Amos 7:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 Morouer, he shewed me this vision: beholde, the LORDE stode vpon a plastered wall, & a masons trowell in his hode.

2 Samuel 8:2

2 He smote the Moabites also to the grounde, so that he broughte two partes of them to death, and let one parte lyue. Thus the Moabites were subdued vnto Dauid, so yt they broughte him giftes.

2 Kings 21:13

13 and ouer Ierusalem wyll I stretch forth the lyne of Samaria, and the weighte of the house of Achab, and wyll wype out Ierusalem, euen as one wypeth a platter, and I wyl ouerthrowe it.

Isaiah 28:17

17 Rightuousnes wil I set vp agayne in ye balaunce, and iudgment in the weightes. The tepest of hale shal take awaye yor refuge, that ye haue to disceaue withal, and ye ouerflowinge waters shal breake downe yor stroge holdes of dissimulacio.

Isaiah 34:11

11 But Pellicanes, Storkes, great Oules, and Rauens shall haue it in possession, & dwell therein. For God shal sprede out the lyne of desolacion vpon it, & weye it with the stones of emptynes.

Lamentations 2:8

8 The LORDE thought to breake downe the walles of the doughter Sion, he spred out his lyne, & drewe not in his honde, till he had destroyed them. Therfore mourne the turrettes and the broken walles together.

Ezekiel 40:3

3 Thither he caried me, and beholde, there was a man, whose similitude was like brasse, which had a threde of flax in his honde, and a meterodde also. He stode in the dore,

Zechariah 2:1-2

1 I lift vp myne eyes agayne, & loked: and beholde, a man with a measure lyne in his honde. 2 Then saide I: whether goest thou? And he sayde vnto me: To measure Ierusalem, that I maye se how longe and how brode it is.

Revelation 11:1

1 And there was geuen me a rede lyke vnto a rodd, and it was sayde vnto me: Ryse and mete the teple of God, and the aultre, and them that worshippe therin:

Revelation 21:15

15 And he that talked with me, had a golden rede to measure the cite with all, and the gates therof, and the wall therof.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.