30 And I sought in the londe for a man, that wolde make vp the hedge, and set him self in the gappe before me in the lodes behalfe, yt I shulde not vtterly destroye it: but I coude fynde none.
Ezekiel 22:30 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 18:23-32
23 and stepte vnto him, and sayde:Wilt thou then destroye the righteous with the vngodly?
24 Peradueture there maye be fiftie righteous within ye cite: wilt thou destroye those, and not spare the place, for fiftie righteous sake that are therin?
25 That be farre fro the, yt thou shuldest do this, and to slaye the righteous with the vngodly, and that the righteous shulde be as the vngodly. That be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordinge to right?
26 And the LORDE sayde: Yf I fynde fiftie righteous at Sodome in the cite, I wil spare all the place for their sakes.
27 Abraham answered, and sayde: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the LORDE, howbeit I am but dust and asshes.
28 Peraduenture there maye be fyue lesse then fiftie righteous therin: Wilt thou then destroye the whole cite because of those fyue? He sayde: yf I fynde fyue and fourtie therin, I will not destroye them?
29 And he proceded further to speake vnto him, and sayde: Peraduenture there might be fourtie founde therin. And he sayde: I wil do nothinge vnto them for those fourtyes sake.
30 Abraham sayde: Oh let not my LORDE be angrie, that I speake yet more. Peradueture there might be thirtie founde therin. And he sayde: Yf I fynde thirtie therin, I will do nothinge vnto them.
31 And he sayde: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto my LORDE.Peradueture there might be twetie founde therin. He answered: I wyll not destroye them for those twentyes sake.
32 And sayde: O let not my LORDE be angrie, that I speake yet once more. Peraduenture there might be ten founde therin. He saide: I wil not destroye them for those ten sake.
Exodus 32:10-14
10 and now suffre me, that my wrath maye waxe whote ouer them, & that I maye consume them, so wil I make a greate people of the.
11 But Moses be sought the LORDE his God, & sayde: Oh LORDE, wherfore wil thy wrath waxe whote ouer thy people, whom thou hast brought out of the lode of Egipte wt greate power & a mightie hade?
12 Wherfore shulde the Egipcians speake, & saye: He hath brought the for their myschefe, to slaye them in the mountaynes, and to destroye the vtterly from the earth? O turne the from the fearcenesse of yi wrath, & be gracious ouer the wickednesse of thy people.
13 Remembre thy seruautes Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, vnto who thou swarest by thyne owne self, and saydest: I wil multiplye youre sede as the starres of heauen, and all the londe that I haue promysed you, wil I geue vnto youre sede, & they shall inheret it for euer.
14 Thus the LORDE repented of the euell, which he sayde he wolde do vnto his people.
Psalms 106:23
23 So he sayde he wolde haue destroyed them, had not Moses his chosen stonde before him in yt gappe: to turne awaie his wrothfull indignacion, lest he shulde destroye the.
Isaiah 59:16
16 He sawe also, that there was no man, which had pitie therof, or was greued at it. And he helde him by his owne power, and cleued to his owne rightuousnes.
Isaiah 63:5
5 I loked aboute me, and there was no ma to shewe me eny helpe, I fel downe, and no man helde me vp. The I helde me by myne owne arme, & my feruetnesse susteyned me.
Jeremiah 5:1
1 Loke thorow Ierusalem, beholde and se: Seke thorow hir stretes also within, yf ye can fynde one man, that doth equall and right, or that laboureth to be faithfull: and I shall spare him (saieth the LORDE)
Jeremiah 15:1
1 Then spake the LORDE vnto me, ad sayde: Though Moses and Samuel stode before me, yet haue I no herte to this people. Dryue them awaye, that they maye go out of my sight.
Ezekiel 13:5
5 For they stonde not in the gappes, nether make they an hedge for the house of Israel, that me might abyde the parell in the daye of the LORDE.