12 But they saye: No more of this, we will folowe oure owne ymaginacions, and do euery ma acordinge to the wilfulnesse of his owne mynde.
Jeremiah 18:12 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 6:5
5 But whan the LORDE sawe yt the wickednes of man was increased vpon ye earth, and that all ye thought and imaginacion of their hert was but onely euell contynually,
Genesis 8:21
21 And ye LORDE smelled the swete sauor, & sayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curse the earth nomore for mas sake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hece forth I wil nomore smyte all that lyueth, as I haue done.
Deuteronomy 29:19
19 so that though he heare the wordes of this curse, he blesse him selfe yet in his hert, and saye: Tush, it shal not be so euell. I wil walke after the meanynge of myne awne hert, that the dronken maye perishe with the thyrstie.
2 Kings 6:33
33 Whyle he was thus talkynge wt them, beholde, ye messaunger came to him, & sayde: Beholde, this euell cometh of ye LORDE, and what more shal I loke for of the LORDE?
Isaiah 57:10
10 Thou hast had trouble for ye multitude of thyne owne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer: I wil leaue of. Thou thinkest to haue life (or health) of thy self, and therfore thou beleuest not that thou art sick.
Jeremiah 2:25
25 Thou kepest thy fote from nakednes, and thy throte from thurste, and thinkest thus in thy self: tush, I wil take no sorowe, I wil loue the straunge goddes, & hange vpon them.
Jeremiah 3:17
17 Then shall Ierusalem be called the LORDES seate, and all Heithen shalbe gathered vnto it, for the name of the LORDE sake, which shalbe set vp at Ierusalem. And from that tyme forth, they shall folowe nomore the ymaginacion of their owne frauwerde herte.
Jeremiah 7:24
24 But they were not obedient, they inclyned not their eares there vnto, but went after their owne ymagynacions and after the mocions of their owne wicked herte, and so turned them selues awaye, and conuerted not vnto me.
Jeremiah 11:8
8 Neuertheles, they wolde not obeye me, nor enclyne their eares vnto me, but folowed the wicked ymaginacios of their owne hertes. And therfore haue I accused them as transgressours of all the wordes off this conuenaunt, that I gaue them to kepe, which they (notwithstodinge) haue not kepte.
Jeremiah 16:12
12 And ye wt youre shamefull blasphemies, haue exceaded the wickednes off youre fathers. For euery one off you foloweth the frawerde euel ymaginacion off his owne hert, and is not obedient vnto me.
Jeremiah 23:17
17 They saye vnto them, that despyse me: The LORDE hath spoken it: Tush, ye shal prospere right well. And vnto all them, that walke after the lust of their owne herte, they saye: Tush, there shall no my?fortune happen you.
Jeremiah 44:17
17 but what so euer goeth out of oure owne mouth, that wil we do: We will do sacrifice, and offre oblacions vnto the Quene off heauen: like as we and or forefathers, oure kynges and oure heades haue done in the cities off Iuda, and in the stretes and feldes of Ierusalem. For then had we plenteousnesse off vytales, then were we in prosperite, and no my?fortune came vpon vs.
Ezekiel 37:11
11 Morouer, he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Beholde, they saye: oure bones are dryed vp, oure hope is gone, we are clene cut of.
Mark 7:21-22
Luke 1:51
51 He sheweth strength with his arme, and scatreth them that are proude in the ymaginacion of their hert.