Isaiah 44:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 Morouer, he goeth out to hewe downe Cedre trees: He bringeth home Elmes and okes, and other tymbre of the wodd. Or els the Fyrre trees which he planted himself, ad soch as the rayne hath swelled,

Isaiah 40:20

20 Morouer shal the ymage maker (yt the poore man which is disposed, maye haue somthinge to set vp also) seke out and chose a tre, that is not rotten, and carue ther out an ymage, yt moueth not?

Jeremiah 10:3-8

3 Yee all the customes and lawes of the Getiles are nothinge, but vanite. They hewe downe a tre in the wod with the hondes of the worke man, and fashion it with the axe: 4 they couer it ouer with golde or syluer, they fasten it wt nales and hammers, that it moue not. 5 It stodeth as stiff as the palme tre, it can nether speake ner go, but must be borne. Be not ye afrayed of soch, for they ca do nether good ner euel. 6 But there is none like vnto ye (o LORDE) thou art greate, and greate is the name of yi power. 7 Who wolde not feare the? or what kige of the Gentiles wolde not obeye the? For amonge all the wysemen of the Gentiles, and in all their kingdomes, there is none, that maye be lickened vnto the. 8 They are all together vnlerned and vnwise, All their connynge is but vanite:

Hosea 4:12

12 My people axe councel at their stockes, their staffe must tell them. For an whorish mynde hath disceaued them, so yt they comitte fornicacion agaynst their God.

Habakkuk 2:19

19 Wo vnto him, that saieth to a pece of wod: arise, and to a domme stone: stonde vp. For what instruccio maye soch one geue? Beholde, it is layed ouer with golde and syluer, & there is no breth in it.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.