Isaiah 30:32 Cross References - Coverdale

32 And the same rodde which the LORDE wil sende vpon him, shal moue the whole foundacion: with trompet, with noyse of warre and batell to destroye.

Genesis 31:27

27 Wherfore keptest thou that secrete, that thou woldest flye, and hast stollen awaye fro me, and toldest me not, that I might haue brought the on the waye with myrth, with synginge, with tabrettes and harpes?

1 Samuel 10:5

5 After that shalt thou come to the hyll of God, where the Philistynes watch is: and wha thou comest there in to the cite, there shall mete the a company of prophetes commynge downe from the hye place, and before them a Psaltery, and tabret, a pype and a harpe, and they them selues prophecienge.

Job 16:12

12 I was somtyme in wealth, but sodenly hath he brought me to naught. He hath taken me by the neck, he hath rente me, and set me, as it were a marck for him to shute at.

Job 21:11-12

11 They sende forth their children by flockes, and their sonnes lede the daunce. 12 They beare with them tabrettes and harpes, and haue instrumentes of musick at their pleasure.

Psalms 81:1-2

1 Synge merely vnto God which is or stregth make a chearful noyse vnto ye God of Iacob. 2 Take ye psalme, brynge hither the tabret, the mery harpe & lute.

Isaiah 2:19

19 Men shal crepe in to holes of stone, and in to caues of the earth, from the sight of the fearfull iudge, and from the glory of his magesty: what tyme as he shal make him vp to shake the earth.

Isaiah 11:15

15 The LORDE also shal cleue the tunges of the Egipcias see, and with a mightie wynde shal he lift vp his honde ouer Nilus, and shal smyte his seue streames and make men go ouer drye shod.

Isaiah 19:16

16 The shal ye Egiptias be like vnto wome, afrayde & astoied, at the liftinge vp of the hode, which ye LORDE of hoostes shal lifte vp ouer them.

Isaiah 24:8

8 The myrth of tabrettes shalbe layde downe, the chere of the ioyful shal ceasse, and the pleasure of lutes shal haue an ende:

Isaiah 30:29

29 But ye shal synge, as the vse is in ye night of the holy solempnite. Ye shal reioyse from youre hert, as they that come with the pipe, when they go vp to the mount of the LORDE, vnto ye rock of Israel.

Ezekiel 32:10

10 Yee I will make many people with their kynges so afrayed thorow ye, that their hayre shal stonde vp, whe I shake my swearde at their faces. Sodenly shal they be astonnyed, euery man in him self, at ye daye of thy fall.

Hebrews 12:26

26 whose voyce shoke the earth at that tyme. But now promyseth he, & sayeth: Yet once more wyl I shake, not the earth onely, but also heauen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.