Galatians 1:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 and preuayled in the Ieweshippe aboue many of my companyons in my nacion, & was a moch more feruent manteyner of the tradicions of the fathers.

Isaiah 29:13

13 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: For so moch as this people draweth nye me wt their mourh, and prayseth me highly with their lippes (where as there herte neuertheles is farre fro me, and the feare which they owe vnto me, that turne they to mens lawes and doctrynes)

Isaiah 57:12

12 Yee verely I wil declare yi goodnes & yi workes, but they shal not profit ye.

Jeremiah 9:14

14 but folowed the wickednes of their owne hertes, and serued straunge goddes, as their fathers taught them.

Jeremiah 15:2

2 And yf they saye vnto the: Whyther shal we go? The tell the: The LORDE geueth you this answere: Some vnto death, some to the swearde, some to honger, some in to captiuyte.

Matthew 15:2-3

2 Why do thy disciples transgresse ye tradicions of the elders? for they wash not their hodes whan they eate bred. 3 He answered & sayde vnto the: Why do ye transgresse the comaundemet of God, because of youre owne tradicios?

Matthew 15:6

6 By this is it come to passe, that no man honoureth his father or his mother eny more. And thus haue ye made the comaundement of God of none effecte, for youre owne tradicios.

Mark 7:3-13

3 For the Pharises & all the Iewes eate not, excepte they wash their handes oft tymes: obseruynge so the tradicions of the elders. 4 And whan they come from the market, they eate not, excepte they wasshe. And many other thynges there be, which they haue taken vpon them to obserue, as the washinge of cuppes and cruses, and brasen vessels and tables. 5 Then the Pharises and scrybes axed him: Why walke not thy disciples after the tradicions of the elders, but eate bred with vnwasshen handes? 6 But he answered & sayde vnto them: Full well hath Esay prophecied of you Ypocrytes, as it is wrytte: This people honoureth me wt their lippes, but their hert is farre fro me. 7 But in vayne do they serue me, whyle they teach soch doctrynes as are nothinge but the commaundemetes of me. 8 Ye leaue the comaundement of God and kepe the tradicions of men, as the wasshynge of cruses and cuppes, & many soch thinges do ye. 9 And he saide vnto the: How goodly haue ye cast asyde the comaundement of God, to manteyne youre owne tradicions? 10 For Moses sayde: Honoure father & mother. Whoso curseth father and mother, shal dye the death. 11 But ye saye: A ma shal saye to father or mother: Corban, that is, The thinge yt I shulde helpe the withall, is geue vnto God. 12 And thus ye suffre him nomore to do ought for his father or his mother, 13 & make Gods worde of none effecte, thorow youre owne tradicions that ye haue set vp. And many soch thinges do ye.

Acts 22:3

3 I am a man which am a Iewe, borne at Tharsis in Celicia, and broughte vp in this cite at the fete off Gamaliel, enfourmed diligently in the lawe of the fathers, and was feruent mynded to God warde, as ye all are also this daye,

Acts 26:5

5 which knewe me afore at the first, yf they wolde testifye, for after the most strayte secte of oure Iewysh lawe, I lyued a Pharise.

Acts 26:9

9 I also verely thoughte by my selfe, that I oughte to do many cotrary thinges cleane agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth,

Philippians 3:4-6

4 though I haue wherof I mighte reioyce in ye flesh. Yf eny other ma thynke that he hath wherof he mighte reioyce in the flesh, moch more I, 5 which was circucysed on the eight daye, one of the people of Israel, of the trybe off Ben Iamin, an hebrue of the Hebrues: as concernynge the lawe a Pharise: 6 as concernynge feruentnes I persecuted the cogregacion: and as touchinge the righteousnes which is in the lawe, I was vnrebukable.

Colossians 2:8

8 Bewarre lest eny ma spoyle you thorow philosophy and disceatfull vanite after the tradicions of men, and after the ordinauces of the worlde, and not after Christ.

1 Peter 1:8

8 whom ye haue not sene, and yet loue him: in whom now ye beleue, though ye se him not. Euen so shal ye reioyce also with vnoutspeakable and glorious ioye,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.