Amos 4:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 I haue smyten you with drouth and blastinge: and loke how many orchardes, vinyardes, fygetrees and olyue trees ye had: ye catirpiller hath eaten them vp. But yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the LORDE.

Deuteronomy 28:22

22 The LORDE shall smyte the with swellynge, feuers, heate, burnynge, venome, drouth, and palenesse, & shall persecute the, tyll he haue destroyed the.

Deuteronomy 28:42

42 All thy trees and frutes of thy londe shall be marred with blastinge.

1 Kings 8:37

37 Whan a derth, or pestilence, or drouth, or burnynge, or greshopper or catirpiller, is in their londe, or whan his enemye layeth sege to his portes in the londe, or whan eny other plage or disease happeneth,

2 Chronicles 6:28

28 Whan a derth, or pestilence, or drouth, or blastinge, or greshopper or catirpiller, is in the londe: Or whan their enemye layeth sege to their portes in the lode, or whan eny other plage or disease happeneth,

Job 36:8-13

8 But yf they be layed in preson and cheynes, or bounde with the bondes of pouerte: 9 then sheweth he them their workes ad dedes and the synnes wherwt they haue vsed cruell violence. 10 He with punyshinge and nurturinge off them, rowneth them in the eares, warneth them to leaue of from their wickednesse, and to amende. 11 Yf they now will take hede and be obedient, they shall weere out their dayes in prosperite, and their yeares in pleasure ad ioye. 12 But yff they will not obeye, they shall go thorow the swearde, & perish or euer they be awarre. 13 As for soch as be fayned, dyssemblers and ypocrytes, they heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon him, though they be his presoners.

Isaiah 1:5

5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy.

Isaiah 42:24-25

24 Who suffred Iacob to be trodden vnder fote, and Israel to be spoyled? dyd not the LORDE? Now haue we synned agaynst him, and haue had no delite to walke in his wayes, nether bene obedient vnto his lawe. 25 Therfore hath he poured vpon vs his wroothful displeasure, and stroge batell, which maketh vs haue to do on euery syde, yet will we not vnderstode: He burneth vs vp, yet syncketh it not in to oure hartes.

Jeremiah 3:10

10 Neuerthelesse, hir vnfaithfull sister Iuda is not turned vnto me agayne with hir whole herte, but faynedly, saieth the LORDE.

Jeremiah 5:3

3 Where as thou (o LORDE) lokest only vpon faith and treuth. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast correcte them for amendemet, but they refused thy correction. They made their faces harder then a stone, and wolde not amende.

Joel 1:4

4 Loke what the caterpiller hath lefte, yt hath the greshopper eaten vp: what the greshopper lefte, that hath the locuste eaten vp: & what the locuste hath lefte, that hath the blastinge consumed.

Joel 1:7

7 They shal make my vinyarde waist, they shal pyll of the barckes of my fygetrees, strype them bare, cast them awaye, and make the braunches whyte.

Joel 2:25

25 And as for the yeares that ye gre?shopper, locuste, blasstinge & caterpiller (my greate hoost, which I sent amonge you) haue eaten vp, I shal restore them to you agayne:

Amos 4:6

6 Therfore haue I geuen you ydle teth in all youre cities, & scarcenesse off bred in all youre places: yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth the LORDE.

Amos 4:8

8 Wherfore two (yee thre) cities came vnto one, to drynke water: but they were not satisfied, yet will ye not turne vnto me, sayeth ye LORDE.

Amos 7:1-2

1 The LORDE God shewed me soch a vision: beholde, there stode one that made gre?shoppers, euen when the corne was shutynge forth, after the kynge had clipte his shepe. 2 Now when they vndertoke to eate vp all the grene thinges in ye lode, I sayde: O LORDE God, be mercifull, I beseke the: who shulde els helpe vp Iacob, that is brought so lowe?

Haggai 2:17

17 For I smote you with heate, blastinge & hale stones in all the labours of youre hondes: yet was there none of you, that wolde turne vnto me, saieth the LORDE.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.