Jeremiah 15:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 Doth one yron hurte another, or one metall that cometh from the north, another?

Job 40:9

9 Is thine arme then like the arme of God? Maketh thy voyce soch a soude as his doth?

Isaiah 45:9

9 Wo be vnto him that chydeth wt his maker, the potsherde with the potter. Saieth ye claye to the potter: What makest thou? or, yi worke serueth for nothige?

Jeremiah 1:18-19

18 For beholde, this daye do I make the a stroge fensed towne, an yron pyler, and a wall of stele agaynst ye whole londe, agaynst the kinges and mightie men of Iuda, agaynst the prestes and people of the londe. 19 They shall fight agaynst the, but they shall not be able to ouercome the: for I am wt the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 21:4-5

4 Thus saieth the LORDE God off Israel: beholde, I will turne backe the weapens, that ye haue in youre hondes, wherwith ye fight agaynst the kinge of Babilo & the Caldees, which besege you rounde aboute ye walles: & I wil brige the together in to the myddest of this cite, 5 and I myselff will fight agaynst you, with an outstretched honde, ad with a mightie arme, in greate displeasure and terrible wrath:

Jeremiah 28:14

14 For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: I wil put a yock of yron vpon the neck of all this people, that they maye serue Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, yee & so shal they do. And I wil geue him ye beestes in the felde.

Habakkuk 1:5-10

5 Beholde amonge the Heithen, and loke wel: wondre at it, and be aba?shed: for I wil do a thinge in youre tyme, which though it be tolde you, ye shal not beleue. 6 For lo, I wil rase vp ye Caldees, that bytter and swifte people: which shal go as wyde as the londe is, to take possession of dwellinge places, that be not their owne. 7 A grymme & boysteous people is it, these shal syt in iudgment & punyshe. 8 Their horses are swifter then the cattes of the mountayne, & byte sorer then ye wolues in ye euenynge. Their horsmen come by greate heapes from farre, they fle hastely to deuor as the Aegle. 9 They come all to spoyle: out of them commeth an east wynde, which bloweth and gathereth their captyues, like as the sonde. 10 They shall mocke the kinges, and laugh the prynces to scorne. They shal not set by eny stronge holde, for they shal laye ordinaunce agaynst it, and take it.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.