe of thy captiuyte. Iacob also shall come agayne, and be in rest: he shall be rich, and no man shall do him harme. 28 Feare thou not (o Iacob my seruaunt) saieth the LORDE, for I am with the: and will destroye all nacions, amonge whom I haue scatred the. Neuertheles I will not consume the, but chasten the and correcke the: yee and that with discrecion: nether wil I spare the, as one that were fautlesse.

Ezekiel 32:18

18 Thou sonne of man. Take vp a lamentacion vpon the people of Egipte, and cast them downe, yee ad the mightie people of the Heithe also, euen with the that dwell beneth: and with them that go downe in to the graue.

Ezekiel 36:36

36 Then the residue of the Heithen that lye rounde aboute you, shal knowe, that I am the LORDE, which repayre that was broken downe, and plante agayne, that was made waist. Euen I the LORDE haue spoken it, & wil do it in dede.

Ezekiel 43:3

3 His sight to loke vpon was like the first, that I sawe, when I wente in, what tyme as the cite shulde haue bene destroyed: and like the vision that I sawe by the water of Cobar. Then fell I vpon my face,

Amos 3:7

7 Now doth the LORDE God no maner of thinge, but he telleth his secrete before vnto his seruauntes ye prophetes.

Amos 9:11

11 At that tyme wil I buylde agayne the tabernacle off Dauid, that is fallen downe, and hedge vp his gappes: and loke what is broke, I shal repayre it: Yee I shal buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme,

Zechariah 1:6

6 But dyd not my wordes & statutes (which I comaunded by my seruauntes ye prophetes) touch yor forefathers? Vpo this, they gaue answere & sayde: like as ye LORDE of hoostes deuysed to do vnto vs, acordinge to or owne wayes & ymaginacions, euen so hath he dealte with vs.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

4 For the wapens of oure warre are not fleshly, but mightie before God to cast downe stroge holdes, 5 wherwith we ouerthrowe ymaginacions, & euery hye thinge yt exalteth it selfe agaynst the knowlege of God, and brynge in to captiuyte all vnderstondinge to the obedience of Christ,

Revelation 11:3-6

3 And I wil geue power vnto my two wytnesses, and they shal prophesy .M.ijc. and lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth. 4 These are two olyue trees, and two candelstyckes, stondinge before the God of the earth. 5 And if eny man wil hurt them, fyre shal procede out of their mouthes, and consume their enemyes. And yf eny ma wil hurt the, this wyse muste he be kylled. 6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and haue power ouer waters, to turne them to bloud, and to smyte the earth with all maner plages, as often as they will.

Revelation 19:19-21

19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers. 20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone: 21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse, which swearde proceded out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled with their flesshe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.