Ezekiel 6:5 Cross References - Coverdale

5 and the deed carcases off the children off Israel will I cast before their ymages, youre bones wil I strowe rounde aboute youre aulters,

2 Kings 23:14

14 and brake the pilers, and roted out the groues, and fylled their places with mens bones.

2 Kings 23:16

16 And Iosias turned him aboute, and sawe the graues that were vpo the mount, and caused the bones to the fetched out of the graues, and brent them vpo the altare, and suspended it, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which the man of God cryed out, that tolde this before.

Jeremiah 8:1-2

1 At the same tyme, saieth the LORDE, the bones of the kinges of Iuda, the bones of his princes, the bones of the prestes and prophetes, yee and the bones of the citisens of Ierusale, shalbe brought out of their graues 2 and layed agaynst the Sonne, the Moone and all the heauenly hooste: whom they loued, whom they serued, whom they ranne after, whom they sought & worshipped. They shal nether be gathered together ner buried, but shal lye vpo the earth, to their shame and despisinge.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.