17 Then layed they their hades on them, and they receaued the holy goost.
Acts 8:17 Cross References - Coverdale
Numbers 8:10
10 and brynge the Leuytes before the LORDE. And the children of Israel shall laye their handes vpon the Leuites.
Numbers 27:18
18 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Take vnto the Iosua the sonne of Nun, which is a man in whom is the sprete, and put thine handes vpon him,
Acts 2:4
4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce.
Acts 6:6
6 These they set before ye Apostles, and they prayed, and layed their handes vpon them.
Acts 8:18
18 But whan Simon sawe, that by the layenge on of the Apostles hades ye holy goost was geuen, he offred the money,
Acts 9:17
17 And Ananias wente his waye, and came in to the house, and layed the handes vpon him, and sayde: Brother Saul, the LORDE which appeared vnto ye in the waye as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receaue thy sight, and be fylled with the holy goost.
Acts 13:3
3 Then fasted they and prayed, and layed the handes on them, and let them go.
Acts 19:6
6 And whan Paul layed the hades on the, the holy goost came vpon them, and they spake with tunges, and prophecied.
Romans 1:11
11 For I longe to se you, that I mighte bestowe vpon you some spirituall gifte to stregth you
Galatians 3:2-5
2 This onely wolde I lerne of you: Receaued ye the sprete by the dedes of the lawe, or by the preachinge of the faith?
3 Are ye so vnwyse? Ye beganne in the sprete, wolde ye ende now the in the flesh?
4 Haue ye suffred so moch in vayne? Yf it be els in vayne.
5 He that geueth you the sprete, and doth soch greate actes amoge you, doth he it thorow the dedes of the lawe, or by ye preachinge of the faith?
1 Timothy 4:14
14 Be not necligent in the gifte that is geuen the thorow prophecye, with layege on of the handes of the Elders.
1 Timothy 5:22
22 Laye hondes sodenly on no ma, nether be partaker of other mes synnes. Kepe yi selfe pure.
2 Timothy 1:6
6 Wherfore I warne the, that thou stere vp ye gifte of God which is in the by puttynge on of my handes.
Hebrews 6:2
2 of baptyme, of doctryne, of layenge on of hades, of resurreccion of the deed, & of eternall iudgment.