16 Thou shalt fanne them, & the wynde shal carie them awaye, & the whyrlwynde shal scatre the. But thou shalt reioyse in the LORDE, and shalt delite in praysinge the holyone of Israel.
Isaiah 41:16 Cross References - Coverdale
1 Samuel 2:1-2
Psalms 1:4
4 As for the vngodly, it is not so with them: but they are like the dust, which ye wynde scatereth awaye from of the grounde.
Isaiah 12:6
6 Crie out, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince: the holy one of Israel.
Isaiah 17:13
13 For though so many people increase as the flowinge waters, and though they be armed, yet they fle farre of, and vanish awaye like the dust with the wynde vpon an hill, and as the whyrle wynde thorow a storme.
Isaiah 25:1-3
1 O Lorde, thou art my God, I wil prayse the, and magnifie yi name: For thou bringest marvelous thinges to passe, acordinge to thine olde councels, truly and stedfastly.
2 Thou makest of townes, heapes of stone: and of head cities, broken walles: The palaces of the wicked destroyest thou out of the citie, that they shal neuer be buylded againe.
3 Therfore the very rude people must magnifie the, and the cities of the cruel heithen must feare the.
Isaiah 45:24-25
Isaiah 61:10-11
10 And therfore I am ioyful in the LORDE, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he shall put vpon me the garmet of health, & couer me with the matle of rightuousnes. He shal decke me like a brydegrome, & as a bryde that hath hir apparell vpo her.
11 For like as ye grounde bringeth forth frute, & as the garde shuteth forth sede: So shal the LORDE God cause rightuousnes, and the feare of God to florish forth before all the Heithen.
Jeremiah 9:23-24
23 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE: Let not the wise man reioyse in his wisdome, ner the stronge man in his strength, nether the rich man in his riches:
24 But who so wil reioyse, let him reioyse in this, that he vnderstodeth, and knoweth me: for I am the LORDE, which do mercie, equite and rightuousnes vpon earth. Therfore haue I pleasure in soch thinges, saieth ye LORDE.
Jeremiah 15:7
7 I will scatre the abrode with the fanne on euery side of the londe: I will waist my people and destroye them, for they haue had no lust to turne from their owne wayes.
Jeremiah 51:2
2 I wil sende also in to Babilo fanners, to fanne her out, & to destroye hir londe: for in the daye of hir trouble they shalbe aboute her on euery syde.
Habakkuk 3:18
18 But as for me, I wil be glad in the LORDE, and will reioyce in God my Sauioure.
Matthew 3:12
12 which hath also his fan in his hond, and will pourge his floore, and gadre the wheet into his garner, & will burne ye chaffe with vnquencheable fyre.
Luke 1:46-47
Romans 5:11
11 Not onely that, but we reioyse also in God thorow oure LORDE Iesus Christ, by whom we haue now receaued the attonement.
1 Corinthians 1:30-31
Philippians 3:3
3 for we are the circumcision, euen we that serue God in the sprete, and reioyce in Christ Iesu, and haue no confidence in the flesh,