3 and sayde vnto me: Thou art my seruaunt Israel, I wilbe honoured in the.
Isaiah 49:3 Cross References - Coverdale
Isaiah 42:1
1 Beholde now therfore, this is my seruaunt whom I will kepe to my self: my electe, In whom my soule shalbe pacified. I will geue him my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgment & equyte amonge the Gentiles.
Isaiah 43:21
21 This people haue I made for my self, and they shal shewe forth my prayse.
Isaiah 44:23
23 Be glad ye heauens, whom the LORDE hath made, let all yt is here beneth vpon the earth, be ioyfull. Reioyse ye mountaynes & woddes, with all the trees that are in you: for ye LORDE shal redeme Iacob, & shewe his glory vpon Israel.
Isaiah 52:13
13 Beholde, my seruaunt shal deale wysely, therfore shal he be magnified, exalted & greatly honoured.
Isaiah 53:10
10 Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde.
Zechariah 3:8
8 Heare o Iesua thou hye prest, thou & thy frendes that dwell before the, for they are woderous people. Beholde, I will bringe forth the braunch of my seruaunt:
Matthew 17:5
5 Whyle he yet spake, beholde, a bright cloude ouershadowed them: and lo, there came a voyce out of the cloude, saienge: This is my deare sonne, in whom I delyte, heare him.
Luke 2:10-14
10 And the angell sayde vnto them: Be not afrayed. Beholde, I brynge you tydiges of greate ioye, which shall happen vnto all people:
11 for vnto you this daye is borne ye Sauioure, eue Christ ye LORDE, in the cite of Dauid.
12 And take this for a token: Ye shal fynde the babe swadled, and layed in a maunger.
13 And straight waye there was by the angell a multitude of heauenly hoostes, which praysed God, and sayde:
14 Glory be vnto God an hye, & peace vpon earth, and vnto men a good wyll.
John 12:28
28 Father, glorifye thy name. Then came there a voyce from heauen: I haue glorified it, and wyl glorifye it agayne.
John 13:31-32
John 15:8
8 Herin is my father praysed, that ye brynge forth moch frute, and become my disciples.
John 17:1
1 These thinges spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, and sayde: Father, the houre is come, that thou glorifye thy sonne, that thy sonne also maye glorifye the.
John 17:4
4 I haue glorified ye vpo earth, & fynished ye worke, yt thou gauest me to do.
Ephesians 1:6
6 vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued,
Philippians 2:6-11
6 which beyinge in the shappe of God, thought it not robbery to be equall with God,
7 but made him selfe of no reputacion, and toke vpon him the shappe of a seruaunt, became like another man,
8 and was founde in his apparell as a man: he humbled himselfe, and became obedient vnto the death, euen vnto the death of the crosse.
9 Therfore hath God also exalted him, and geuen him a name, which is aboue all names,
10 that in the name of Iesus euery kne shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen of thinges vpo earth, and of thinges vnder the earth,
11 and that all tunges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the LORDE vnto the prayse of God the father.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But ye are that chosen generacion, that kyngly presthode, that holy nacion, that peculier people, yt ye shulde shewe the vertues of him, which hath called you out of darknesse in to his maruelous lighte: