Ezekiel 30:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 for the daye is here, the daye of ye LORDE is come: the darcke daye of ye Heithe the houre is at honde,

Exodus 14:20

20 and came betwixte the armies of the Egipcians and the armies of Israel. It was a darcke cloude, and gaue light that night, so that all the night longe these and they coude not come together.

Exodus 14:24

24 Now whan the mornynge watch came, the LORDE loked vpo the armies of the Egipcians out the piler of fire and ye cloude, & troubled their armies,

Psalms 37:13

13 But ye LORDE laugheth him to scorne, for he seith yt his daye is cominge.

Psalms 110:6

6 He shal be iudge amoge the Heithen, he shal fyll them with deed bodies, and smyte in sonder the heades ouer dyuerse countres.

Psalms 149:7-9

7 To be auenged of the Heithe, & to rebuke the people. 8 To bynde their kynges in cheynes, & their nobles with lynckes of yron. 9 That they maye be auenged of them, as it is written, Soch honoure haue all his sayntes. Halleluya.

Isaiah 19:1

1 This is the heuy burthen vpon Egipte: Beholde, the LORDE wil ryde vpon a swifte cloude, and come in to Egipte. And the goddes of Egipte shal trymble at his comynge, and the hert of Egipte shal quake within her.

Isaiah 24:21-23

21 At the same tyme shal the LORDE mustre together the hie hooste aboue, and ye kynges of the worlde vpon the earth. 22 These shalbe coupled together as prisoners be, and shalbe shut in one warde and punished innumerable daies. 23 The Moone and the Sonne shalbe ashamed, when the LORDE of hoostes shal rule them at Ierusalem vpon the mount Sion, before and with his excellent councel.

Isaiah 34:2-17

2 for the LORDE is angrie with al people, & his displeasure is kindled agaynst all the multitude of them, to curse them, & to slaye them. 3 So that their slayne shalbe cast out, & their bodies stincke: that eue the very hilles shalbe wet with the bloude of them. 4 All the starres of heauen shalbe consumed, & the heauen shal folde together like a roll, & all the starres therof shall fall, like as the leaues fall from the vynes and fygetrees. 5 For my swearde (saieth he) shalbe bathed in heauen, & shal immediatly come downe vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce. 6 And the LORDES swearde shalbe full of bloude, & be rustie with the fatnesse & bloude of lambes and gootes, with the fatnesse of neeres of the wethers. For the LORDE shal kyl a great offringe in Bosra, and in the londe of Idumea. 7 There shal the Vnicornes fall with the Bulles, (that is with the giauntes) and their londe shalbe washed with bloude, & their grounde corrupte with fatnesse. 8 Vnto the also (o Sion) shal come the daye of the vengeaunce of God, and the yeare when as thyne owne iugdmentes shalbe recompensed. 9 Thy floudes shalbe turned to pytch, and thine earth to brymstone, & therwith shal the londe be kyndled, 10 so that it shal not be quenched daye ner night: But smoke euermore, & so forth to lie waist. And no man shal go thorow thy londe for euer: 11 But Pellicanes, Storkes, great Oules, and Rauens shall haue it in possession, & dwell therein. For God shal sprede out the lyne of desolacion vpon it, & weye it with the stones of emptynes. 12 When kinges are called vpo, there shalbe none, and all princes shalbe awaye. 13 Thornes shal growe in their palaces, nettels & thistles in their stronge holdes, yt the dragons maye haue their pleasure therin, & that they maye be a courte for Estriches. 14 There shal straunge visures and monstruous beastes mete one another, & the wylde kepe company together. There shal the lamia lye, & haue hir lodginge. 15 There shall the hedghogge buylde, digge, be there at home, and bringe forth his yongeones. There shal the kytes come together, ech one to his like. 16 Seke thorow the scripture of the LORDE & rede it. There shal none of these thinges be left out, there shal not one (ner soch like) fayle. For what his mouth commaundeth, that same doth his sprete gather together (or fulfilleth). 17 Vpon whom so euer ye lot fallet, or to whom he dealeth it with the line: those shal possesse the enheritaunce from generacion to generacion, and dwel therin.

Jeremiah 25:15-29

15 For thus hath the LORDE God of Israel spoken vnto me: Take this wyne cuppe of indignacion fro my honde, that thou mayest cause all the people (to whom I sende the) for to drinke of it: 16 that when they haue dronke there of, they maye be madd, & out of their wyttes, when the swearde commeth, that I wil sende amoge them. 17 Then toke I the cuppe from the LORDES honde, & made all the people drynke there of, vnto whom the LORDE had sent me. 18 But first the cite of Ierusalem, & all the cities of Iuda, their kinges & prynces: to make the desolate, waist, despysed & cursed, acordinge as it is come to passe this daye. 19 Yee & Pharao ye kinge of Egipte, his seruauntes, his prynces & his people altogether one wt another 20 and all kinges of the londe of Hus, all kinges of the Philistynes londe, Ascalon, Gaza, Accaron & the remnaunt of A?dod, 21 the Edomites, the Moabites & the Ammonites: 22 all the kinges of Tirus & Sidon: the kinges of the Iles, that are beyonde the see: 23 Dedan, Thema, Buz & the shauen Ismaelites: 24 all the kinges of Araby, & (generally) all the kinges that dwell in the deserte: 25 all the kinges of Simri, all the kinges of Elam, all ye kinges of the Meedes, 26 all kinges towarde the north (whether they be farre or nye) euery one with his neghbours: Yee and all the kingdomes that are vpon the whole earth. The kinge of Sesach (sayde he) shal drinke with them also. 27 And saye thou vnto them: this is the commaundement of the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: drinke and be droncken, spewe, and fall, that ye neuer ryse: and that thorow the swearde, which I wil sende amonge you. 28 But yf they will not receaue the cuppe of thy honde, and drinke it, then tell them: Thus doth the LORDE of hoostes threaten you: drynke it ye shal, and that shortly. 29 For lo, I begynne to plage the cite, that my name is geuen vnto: thynke ye then, that I will leaue you vnpunyshed? Ye shall not go quyte. For why, I call for a swearde vpo all the inhabitours of the earth, saieth the LORDE of hoostes.

Ezekiel 7:7

7 ye houre is come agaynst the, that dwellest in the londe. The tyme is at honde, the daye of sedicio is hard by, & no glad tidinges vpo the moutaynes.

Ezekiel 7:12

12 The tyme cometh, the daye draweth nye: Who so byeth, let him not reioyce: he that selleth, let him not be sory: for why, Trouble shall come in the myddest off all rest:

Ezekiel 7:19

19 their syluer shall lye in the stretes, and their golde shalbe despised: Yee their syluer and golde maye not delyuer them, in the daye of the fearfull wrath of the LORDE. They shall not satisfie their hongrie soules, nether fyll their emptie belies therwith: For it is become their owne decaye thorow their wickednesse:

Ezekiel 29:12

12 I wil make the londe of Egipte to be desolate amonge other waist countrees, and her cities to lye voyde xl. yeares, amonge other voyde cities: And I wil scatre the Egipcians amonge the Heithen and nacions.

Ezekiel 30:18

18 At Taphnis the daye shalbe darcke, when I breake there the scepter of the londe of Egipte, and when ye pompe of hir powr shal haue an ende. A cloude shal couer her, and hir doughters shalbe led awaye in to captyuyte.

Ezekiel 32:7

7 When thou art put out, I will couer the heauen, and make his starres dymme. I will sprede a cloude ouer the Sonne, ad the Moone shall not geue hir light.

Ezekiel 34:12

12 Like as a shepherde amoge the flocke seketh after the shepe that are scatred abrode, euen so will I seke after my shepe, and gather them together out off all places, where they haue bene scatred in the cloudy and darcke daye.

Joel 1:15

15 alas, alas for this daye. And why? the daye of the LORDE is at honde, and commeth as a destroyer from the Allmightie.

Joel 2:1-2

1 Blowe out ye trompet in Sion, & crie vpo my holy hill, yt all soch as dwel in the londe, maye treble at it: for ye daie of the LORDE commeth, & is harde at honde: 2 a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee & a stormy daye, like as the mornynge spredeth out vpo the hilles: Namely, a great & mightie people: soch as haue not bene sens ye begynnynge, nether shal be after them for euermore.

Joel 3:11-14

11 Mustre you, and come, all ye Heithe roude aboute: gather you together, there shall the LORDE laye all thy giauntes to the grounde. 12 Let the people aryse, and get them to the valley of Iosaphat: for there wil I syt, and iudge all Heithe roude aboute. 13 Laye to youre sythes, for the haruest is rype: come, get you downe: the wynepresse is full, yee the wynepresses runne ouer, for their wickednesse is waxen greate. 14 In the valley appoynted, there shalbe many, many people: for the daye of the LORDE is nye in ye valley appoynted.

Amos 5:16-20

16 Yff no (sayeth the LORDE God, the God of hoostes) there shal be mourninge in all stretes, yee they shal saye i euery strete: alas, alas. They shall call the housbonde man to lamentacio, and soch as can mourne, to mournynge. 17 In all vynyardes there shal be heuynesse, for I will come amonge you, sayeth the LORDE. 18 Wo be vnto them that desyre the daye off ye LORDE: Wherfore wolde ye haue it? As for that daye of the LORDE, it shalbe darcke ad not cleare: 19 Yee like as when a ma runeth fro a lyon, and a Beer meteth with him: or, whe he commeth into the house, and leeneth his honde vpon the wall, a serpent byteth him. 20 Shall not the daye of the LORDE be darcke, and not cleare? shal it not be cloudy, and no shyne in it?

Obadiah 1:15

15 For the daye off the LORDE is harde by vpon all Heithen. Like as thou hast done, so shalt thou be dealte withall, yee thou shalt be rewarded euen vpon thine heade.

Zephaniah 1:7

7 Be still at ye presence of the LORDE God, for the daye of the LORDE is at honde: yee the LORDE hath prepared a slayne offeringe, and called his gestes therto.

Zephaniah 1:14

14 For the greate daye of the LORDE is at honde, it is harde by, & commeth on a pace. Horrible is ye tydinges of the LORDES daye, then shall the giaunte crie out:

Zephaniah 3:6-7

6 Therfore wil I rote out this people, and destroye their towres: yee and make their stretes so voyde, that no man shall go therin. Their cities shall be broke downe, so that no body shal be left, ner dwel there eny more. 7 I sayde vnto them: O feare me, and be cotent to be refourmed. That their dwellinge shulde not be destroyed, and that there shulde happen vnto them none of these thinges, wherwith I shal vyset the. But neuertheles they stonde vp early, to folowe the filthynes of their owne ymaginacions.

Zechariah 14:3-19

3 After that shall the LORDE go forth to fight agaynst those Heithen, as men vse to fight in the daye of batell. 4 The shall his fete stode vpo the mount oliuete, that lieth vpon the east syde of Ierusale. And ye mount olyuete shal cleue in two, eastwarde, & westwarde so yt there shal be a greate valley: & the halff mount shal remoue towarde the north, and the other half towarde the south. 5 And ye shall fle vnto the valley of my hilles, for the valley off the hylles shal reach vnto Asal. Yee fle shall ye. like as ye fled for the earthquake in the dayes off Osias kynge of Iuda. And the LORDE my God shal come, and all sanctes with him. 6 In that daye shal it not be light, but colde and frost. 7 This shalbe that specyall daye, which is knowne vnto the LORDE: nether daye ner night, but aboute the euenynge tyme it shalbe light. 8 In that tyme shall there waters of life runne out from Ierusalem: the half parte of them towarde the east see, ad the other half towarde the vttemost see, and shall continue both somer and wynter. 9 And the LORDE himself shalbe kynge ouer all the earth. At that tyme shal there be one LORDE only, and his name shalbe but one. 10 Men shal go aboute the whole earth, as vpon a felde: from Gibea to Remmon, and from ye south to Ierusalem. She shalbe set vp, and inhabited in hir place: From BenIamins porte, vnto the place of the first porte, and vnto ye corner porte: and from the tower of Hanael, vnto the kynges wyne presses. 11 There shall men dwell, and there shal be nomore cursinge, but Ierusalem shalbe safely inhabited. 12 This shalbe the plage, wherwith ye LORDE wil smyte all people, that haue fought agaynst Ierusalem: Namely, their flesh shall consume awaye, though they stonde vpon their fete: their eyes shall corruppe in their holes, and their tunge shal consume in their mouth. 13 In that daye shall the LORDE make a greate sedicion amoge them, so that one ma shal take another by the honde, and laye his hondes vpon the hondes of his neghboure. 14 Iuda shal fight also agaynst Ierusalem, ad the goodes of all the Heithen shalbe gathered together rounde aboute: golde and syluer and a very greate multitude off clothes. 15 And so shal this plage go ouer horses, mules camels, asses and all the beastes that shall be in the hooste, like as yonder plage was. 16 Euery one that remayueth then of all ye people, which came agaynst Ierusalem, shal go vp yearly, to worshipe the kynge (euen ye LORDE of hoostes) and to kepe the feast off tabernacles. 17 And loke what generacion vpon earth goeth not vp to Ierusalem, for to worshipe the kynge (euen the LORDE of hoostes) vpon the same shal come no rayne. 18 Yff the kynred of Egipte go not vp & come not, it shall not rayne vpon them nether. This shalbe the plage wherwith ye LORDE wil smyte all Heithen, that come not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles: 19 Yee this shalbe the synneplage of Egipte and the synneplage of all people, that go not vp to kepe the feast of tabernacles.

Matthew 24:33

33 So likewyse ye, whan ye se all thynges, be ye sure, that it is nye euen at the dores

Philippians 4:5

5 Let youre softnes be knowne vnto all men. The LORDE is euen at honde.

James 5:9

9 Grodge not one agaynst another brethren, lest ye be damned. Beholde, the iudge stondeth before the dore.

Revelation 6:17

17 for the grete daye of his wrath is come. And who can endure it?

Revelation 19:13-21

13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloude, and his name is called, ye worde of God. 14 And ye warriers which were in heauen, folowed him vpon whyte horsses, clothed with whyte and pure sylke 15 and out of his mouthe wente a sharppe swerde, that with it he shulde smyte the Heithen: And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron, and he trode the wynefatte of the fearcenesse and wrath of allmightye God. 16 And hath on his vesture and on his thyghe a name wrytten: Kynge of all kinges, and LORDE of all lordes. 17 And I sawe an angell stonde in the Sonne, and he cryed with a lowde voyce, sayenge to all the fowles that flye by the myddes vnder the heauen: Come and gaddre youre selues togedder vnto the supper of the gret God, 18 that ye maye eate the flesshe of kynges, and of hye captaynes, and the flesshe of mighty men, and the flesshe of horsses, and of the that syt on them, and the flesshe of all free men and bond men, both of small and greate. 19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers. 20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone: 21 and the remnaunte were slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horsse, which swearde proceded out of his mouth, and all the foules were filled with their flesshe.

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