Esther 4 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Whan Mardocheus perceaued all that was done, he rete his clothes, and put on a sack cloth, & a?shes, & wente out in to the myddes of the cite, and cried loude and lamentably, 2 and came before the kynges gate: for there might no man entre within the kynges gate, that had a sack cloth on. 3 And in all lodes & places, as farre as the kynges worde and commaundement extended, there was greate lamentacion amonge the Iewes, and many fasted, wepte, mourned, & laye in sack clothes & in ashes. 4 So Hesters dasels, and hir chamberlaines, came and tolde it her. Then was the quene exceadingly astonnyed. And she sent rayment, that Mardocheus shulde put them on, and laye the sacklothe from him. But Mardocheus wolde not take them. 5 The called Hester Hathac one of the kinges chamberlaines (which stode before her) and gaue him a comaundement vnto Mardocheus, that he might knowe what it were, and wherfore he dyd so. 6 So Hathac wente forth to Mardocheus vnto the strete of the cite, which was before the kynges gate. 7 And Mardocheus tolde him of all yt had happened vnto him, and of the summe of siluer that Ama had promysed to weie downe in the kynges chamber because of ye Iewes for to destroye them, 8 and he gaue him the copye of the commaundement, that was deuysed at Susan to destroye them, that he mighte shewe it vnto Hester, and to speake to her and charge her, yt she shulde go into the kynge, and make her prayer and supplicacion vnto him for hir people. 9 And wha Hathat came in, and tolde Hester the wordes of Mardocheus, 10 Hester spake vnto Hathat, and comaunded him to saye vnto Mardocheus: 11 All the kynges seruauntes, and the people in the londes of the kynge knowe, that who so euer commeth within the courte vnto ye kynge, whether it be man or woman, which is not called, the comaundement is that the same shal dye immediatly, excepte the kynge holde out the golde cepter vnto him, that he maye lyue. As for me, I haue not bene called to come in to the kynge now this thirtie dayes. 12 And wha Mardocheus was certified of Hesters wordes, 13 Mardocheus bad saie againe vnto Hester: Thynke not to saue thine awne life, whyle thou art in ye kynges house before all Iewes: 14 for yf thou holdest thy peace at this tyme, then shal the Iewes haue helpe and delyueraunce out of another place, & thou & thy fathers house shalbe destroyed. And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kyngdome, for this tymes sake? 15 Hester bad geue Mardocheus this answere: 16 Go thou yi waye then, & gather together all ye Iewes yt are founde at Susan, & fast ye for me, yt ye eate not & drynke not in thre dayes, nether daye ner nighte. I & my damsels wil fast likewyse, & so wyl I go into the kynge cotrary to the comaundement: yf I perishe, I perishe. 17 So Mardocheus wente his waye, & dyd all yt Hester had comaunded him.

Genesis 18:19

19 For I knewe him that he wil comaunde his children and his housholde after him, to kepe the waye of ye LORDE, and to do after right and conscience, that the LORDE maye bringe vpo Abraham what he hath promised him.

Genesis 22:14

14 And Abraham called the place. The LORDE shall prouyde. Therfore it is a comon sayenge yet this daye: Vpon the mountayne shal the LORDE prouyde.

Genesis 27:34

34 Whan Esau herde these wordes of his father, he cried loude, and was exceadynge sory, and sayde vnto his father: O blesse me also my father.

Genesis 37:35

35 And all his sonnes & doughters came vnto him to coforte him. But he wolde not be coforted, & saide: With sorowe wil I go downe in to the graue vnto my sonne. And his father wepte for him.

Genesis 43:14

14 The Allmightie God geue you mercy in the sight of ye man, that he maye let you haue youre other brother, and Ben Iamin. As for me, I must be as one, that is robbed of his children.

Genesis 45:4-8

4 But he sayde: Come nye vnto me. And they came nye. And he sayde: I am Ioseph youre brother. whom ye solde in to Egipte. 5 And now vexe not youre selues, & thinke not yt there is eny wrath, because ye solde me hither. For God sent me hither before you, for yor lyues sake. 6 For these are now two yeares, that ye derth hath bene in the lande, and there are yet fyue yeares behynde, wherin there shalbe no plowinge ner haruest. 7 But God sent me hither before you, yt he might let you remayne vpon earth, and to saue youre lyues by a greate delyueraunce. 8 And now, it was not ye then that sent me hither, but God which hath made me a father vnto Pharao, & lorde ouer all his house, and a prynce in the whole lande of Egipte.

Numbers 23:22-24

22 God hath brought the out of Egipte, his stregth is as of an Vnicorne. 23 For there is no Sorcerye in Iacob, & no Soyth sayer in Israel. Whan the tyme cometh, it shalbe saide vnto Iacob, & to Israel, what God doth. 24 Beholde, the people shall ryse vp as a Lyonesse, & heue vp him self as a Lyon. He shal not lye downe, tyll he eate of the pray, and drynke the bloude of the slayne.

Deuteronomy 32:26-27

26 I wyll saye: Where are they? I shall make their remembraunce to ceasse from amonge men. 27 Yf the wrath of the enemies were not gathered, lest their enemies shulde be proude, & might saie: Oure hande is hye, and: The LORDE hath not done all this.

Deuteronomy 32:36

36 For the LORDE shall iudge his people, and shal haue compassion on his seruauntes. For he shal considre that their power is awaie, and that it is gone with them, which were shut vp and remayned ouer.

Joshua 7:6

6 As for Iosua he rente his clothes, and fell vpon his face vnto the earth before the Arke of the LORDE, vntill the eueninge, with the Elders of Israel, and cast dust vpon their heades.

Joshua 24:15

15 But yf ye like not to serue the LORDE, the chose you this daye whom ye wyll serue: the God whom youre fathers serued beionde ye water, or ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose lode ye dwell. As for me and my house, we wyll serue the LORDE.

Judges 14:15-18

15 Vpon the seuenth daye they sayde vnto Samsons wife: Persuade thy husbade, that he tell vs what the ryddle meaneth, or els we shal burne the and thy fathers house with fyre. Haue ye called vs hither, to brynge vs to pouerte? 16 Then wepte Samsons wife before him, and sayde: Thou art displeased at me, and louest me not: thou hast expressed a darke sentence vnto the children of my people, and hast not tolde it me. But he sayde vnto her: Beholde, I haue not tolde it vnto my father and mother, and shulde I tell it the? 17 And she wepte before him those seuen dayes, whyle they had ye feast. But on the seueth daye he tolde it her, for she was so importune vpon him. And she expounded the darke sentence vnto the children of her people. 18 Then sayde the men of the cite vnto him vpon the seuenth daye oreuer the Sonne wente downe: What is sweter then hony? What is strouger then the lyon? But he sayde vnto the: Yf ye had not plowed wt my calfe, ye shulde not haue founde out my ryddle.

Judges 15:6

6 Then sayde the Philistynes: Who hath done this? And they sayde: Samson the husbande of the Thimnites doughter, because he toke awaye his wife from him, and gaue hir vnto his frende. Then wente the Philistynes vp, and brent her and hir father also with fyre.

1 Samuel 4:13-14

13 And whan he came in, Heli sat vpon the seate, that he mighte loke towarde the waye: for his herte was fearfull aboute ye Arke of God. And whan the man came in to the cite, he tolde it forth: and all the cite cried. 14 And whan Eli herde ye noyse of the cryege, he axed: What noyse of busynes is this? The man came haistely, and tolde Eli.

1 Samuel 8:15

15 Of youre sedes also and viniardes shal he take the Tithes, & geue vnto his chaberlaynes and seruauntes.

1 Samuel 11:4

4 So the messaungers came vnto Gibea of Saul, and spake this before the eares of the people. Then all ye people lifte vp their voyce, and wepte.

1 Samuel 12:22

22 For the LORDE shall not forsake his people because of his greate names sake: for the LORDE hath begonne to make you a people vnto him selfe.

1 Samuel 17:29

29 Dauid answered: What haue I downe now? Is there not an occasion?

1 Samuel 19:5

5 he put his lyfe in his hande also, and smote the Philistyne, & the LORDE dyd a greate health vnto all Israel: this hast thou sene, and reioysed therof. Wherfore wylt thou then offende agaynst innocent bloude, that thou woldest kyll Dauid without a cause?

2 Samuel 1:11

11 Then toke Dauid holde of his clothes, and rente them, and so dyd all the me that were with him,

2 Samuel 10:12

12 Take a good corage vnto the, and let vs be stronge for oure people, and for ye cite of oure God: neuertheles the LORDE do what pleaseth him.

2 Samuel 13:19

19 Thamar strowed asshes vpon hir heade, and rente the partye garment which she had vpon her, and layed hir hande vpon hir heade, and wente on, and cryed.

2 Kings 9:32

32 And he lifte vp his face to the wyndow, and sayde: Who is with me? Then resorted there two or thre chamberlaynes vnto him.

2 Kings 19:3

3 & they saide vnto him: Thus sayeth Ezechias: This is a daye of trouble, & of defiaunce & blasphemy. The childre are come to the byrth, & there is no strength to be delyuered of them.

2 Chronicles 20:3

3 And Iosaphat was afrayed, & set his face to seke ye LORDE, & caused a fast to be proclamed in all Iuda.

Ezra 9:9

9 For we are bondmen, and or God hath not forsake vs though we be bondmen, and hath enclyned mercy vnto vs in the sighte of the kynges of Persia, that they shulde geue vs lyfe, and promote the house of oure God, and to sett vp the desolacion therof, and to geue vs an hedge in Iuda and Ierusalem.

Nehemiah 2:3-5

3 & sayde vnto the kynge: God saue the kynges life for euer, shulde I not loke sadly? the cite of my fathers buryall lyeth wayest, & the portes therof are consumed wt the fyre. 4 Then sayde the kynge vnto me: What is the thy request? Then made I my prayer to the God of heaue, 5 and sayde vnto the kynge: yf it please the kynge, and yf thy seruaunt be fauoured in thy sighte, I beseke the sende me in to Iuda vnto ye cite of my fathers buryall, that I maye buylde it.

Nehemiah 6:11

11 But I sayde: Shulde soch a ma flye? Shulde soch a ma as I am, go in to ye teple, to saue his life? I wyl not go in.

Esther 1:1

1 In the tyme of Ahasuerus, which reigned from India vnto Ethiopia, ouer an hundreth and seuen and twentye londes,

Esther 1:10

10 And on the seuenth daye whan the kynge was mery of the wine, he comaunded Mehuman, Bistha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Sethar and Charcas, the seuen chamberlaynes (that dyd seruyce in the presence of kynge Ahasuerus)

Esther 1:12

12 But the quene Vasthi wolde not come at the kynges worde by his chamberlaynes. Then was the kynge very wroth, and his indignacio kyndled in him.

Esther 1:19

19 Yf it please the kynge, let there go a kyngly commaundemet from him, and let it be wrytten acordynge to the lawe of the Persians and Medians (and not to be transgressed) that Vasthi come nomore before kynge Ahasuerus, and let the kynge geue the kyngdome vnto another that is better then she.

Esther 2:7

7 and he norished Hadassa (that is Hester) his vncles danghter: for she had nether father ner mother, and she was a fayre and beutyfull damsell. And whan hir father and mother dyed, Mardocheus receaued her as his awne daughter.

Esther 2:14

14 And whan one came in the euenynge, ye same wete fro him on ye morow in to ye seconde house of wemen, vnder the hande of Saasgas the kynges chamberlayne, which kepte ye concubines. And she must come vnto the kynge nomore, excepte it pleased the kynge, and that he caused her to be called by name. 15 Now whan the tyme came of Hester the daughter of Abihail Mardocheus vncle (whom he had receaued as his awne daughter) yt she shulde come to the kynge, she desyred nothinge but what Hegai the kynges chamberlayne the keper of the wemen sayde. And Hester founde fauoure in the sighte of all them that loked vpon her.

Esther 2:20

20 And as yet had not Hester shewed hir kynred and hir people, acordinge as Mardocheus had bydden her: for Hester dyd after the worde of Mardocheus, like as whan he was hir tutoure.

Esther 3:2-15

2 And all the kynges seruauntes that were in the gate, bowed their knees, and dyd reuerence vnto Aman: for the kinge had so comaunded. But Mardocheus bowed not the knee, and worshipped him not. 3 Then the kynges seruauntes which were in the kynges gate, sayde vnto Mardocheus: Why transgressest thou the kynges commaundement? 4 And whan they spake this daylie vnto him, and he folowed them not, they tolde Aman, that they mighte se whether Mardocheus matters wolde endure: for he had tolde them, yt he was a Iewe. 5 And wha Aman sawe, that Mardocheus bowed not the knee vnto him, ner worshipped him, he was full of indignacion & despyte, 6 that he shulde laye hondes onely on Mardocheus: for they had shewed him ye people of Mardocheus, but he sought to destroye the people of Mardocheus, and all the people that were in the whole empyre of Ahasuerus. 7 In the first moneth that is the moneth Nissan, in ye twolueth yeare of kinge Ahasuerus, was there occasion and oportunyte sought by Aman, from one daye to another, and from the same moneth vnto the twolueth moneth, that is the moneth Adar. 8 And Ama sayde vnto kinge Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abrode and dispersed amonge all people in all the londes of thine empire, and their lawe is cotrary vnto all people, and they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profit to suffre the after this maner.

Esther 3:8-15

8 And Ama sayde vnto kinge Ahasuerus: There is a people scatered abrode and dispersed amonge all people in all the londes of thine empire, and their lawe is cotrary vnto all people, and they do not after the kynges lawes, nether is it the kinges profit to suffre the after this maner. 9 Yf it please the kynge, let him wryte, that they maye be destroyed, & so wil I weye downe ten thousande talentes of siluer, vnder the handes of the workmen, to be brought in to the kynges chamber.

Esther 3:9-15

9 Yf it please the kynge, let him wryte, that they maye be destroyed, & so wil I weye downe ten thousande talentes of siluer, vnder the handes of the workmen, to be brought in to the kynges chamber. 10 Then toke the kynge his rynge from his hande, and gaue it vnto Aman the sonne of Amadathi the Agagite the Iewes enemie.

Esther 3:10-15

10 Then toke the kynge his rynge from his hande, and gaue it vnto Aman the sonne of Amadathi the Agagite the Iewes enemie. 11 And the kinge sayde vnto Aman: Let the siluer be geuen the, and that people also, to do withall what pleaseth the.

Esther 3:11-15

11 And the kinge sayde vnto Aman: Let the siluer be geuen the, and that people also, to do withall what pleaseth the. 12 Then were the kynges scrybes called on ye thirtenth daye of the first moneth, & there was wrytten (acordynge as Aman commauded) vnto the kynges prynces, and to the Debites euery where in the londes, and to the captaynes of euery people in the countrees on euery syde, acordynge to the wrytinge of euery nacion, and after their language in the name of kynge Ahasuerus, and sealed with the kynges rynge.

Esther 3:12

12 Then were the kynges scrybes called on ye thirtenth daye of the first moneth, & there was wrytten (acordynge as Aman commauded) vnto the kynges prynces, and to the Debites euery where in the londes, and to the captaynes of euery people in the countrees on euery syde, acordynge to the wrytinge of euery nacion, and after their language in the name of kynge Ahasuerus, and sealed with the kynges rynge.

Esther 3:12-15

12 Then were the kynges scrybes called on ye thirtenth daye of the first moneth, & there was wrytten (acordynge as Aman commauded) vnto the kynges prynces, and to the Debites euery where in the londes, and to the captaynes of euery people in the countrees on euery syde, acordynge to the wrytinge of euery nacion, and after their language in the name of kynge Ahasuerus, and sealed with the kynges rynge. 13 And the wrytynges were sent by postes in to all the kynges lodes, to rote out, to kyll, and to destroye all Iewes, both yonge and olde, childre and wemen in one daye (namely vpon the thirtenth daye of the twolueth moneth, which is the moneth Adar) and to spoyle their goodes.

Esther 3:13-15

13 And the wrytynges were sent by postes in to all the kynges lodes, to rote out, to kyll, and to destroye all Iewes, both yonge and olde, childre and wemen in one daye (namely vpon the thirtenth daye of the twolueth moneth, which is the moneth Adar) and to spoyle their goodes. 14 This was the summe of the wrytinge, yt there shulde be a commaundement geuen in all londes, to be published vnto all people, yt they shulde be ready agaynst the same daye. 15 And the postes wente in all the haist acordynge to the kynges commaundement. And in the castell of Susan was the comaundement deuysed. And the kynge & Aman sat & dranke. But ye cite of Susan was disquieted.

Esther 4:3

3 And in all lodes & places, as farre as the kynges worde and commaundement extended, there was greate lamentacion amonge the Iewes, and many fasted, wepte, mourned, & laye in sack clothes & in ashes.

Esther 4:16

16 Go thou yi waye then, & gather together all ye Iewes yt are founde at Susan, & fast ye for me, yt ye eate not & drynke not in thre dayes, nether daye ner nighte. I & my damsels wil fast likewyse, & so wyl I go into the kynge cotrary to the comaundement: yf I perishe, I perishe.

Esther 5:1-2

1 And on the thirde daye put Hester on hir royall apparell, and stode in the courte of ye kinges palace within ouer agaynst the kynges house. And ye kynge sat vpo his royall seate in ye kynges palace ouer agaynst ye dore of the house.

Esther 5:1

1 And on the thirde daye put Hester on hir royall apparell, and stode in the courte of ye kinges palace within ouer agaynst the kynges house. And ye kynge sat vpo his royall seate in ye kynges palace ouer agaynst ye dore of the house. 2 And whan the kynge sawe Hester the quene stodinge in the courte, she founde grace in his sighte. And ye kynge helde out the golde cepter in his hade towarde Hester. So Hester stepte forth, and touched the toppe of ye cepter.

Esther 6:4

4 And the kynge sayde: Who is in ye courte? (for Aman was gone in to ye courte without before ye kinges house, yt he might speake vnto ye kinge to hange Mardocheus on ye tre, yt he had prepared for him.)

Esther 7:2

2 the kynge sayde vnto Hester on the seconde daye whan he had droken wyne: What is thy peticion quene Hester, that it maye be geuen the? And what requyrest thou? Yee axe euen halfe of the empyre, and it shal be done. 3 Hester ye quene answered and sayde: Yf I haue founde grace in thy sighte (O kynge) and yf it please the kynge, then graunte me my lyfe at my desyre and my people for my peticions sake: 4 for we are solde to be destroyed, to be slayne, and to perishe. And wolde God we were solde to be bondmen and bondwemen, then wolde I holde my tonge, so shulde not the enemye be so hye to the kynges harme.

Esther 8:4

4 And the kynge helde out the golden cepter vnto Hester. Then rose Hester, and stode before the kynge,

Esther 8:6

6 For how can I se the euell that shal happe vnto my people? and how can I loke vpon the destruction of my kynred?

Esther 9:12

12 And the kynge sayde vnto quene Hester: The Iewes haue slayne and destroyed fyue hudreth men at ye castell of Susan, and the ten sonnes of Ama: What shal they do in the other londes of ye kynge? What is thy peticion, that it maye be geuen the? & what requirest thou more to be done?

Job 1:20

20 Then Iob stode vp, and rente his clothes shaued his heade, fell downe vpon the groude, worshipped,

Job 2:8

8 so that he sat vpon the grounde in the asshes, and scraped of the etter off his sores with a potsherde.

Job 9:15

15 Yee though I be rightuous, yet will I not geue him one worde agayne, but mekely submytte my self to my iudge.

Job 9:18

18 He will not let my sprete be in rest, but fylleth me wt bytternesse.

Job 42:6

6 Wherfore I geue myne owne self ye blame, and take repentaunce in the dust and asshes.

Psalms 77:2

2 In the tyme of my trouble I sought the LORDE, I helde vp my hondes vnto him in the night season, for my soule refused all other comforte.

Proverbs 16:14-15

14 The kynges displeasure is a messaunger of death, but a wyse man wyl pacifie him. 15 The cherefull countenauce of ye kynge is life, and his louynge fauor is as the euenynge dewe.

Proverbs 21:1

1 The kynges hert is in the hande of the LORDE, like as are the ryuers of water: he maye turne it whyther so euer he wyll.

Proverbs 24:10-12

10 Yf thou be ouersene & necliget in tyme of nede, the is thy stregth but small. 11 Delyuer the yt go vnto death, & are led awaie to be slaine, & be not necliget therin. 12 Yf thou wilt saye: I knewe not of it. Thynkest thou yt he which made ye hertes, doth not cosidre it? & yt he which regardeth yi soule, seith it not? Shal not he recopence euery man acordinge to his workes?

Ecclesiastes 10:4

4 Yf a principall sprete be geue the to beare rule, be not negliget the in thine office: for so shal greate wickednesse be put downe, as it were wt a medecyne.

Isaiah 15:4

4 Hesebon and Eleale cried, that their voyce was herde vnto Iahaz. The worthies also of Moab bleared and cried for very sorow of their myndes:

Isaiah 22:4

4 When I perceaued yt, I sayde: awaye fro me, yt I maye wepe bytterly. Take no laboure for to coforte me, as touchinge the destruction of my people.

Isaiah 22:12

12 And at the same tyme shal ye LORDE of hoostes cal me to wepinge mourninge, to baldnesse and puttinge on of sack clothe.

Isaiah 37:1-3

1 When Ezechias herde that, he rente his clothes, & put on a sack cloth, & went in to the temple of the LORDE. 2 But he sent Eliachim the Presidet, Sobna the scrybe wt the eldest prestes cloothed in sack, vnto the Prophet Esay the sonne of Amos, 3 & they sayde vnto him: Thus saieth Ezechias: this is the daye of trouble, of plage & of wrath: like as when a childe cometh to the byrth, but the woman hath no power to bringe it forth.

Isaiah 45:1-5

1 Thus saieth the LORDE vnto Cirus his anoynted, whom he ledeth by ye right hode: that the people maye fall downe before him: I wil lowse the gyrdle of kinges, yt they shal open the gates before thy face, and not to shut their dores. 2 I wil go before the, and make the croked straight. I shal breake the brasen dores, & burst the yron barres. 3 I shall geue the the hyd treasure, & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou mayest knowe, yt I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name: 4 and that for Iacob my seruaunt sake, & for Israel my chosen. For I called the by yi name, and ordened the, or euer thou knewest me: 5 Euen I the LORDE, before whom there is none other, for wt out me there is no God I haue prepared the, or euer thou knewest me:

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kinges shalbe thy noursinge fathers, and Quenes shalbe thy noursinge mothers. They shal fall before the wt their faces flat vpon the earth, and lick vp the dust of thy fete: that thou mayest knowe, how that I am the LORDE. And who so putteth his trust in me, shal not be confounded.

Isaiah 54:17

17 but all the weapens yt are made agaynst the, shal not prospere. And as for all tunges, yt shal resiste the in iudgmet, thou shalt ouercome the, & codemne them. This is the heretage of the LORDES seruauntes, & the rightuousnes that they shal haue of me, saieth the LORDE.

Isaiah 56:3

3 Then shal not the straunger, which cleaueth to the LORDE, saye: Alas the LORDE hath shut me cleane out from his people. Nether shal the gelded man saye: lo, I am a drie tre.

Isaiah 58:5

5 Thynke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a ma shulde chasten himself for a daye, and to wryth his heade aboute like an hoke in an hairy cloth, & to lye vpon the earth? Shulde that be called fastinge, or a daye yt pleaseth ye LORDE?

Jeremiah 30:11

11 For I am with the, to helpe the, saieth the LORDE. And though I shal destroye all the people, amonge whom I haue scatred the, yet will I not destroye the, but correcke the, and that with discrecion. For I knowe, that thou art in no wise without faute.

Jeremiah 31:15

15 Thus saieth the LORDE: The voyce of heuynes, wepynge and lamentacion came vp in to heauen: euen of Rachel mournynge for hir children, and wolde not be comforted, because they were awaye.

Jeremiah 33:24-26

24 Cosidrest thou not what this people speaketh? Two kynreddes (saye they) had the LORDE chosen, & those same two hath he cast awaye. For so farre is my people come, yt they haue no hope to come together eny more, and to be one people agayne. 25 Therfore thus saieth the LORDE: Yf I haue made no couenaunt with daye & night, and geue no statute vnto heauen and earth: 26 then will I also cast awaye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt: so that I wil take no prynce out of his sede, to rule the posterite of Abraha, Isaac and Iacob. But yet I will turne agayne their captiuyte, and be mercifull vnto them.

Jeremiah 46:28

28 Feare thou not (o Iacob my seruaunt) saieth the LORDE, for I am with the: and will destroye all nacions, amonge whom I haue scatred the. Neuertheles I will not consume the, but chasten the and correcke the: yee and that with discrecion: nether wil I spare the, as one that were fautlesse.

Ezekiel 21:6

6 Mourne therfore (o thou sonne of man) yt thy loynes crack withall, yee mourne bytterly for them:

Ezekiel 27:30-31

30 They shal lift vp their voyce because off the, and make a lamentable crye. They shall cast dust vpon their heades, ad lye downe in the asshes. 31 They shal shaue them selues, & put sacke cloth vpon them for thy sake. They shall mourne for the with hertfull sorow,

Daniel 2:9

9 Therfore, yff ye wil not tell me the dreame, ye shal all haue one iudgment. But ye fayne and dyssemble with vayne wordes, which ye speake before me, to put off the tyme. Therfore tell me the dreame, ad so shall I knowe, yff ye can shewe me, what it meaneth.

Daniel 9:3

3 ad I turned me vnto God the LORDE, for to praye and make myne intercessio, with fastinge, sackcloth ad ashes

Joel 1:14-15

14 Proclame a fastynge, call the cogregacion, gather the elders & all the inhabiters of the londe together into the house of the LORDE yor God, & crie vnto the LORDE: 15 alas, alas for this daye. And why? the daye of the LORDE is at honde, and commeth as a destroyer from the Allmightie.

Joel 2:12-17

12 Now therfore saieth the LORDE: Turne you vnto me with all youre hertes, with fastinge, wepynge and mournynge: 13 rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes. 14 Then (no doute) he also shal turne, & forgeue: & after his chastenynge, he shal let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynck offerynges vnto the LORDE youre God? 15 Blowe out with the tropet in Sion, proclame a fastynge, call the congregacion, 16 & gather the people together: warne the congregacion, gather the elders, bringe the children & suclynges together. Let ye brydegrome go forth of his chabre, & the bryde out of her closet. 17 Let the prestes serue the LORDE betwixte the porch & ye aulter, wepinge & sayenge: be fauourable (o LORDE) be fauourable vnto thy people: let not thine heretage be brought to soch confucion, lest the Heithen be lordes therof. Wherfore shulde they saye amonge the Heithen: where is now their God?

Amos 9:8-9

8 Beholde, the eyes of the LORDE are vpon the realme that synneth, to rote it clene out of the earth: Neuertheles, I will not vterly destroye the house of Iacob, saieth the LORDE. 9 For lo, this I promyse: though I siffte ye house of Israel amonge all nacions (like as they vse to sifte in a syue) yet shall not ye smallest grauel stone fall vpo the earth:

Jonah 3:4-9

4 And Ionas wente to, and entred in to ye cite: euen a dayes iourney, and cried, sayenge: There are yet xl. dayes, and then shal Niniue be ouerthrowen. 5 And the people of Niniue beleued God, and proclamed fastinge, and arayed them selues in sack cloth, as well the greate as the small of them. 6 And the tydinges came vnto ye kinge of Niniue, which arose out off his seate, and dyd his apparell off, and put on sack cloth, and sate him downe in asshes. 7 And it was cried and commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the kige and his lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beest, oxe or shepe taist ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drincke water: 8 but put on sack cloth both man and beest, and crye mightely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne fro his euell waye, and from the wickednesse, yt he hath in honde. 9 Who can tell? God maye turne, and repete, and cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not.

Micah 1:8

8 Wherfore I wil mourne & make lamentacion, bare & naked will I go: I must mourne like ye dragos, & take sorow as ye Estriches:

Zephaniah 1:14

14 For the greate daye of the LORDE is at honde, it is harde by, & commeth on a pace. Horrible is ye tydinges of the LORDES daye, then shall the giaunte crie out:

Matthew 11:21

21 Wo vnto the Chorasin, Wo vnto the Bethsaida: for yf the miracles which haue bene shewed amoge you, had bene done in Tyre and Sidon, they had repented longe agoo in sack cloth and asshes.

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nightes in the Whalles bely, so shal the sonne of ma be thre dayes and thre nightes in the hert of the earth.

Matthew 13:42

42 & shal cast the in to a fornace of fyre, there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.

Matthew 16:18

18 And I saie to ye: Thou art Peter, & vpo this rocke wil I builde my cogregacion: and ye gates of hell shal not preuayle agaynst it.

Matthew 16:24-25

24 Then sayde Iesus vnto his disciples: Yf eny man wil folowe me, let him forsake himself, & take vp his crosse, and folowe me. 25 For who so wil saue his life, shal lose it: but whoso loseth his life for my sake, shal fynde it.

Matthew 22:13

13 Then sayde the kynge vnto his seruauntes: Take and bynde him hande and fote, & cast him into ye vtter darcknes: there shal be waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.

Matthew 24:22

22 Yee and excepte those daies shulde be shortened, there shulde no flesh be saued: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened.

Matthew 25:30

30 And cast the vnprofitable seruaunt in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth.

Luke 9:24

24 For who so euer wil saue his life, shal lose it. But who so loseth his life for my sake, shal saue it.

John 12:25

25 He that loueth his life, shal lose it: and he that hateth his life in this worlde, shal kepe it vnto life euerlastinge.

Acts 7:20-25

20 At the same tyme was Moses borne, and was a proper childe before God, and was norished thre monethes in his fathers house. 21 But whan he was cast out, Pharaos doughter toke him vp, and norished him vp for hir awne sonne. 22 And Moses was learned in all maner wyssdome of the Egipcians, and was mightie in dedes & wordes. 23 But whan he was fourtye yeare olde, it came in to his mynde to vyset his brethren the children of Israel. 24 And whan he sawe one of them suffre wroge, he helped him, and delyuered him, that had the harme done vnto him, and slewe the Egipcian. 25 But he thoughte that his brethren shulde haue vnderstonde, how that God by his hande shulde saue the, howbeit they vnderstode it not.

Acts 8:27

27 And he rose, and wente on. And beholde, a ma of the Morians lode (a chamberlayne and of auctorite with Candace ye quene of the londe of the Morians) which had the rule of all hir treasuries, ye same came to Ierusale to worshipe.

Acts 9:9

9 and he was thre dayes without sighte, and nether ate ner dranke.

Acts 10:7

7 And wha the angell which spake to Cornelius, was departed, he called two of his housholde seruauntes, & a deuoute soudyer, of the that wayted vpon him:

Acts 12:20

20 But he was displeased with the of Tyre and Sido. Neuertheles they came vnto him with one accorde, and made intercession to Blastus the kynges chamberlayne, and desyred peace, because their countre was norished by the kynges londe.

Acts 14:14

14 Whan ye Apostles Barnabas and Paul herde that, they rent their clothes, and ranne in amonge the people, cryenge

Acts 20:24

24 But I regarde none of them, nether counte I my life dearer then my selfe, that I maye fulfyll my course with ioye, and the office yt I haue receaued of the LORDE Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.

Acts 21:13

13 Then answered Paul and sayde: What do ye, wepynge, and breakynge my hert? For I am redye not onely to be bounde, but also to dye at Ierusalem for ye name of the LORDE Iesu.

Acts 27:33

33 And whan it beganne to be daye, Paul exhorted them all to take meate, and sayde: To daye is the fourtene daye that ye haue taried and contynued fastinge, and haue receaued nothinge:

Romans 12:15

15 Be mery with them that are mery and wepe with them that wepe.

Romans 16:4

4 which for my life haue layed downe their awne neckes: vnto whom not I onely geue thankes, but all the congregacions of the Heythen.

1 Corinthians 12:26

26 and yf one membre be had in honoure, all the membres are glad with him also.

Philippians 2:4

4 and let euery ma loke not for his awne profet, but for the profet of other.

Philippians 2:30

30 for because of the worke of Christ, he wente so farre, that he came nye vnto death, and regarded not his life, to fulfyll that seruyce which was lackynge on youre parte towarde me.

1 Timothy 6:13

13 I geue the charge before God, which quyckeneth all thinges, & before Iesu Christ, which vnder Pontius Pilate witnessed a good witnessynge,

1 Timothy 6:17

17 Charge the which are riche in this worlde, that they be not proude, ner trust in the vncertayne riches, but in the lyuynge God (which geueth vs abundauntly all thinges to enioye them:)

Hebrews 4:15

15 For we haue not an hye prest which ca not haue copassion on or infirmities, but was in all poyntes tepted, like as we are, but without synne.

Hebrews 12:3

3 Cosidre him therfore that endured soch speakinge agaynst hi of synners, lest ye be weery and faynte in youre myndes:

1 Peter 3:7

7 Likewyse ye men, dwell with them acordinge vnto knowlege, geuynge honor vnto the wife, as to the weaker vessel: & as vnto the yt are heyres with you of the grace of life, that youre prayers be not let.

Revelation 18:17-19

17 for at one houre so greate ryches is come to naught. And euery shippe gouerner, and all they that occupie shippes, and shippmen which worke in the see, stode a farre of, 18 and cryed, when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge, and sayde: what cite is like vnto this greate cite? 19 And they cast dust on their heades, and cryed wepynge, and waylinge, and sayde: Alas, Alas the greate cite, wherin were made ryche all that had shippes in the see, by the reason of her wares: for at one houre is she made desolate.

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