Isaiah 42:25 Cross References - Coverdale

25 Therfore hath he poured vpon vs his wroothful displeasure, and stroge batell, which maketh vs haue to do on euery syde, yet will we not vnderstode: He burneth vs vp, yet syncketh it not in to oure hartes.

Leviticus 26:15-46

15 and wyl despyse my statutes, and yf youre soules refuse my lawes, yt ye wyll not do all my commaundementes, & shal let my couenaunt stonde, 16 then wyll I do this agayne vnto you. I wyl vyset you shortly with swellynges and feuers, which shal destroye ye eyes, & consume awaie ye hert. Ye shal sowe youre sede in vayne, and youre enemies shal eate it vp. 17 And I wyl set my face agaynst you, and ye shal be slayne before youre enemies. And they that hate you, shal haue dominion ouer And ye shall flye, wha no man chaseth you. 18 But yf ye wyll not herken vnto me for all this, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you for youre synnes, 19 that I maye breake ye pryde of youre strength, and wyl make youre heauen lyke yron, and youre earth as brasse: 20 and youre trauaile and labor shal be but lost, so that youre londe shall not geue hir increase, and the trees in the londe shal not brynge forth their frute. 21 Yf ye walke yet agaynst me, and wyll not harken vnto me, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you because of youre synnes: 22 & wyl sende wylde beestes amoge you, which shal robbe you, and destroie youre catell, and make you fewer, and youre hye waye shal be come waist. 23 But yf ye wyl not yet be refourmed here withall, and wyll walke contrary vnto me, 24 then wyl I walke contrary vnto you also, & wyll punysh you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes. 25 And I wyl brynge vpon you a swerde of vengeaunce, which shall auenge my Testament. And though ye gather you together in to youre cities, yet wyll I sende the pestilence amonge you, and wyll delyuer you in to the handes of youre enemies. 26 For I wil destroye youre prouysion of bred, so yt ten wemen shall bake youre bred in one ouen, and youre bred shal be delyuered out by weight. And whan ye eate, ye shall not haue ynough. 27 Yf ye wyl not yet for all this harken vnto me, & wyl walke contrary vnto me, 28 then wyll I also walke cotrary vnto you in wrathfull displeasure, and wyll punysh you seuenfolde because of youre synnes, 29 so that ye shal eate the flesh of youre sonnes and doughters. 30 And I wyl destroye youre hye altares, and rote out youre ymages, and wyll cast youre bodies vpon the bodies of youre Idols, and my soule shall abhorre you. 31 And youre cities wyll I make waist, and brynge youre churches to naught, and wyll not smell youre swete odoures. 32 Thus wyll I make the londe desolate, so that youre enemies shall dwell therin, and make it waist: 33 but you will I scater amonge the Heythen, and drawe out the swerde after you, so that youre londe shal be waist, & youre cities desolate. 34 Then shall the londe reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth wayst, and ye be in the enemies londe. Yee then shal the londe kepe holy daye, and reioyse in hir rest, 35 as longe as it lieth wayst, because it coude not rest in youre Sabbathes, whan ye dwelt therin. 36 And as for them that remayne of you, I wyll make them faynte harted in the londe of their enemies, so that a shakynge leaf shall chace them. And they shall flye from it, as though a swerde persecuted them, and shal fall noman folowynge vpon them. 37 And they shall fall one vpon another (as it were before the swerde) and noman yet chacynge them. And ye shall not be so bolde, as to withstonde youre enemies, 38 and shal perishe amonge the Heithen, and the londe of youre enemies shal eate you vp. 39 And they that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their mysdede, euen in the enemies londe, and in the mysdedes of their fathers shall they consume awaye. 40 Then shall they knowlege their mysdedes, and the mysdedes of their fathers in the trespace, wherwith they haue trespaced agaynst me, and walked contrary vnto me. 41 Therfore wyll I also walke contrary vnto the, and wyll brynge them in to the enemies londe. Then shal their vncircumcysed herte be tamed. And then shall they ende their mysdedes. 42 And I shal thinke vpo my couenaut with Iacob, and vpon my couenaunt with Isaac, and vpon my couenaunt with Abraham, and wyl thynke vpon the lode. 43 As for the londe, whan it shalbe left of them, it shal reioyse in hir Sabbathes, euen then, whan it lyeth waist, and they tylle it not. And they shall make attonement for their mysdedes, because they despysed my lawes, & their soules refused my statutes. 44 Morouer I haue not so refused them, that they shulde be in the enemies londe: nether haue I so vtterly abhorred them, that I wolde brynge them to naught, and breake my couenaunt wt them: for I am ye LORDE their God. 45 And for their sake I wyl remebre my first couenaut, wha I brought them out of ye londe of Egipte in the sight of the Heythen, yt I might be their God. Euen I the LORDE. 46 These are the ordinaunces, statutes and lawes, which ye LORDE made betwixte him and the children of Israel vpon mount Sinai, by the hande of Moses.

Deuteronomy 32:22

22 For the fyre is kyndled in my wrath, and shal burne vnto ye nethermost hell, and shal consume the londe with the increase therof, and set the foundacions of ye mountaynes on fyre.

2 Kings 25:9

9 and brent ye house of the LORDE, and the kynges house, & all the houses at Ierusalem, and all the greate houses brent he with fyre.

Psalms 79:5-6

5 LORDE, how longe wilt thou be angrie? shal thy gelousy burne like fyre for euer? 6 Poure out thy indignacion vpon the Heithen that knowe the not, and vpon the kyngdomes that call not vpon thy name.

Isaiah 9:13

13 For the people turneth not vnto him, that chastiseth them, nether do they seke the LORDE of hoostes.

Isaiah 29:13

13 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: For so moch as this people draweth nye me wt their mourh, and prayseth me highly with their lippes (where as there herte neuertheles is farre fro me, and the feare which they owe vnto me, that turne they to mens lawes and doctrynes)

Isaiah 47:7

7 & thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer. And besyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, nether cast, what shulde come after.

Isaiah 57:1

1 Bvt in the meane season ye righteous perisheth, & no ma regardeth it in his hert. Good godly people are taken awaye. & no ma cosidreth it. Namely: that the righteous is conuayed awaye thorow ye wicked:

Isaiah 57:11

11 For when wilt thou be aba?shed or feare, seinge thou hast broken thy promyse, & remembrest not me, nether hast me in thine hert? Thinkest thou, that I also will holde my peace (as afore tyme) yt thou fearest me not?

Jeremiah 5:3

3 Where as thou (o LORDE) lokest only vpon faith and treuth. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast correcte them for amendemet, but they refused thy correction. They made their faces harder then a stone, and wolde not amende.

Ezekiel 7:8-9

8 Therfore, I will shortly poure out my sore displeasure ouer the, and fulfill my wrath vpon the. I will iudge the after thy waies, and recompence the all thy abhominacions. 9 Myne eye shal not ouersee the, nether wil I spare the: but rewarde the after thy waies, and shewe thy abhominacions: to lerne you for to knowe, how yt I am the LORDE, yt smyteth.

Ezekiel 20:34

34 & wil bringe you out of the nacions and londes, wherin ye are scatred: and gather you together with a mightie hode, with a stretchedout arme & wt indignacion poured out vpon you:

Ezekiel 22:21-22

21 I will brynge you together, and kyndle the fyre of my cruell displeasure vnder you, that ye maye be melted therin. 22 Like as the syluer is melted in the fyre, so shall ye also be melted therin: that ye maye knowe, how that I the LORDE haue poured my wrath vpon you.

Hosea 7:9

9 straungers haue deuoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth ful of gray haires, yet wil he not knowe it:

Nahum 1:6

6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde his grymme displeasure? His anger taketh on like fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before him.

Malachi 2:2

2 yf ye will not heare it, ner regarde it, to geue the glory vnto my name (sayeth the LORDE off hoostes) I wil sende a curse vpon you, & will curse youre blessinges: yee curse them will I yf ye do not take hede.

Revelation 9:18-21

18 And of these thre was the thirde parte of men kylled: that is to saye, of fyre, smoke, and brymstone, which proceded out of the mouthes of the: 19 For their power was in their mouthes and in their tayles: for their tayles were like vnto serpetes, and had heades, and with the they dyd hurt: 20 And the remnaunt of the me which were not kylled by these plages, repeted not of the dedes of their hondes, yt they shulde not worshippe deuels, and ymages of golde, and syluer, and brasse, & stone, and of wod, which nether can se, nether heare, nether go. 21 Also they repented not of their murthur, and of their witchcraft, nether of their whordome, nether of their thefte.

Revelation 16:1-21

1 And I herde a greate voyce out of the temple, sayenge to the seuen angels: go youre wayes, poure out youre vialles of wrath vpon the earth. 2 And the fyrst went, and poured out his viall vpon the earth, and there fell a noysom & a sore botch vpon the men which had the marke of the beest, and vpon them that worshipped his ymage. 3 And the seconde angel shed out his viall vpo the see, and it turned as it were in to the bloud of a deed man: and euery lyuinge thinge dyed in the see, 4 And the thyrde angel shed out his vyall vpon the ryuers and fountaynes of waters, and they turned to bloude. 5 And I herde an angel saye: LORDE which art and wast, thou art righteous and holy, because thou hast geue soche iudgmentes, 6 for they shed the bloude of sayntes, and prophetes, and therfore hast thou geuen them bloude to drynke: for they are worthy. 7 And I herde another angell out of the aulter, saye: euen so LORDE God almighty, true and righteous are thy iudgmentes. 8 And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the Sonne, and power was geuen vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre. 9 And the men raged in gret heate, and spake euell of the name of God, which had power ouer those plages, and they repented not, to geue him glory. 10 And the fifte angell poured out his vyall vpon the seate of the beest, and his kyngdome wexed derke, and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe, 11 and blasphemed the God of heaue for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes. 12 And the sixte angell poured out his vyall vpon the gret ryuer Euphrates, and the water dryed vp, that the waye of the kynges of the Easte shulde be prepared. 13 And I sawe thre vncleane spretes kike frogges come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out off the mouth off the beest, and out off the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spretes of deuels workynge myracles, to go out vnto the kynges of the earth and of the whole worlde, to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmighty. 15 Beholde, I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes, lest he be founde naked, and men se his filthynes. 16 And he gaddered them togedder in to a place, called in the hebrue tonge, Armagedon. 17 And the seuenth angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a greate voyce out of heauen from the seate, sayenge: It is done. 18 And there folowed voyces, thondringes, and lightnynges, and there was a gret earthquake, soch as was not sence me were vpon the earth, so myghty an earthquake and so greate. 19 And the greate cite was deuyded in to thre parties. And the cities of nacions fell. And greate Babilon came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrath. 20 And euery yle fled awaye, and the mountaynes were not founde. 21 And there fell a greate hayle, as it had bene talentes, out of heaue vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the hayle, for it was greate, and the plage of it sore.

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