5 Wo is my hert for Moabs sake. They fled vnto the cite of Zoar, which is like a fayre fruteful bullock, they went vp to Luhith, wepinge. The waye toward Horonaim was ful of lamentacion for ye hurte.
Isaiah 15:5 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 13:10
10 Then Lot lift vp his eyes, and behelde all the countre rounde aboute Iorda, that it was a plenteous countre of water. For before the LORDE destroyed Sodoma and Gomorra, it was rounde aboute Zoar, euen as the pleasaunt garden of the LORDE, and as the londe of Egipte.
Genesis 14:2
2 That they made warre wt Bera ye kynge of Sodome, and wt Birsa the kynge of Gomorra, & with Sineab the kynge of Adama, & with Semeaber the kynge of Zeboim, and with the kynge of Bela, which is called Zoar.
Genesis 19:22
22 Haist the, and saue thy self there: for I can do nothinge tyll thou be come thither. Therfore is the cite called Zoar.
2 Samuel 15:23
23 And all the lande wepte with loude voyce, and all the people with them. And the kynge wete ouer the broke Cedron, and all the people wente ouer by the waye that goeth to the wyldernes.
2 Samuel 15:30
30 But Dauid wente vp to mount Olyuete and wepte, & his heade was couered. And all the people that was with him, had euery man his heade couered and wente on and wepte.
Isaiah 16:9-11
9 Therfore I mourned for Iazer, & for ye vynyardes of Sibma wt greate sorow. I poured my teares vpon Hesebon & Eleale, for all their songes were layde downe, in their haruest & gatheringe of their grapes:
10 Myrth and chere was gone out of ye felde & vynyardes, in so moch, that no man was glad ner sunge. There wete no treader in to the wynepresse, their mery chere was layde downe.
11 Wherfore my bely robled (as it had bene a lute) for Moabs sake, & myne inwarde membres, for the bryck walles sake.
Isaiah 16:14
14 But now the LORDE sayeth thus: In thre yeare shal ye power of Moab wt their pope (which is greate) be minished, like as ye burthe of an hyred seruaunte: And as for ye remnaunt of them, they shalbe lesse then a fewe, and not rekened moch worth.
Isaiah 22:5
5 For this is ye daye of the LORDE of hoostes, wherin he will plage, treade downe, and wede out the valley of Visios, and breake downe the walles, with soch a crack, that it shal geue a sownde in the mountaynes.
Jeremiah 4:20
20 They crie murthur vpon murthur, the whole londe shal perish. Immediathly my tentes were destroyed, and my hanginges, in the twincklinge of an eye.
Jeremiah 8:18-19
Jeremiah 9:10
10 Vpon the mountaynes will I take vp a lamentacion and soroufull crie, and a mournynge vpon the fayre playnes of the wildernes: Namely, how they are so brente vp, that no man goeth there enymore: Yee a man shal not heare one beast crie there. Byrdes and catell are all gone from thece.
Jeremiah 9:18-19
18 and singe a mournynge songe of you: that the teares maye fall out of oure eyes, and that oure eye lyddes maye gushe out of water.
19 For there is a lamentable noyse herde of Sion: O how are we so sore destroyed? O how are we so piteously confounded? We must forsake oure owne naturall countre, and we are shot out of oure owne lodgiges.
Jeremiah 13:17
17 But yf ye wil not heare me, that geue you secrete warnynge, I will mourne fro my whole herte for youre stubburnesse. Piteously will I wepe, and the teares shall gushe out of myne eyes. For the LORDES flocke shal be caried awaye captiue.
Jeremiah 17:16
16 Where as I neuertheles ledinge the flock in thy wayes, haue compelled none by violence. For I neuer desyred eny mas deeth, this knowest thou well. My wordes also were right before the.
Jeremiah 48:5
5 At the goinge vp vnto Luhtih there shall arise a lametacion: and downe towarde Horonaim, there shall be herde a cruell and a deedly crie:
Jeremiah 48:31-36
31 Therfore shal there mournynge be made for Moab, and euery ma shal crie for Moabs sake: a lamentacion shalbe made, to the men that stonde vpon the wall.
32 So will I mourne for the also (o Iazer) and for the, O thou vynyarde off Sybma. Thy wyne brauches shal come ouer ye see, and the braunches off Iazer but vnto the see: the destroyer shall breake in to thy haruest and grape gatheringe.
33 Myrth and cheare shalbe taken awaye from the tymbre felde, and from the whole londe off Moab. There shall be no swete wyne in the presse, the treader shall haue no stomacke to crie, yee there shall be none to crie vnto him:
34 which afore tyme were herde from hesebon to Eleale and Ioaz, which lifted vp their voyce from Zoar vnto Horonaim, that bullock off thre yeare olde. The waters also off Nemrim shalbe dried vp.
35 Morouer I will make Moab ceasse (saieth the LORDE) from the offringes and censinge that she hath made vnto hir goddes in hie places.
36 Wherfore my herte mourneth for Moab, like a crowde playenge an heuy songe: and for the mens sake off the bricke wall my herte mourneth also, euen as a pype, that pipeth a dolefull songe: for they shalbe very fewe, and destroyed.
Luke 19:41-44
41 And whan he was come neare, he behelde the cite, and wepte vpo it,
42 and sayde: Yf thou knewest what were for yi peace, thou shuldest remebre it euen in this present daye of thine. But now is it hyd from thine eyes.
43 For the tyme shal come vpon the, that thine enimies shal cast vp a bake aboute the, and aboute thy children with the, and besege ye, and kepe the in on euery syde,
44 and make the eauen with the grounde, and shal not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou hast not knowne ye tyme, wherin thou hast bene visited.