14 And therfore is equyte gone asyde, & righteousnes stodeth farre of: treuth is fallen downe in the strete, and the thinge that is playne and open, maye not be shewed.
Isaiah 59:14 Cross References - Coverdale
Psalms 82:2-5
2 How longe wil ye geue wroge iudgment, & accepte the personnes of the vngodly?
3 Sela. Defende the poore & fatherlesse, se that soch as be in nede & necessite haue right.
4 Delyuer the outcaste & poore, & saue hym from the hande of the vngodly.
5 Neuertheles, they wil not be lerned & vnderstonde, but walke on still in darcknesse: therfore must all the foundacions of the londe be moued.
Ecclesiastes 3:16
16 Morouer, I sawe vnder ye Sonne, vngodlynesse in the steade of iudgment, & iniquite in steade of rightuousnesse.
Isaiah 1:21
21 How happeneth it then that the rightuous citie (which was full of equite) is become vnfaithfull as an whore? rightuousnes dwelt in it, but now murthur.
Isaiah 5:23
23 These gyue sentence with the vngodly for rewardes, but condemne the iust cause of the rightuous.
Isaiah 10:1-2
Isaiah 59:4
4 No man regardeth righteousnes, & no ma iudgeth truly Euery man hopeth in vayne thinges, and ymagineth disceate, coceaueth weerynesse, & bringeth forth euell.
Jeremiah 5:27-28
27 And like as a net is full of byrdes, so are their houses full of that, which they haue gotten with falsede and disceate. Herof cometh their greate substaunce and riches,
28 herof are they fat and welthy, and are runne awaye fro me with shamefull blasphemies. They ministre not the lawe, they make no ende of the fatherlesses cause, they iudge not the poore acordinge to equite.
Jeremiah 5:31
31 The prophetes teach falsely, and the prestes folowe them, and my people hath pleasure therin. What will come therof at the last?
Amos 5:7
7 Ye turne the lawe to wormwod, and cast downe rightuousnes vnto the grounde.
Amos 5:11
11 For so moch the as ye oppresse ye poore, and robbe him of his best sustenaunce: therfore, where as ye haue buylded houses off square stone, ye shall not dwell in them. Maruelos pleasaunt vynyardes shall ye plante, but the wyne of the shal ye not drynke: and why?
Micah 3:9-11
9 O heare this ye rulers of the house of Iacob, and ye iudges of the house off Israel: ye that abhorre the thinge that is laufull, and wraist asyde the thinge that is straight:
10 Ye that buylde vp Sion with bloude, and Ierusalem with doynge wronge.
11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for giftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre: O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the LORDE amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs.
Micah 7:3-5
3 yet they saye they do well, when they do euell. As the prince wil, so sayeth the iudge: yt he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate ma speaketh what his herte desyreth, & ye hearers alowe him.
4 The best off the is but as a thistle, and the most rightuous of them is but as a brere in the hedge But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, yt thou shalt be vysited: the shal they be waisted a waye.
5 Let no man beleue his frende, ner put his confidece in a prince. Kepe the porte of thy mouth, from her yt lieth in thy bosome:
Habakkuk 1:4
4 for the lawe is torne in peces, and there can no right iudgment go forth. And why? the vngodly is more set by then the rightuous: this is the cause, yt wronge iudgment procedeth.