3 Wherfore brethren, loke out amonge you seue men, that are of honeste reporte, and full of the holy goost and wyssdome, whom we maye appoynte to this nedefull busynes.
Acts 6:3 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 41:38-39
Numbers 11:16-25
16 And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: Gather vnto me seuentye men amonge the Elders of Israel, whom thou knowest yt they are the Elders in ye people and officers ouer them, and brynge them before the Tabernacle of witnesse, and set them there with the:
17 then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone.
18 And vnto ye people thou shalt saye: Sactifye yor selues agaynst tomorow, yt ye maye eate flesh: for youre wepynge is come into the eares of the LORDE, ye that saye: Who shal geue vs flesh to eate? for we were well at ease in Egipte. Therfore shal the LORDE geue you flesh to eate,
19 not one daye, not two, not fyue, not ten, not twentye dayes longe,
20 but a moneth longe, tyll it go out at youre noses, and tyll ye lothe it: euen because ye haue refused the LORDE, which is amonge you, and haue wepte before him, & sayde: Wherfore wente we out of Egipte?
21 And Moses sayde: Sixe hundreth thousande fote men are there of the people amoge whom I am, and thou sayest: I wyll geue you flesh to eate a moneth loge.
22 Shal the shepe and oxen be slayne to be ynough for them? Or shal all the fishes of the see be gathered together, to be sufficient for them?
23 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Is the LORDES hande shortened then? But now shalt thou se, whether my wordes shall be fulfilled in dede, or no?
24 And Moses wete out, and tolde the people ye worde of the LORDE, and gathered the seuentye men amonge the Eldest of the people, & set them rounde aboute the Tabernacle.
25 Then came the LORDE downe in a cloude, & spake vnto him, & toke of the sprete yt was vpon him, & put it vpon the seuentie Elders. And whan the sprete rested vpon them, they prophecied, and ceassed not.
Numbers 27:18-19
Deuteronomy 1:13
13 Prouyde here men of wysdome & vnderstondinge, soch as are knowne amonge youre trybes, the wil I set to be heades vnto you.
Job 32:7-8
Isaiah 11:2-5
2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God:
3 and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge:
4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked.
5 Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes.
Isaiah 28:6
6 Vnto the lowly, he shalbe a sprete of iudgment, and vnto them that dryue awaye the enemies from ye gates, he shalbe a sprete of stregth.
Isaiah 28:26
26 And yt he maye do it right, his God teacheth him and sheweth him.
Matthew 23:8
8 But ye shal not suffre youre selues to be called Rabbi, for one is youre master, euen Christ, and all ye are brethren.
Acts 1:21
21 Wherfore amonge these men which haue bene gathered together with vs (all the tyme that the LORDE Iesus wete out and in amonge vs,
Acts 2:4
4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce.
Acts 6:6
6 These they set before ye Apostles, and they prayed, and layed their handes vpon them.
Acts 9:30
30 Whan the brethren knewe yt, they brought him to Cesarea, and sent him forth to Tharsis.
Acts 10:22
22 They sayde: Cornelius the captayne, a iust man and one that feareth God, and of good reporte amoge all the people of the Iewes, was warned by an holy angell, to sende for the in to his house, and to heare wordes of the.
Acts 13:2-3
Acts 15:23
23 and gaue the letters in their handes after this maner: We the Apostles and Elders & brethren, wysh health vnto the brethre of the Heythe which are at Antioche, and Syria and Celicia.
Acts 16:2
2 ye same had a good reporte amonge the brethre of Lystra and at Iconium.
Acts 22:12
12 There was one Ananias, a deuoute man after the lawe, which had a good reporte of all the Iewes that dwelt there,
1 Corinthians 12:8
8 To one is geuen thorow the sprete the vtteraunce of wissdome: to another is geuen the vtteraunce of knowlege acordinge to the same sprete:
1 Corinthians 16:3
3 Whan I am come, whom so euer ye shal alowe by youre letters, the wyll I sende to brynge youre liberalite vnto Ierusalem.
2 Corinthians 8:19-21
19 Not onely that, but he is chosen also of the congregacions, to be a felowe with vs in oure iourney, for this benyuolence that is mynistred by vs vnto the prayse of the LORDE, and to stere vp youre prompte mynde,
20 and to bewarre, lest eny ma reporte euell of vs because of this plenteousnes, which is mynistred by vs:
21 and therfore make we prouision for honest thinges, not onely before the LORDE, but also before men.
Ephesians 5:18
18 and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete
1 Timothy 3:7-15
7 He must also haue a good reporte of them which are without, lest he fall in to the rebuke and snare of the euell speaker.
8 Likewyse must the mynisters be honest, not double tonged, not geuen to moch wyne, nether vnto fylthie lucre,
9 but hauynge the mystery of faith in pure conscience.
10 And let them first be proued, and then let them mynister, yf they be blamelesse.
11 Euen so must their wyues be honest, not euell speakers, but sober and faithfull in all thinges.
12 Let the mynisters be, euery one the hussbade of one wyfe, and soch as rule their children well, and their owne housholdes.
13 For they that mynister well, get them selues a good degree and greate libertye in the faith which is in Christ Iesu.
14 These thinges wryte I vnto the, trustinge shortly to come vnto the:
15 but yf I tary loge, that then thou mayest yet haue knowlege, how thou oughtest to behaue thy selfe in Gods house, which is the congregacion of the lyuynge God, the piler and grounde of trueth:
1 Timothy 5:10
10 and well reported of in good workes, yf she haue brought vp children well, yf she haue bene harberous, yf she haue wasshed the sayntes fete, yf she haue mynistred vnto the which were in aduersite, yf she were continually geuen to all maner of good workes.
James 1:17
17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.
James 3:17-18
1 John 3:14-16
14 We knowe yt we are traslated from death vnto life, because we loue the brethren. He that loueth not his brother, abydeth in death.
15 Who soeuer hateth his brother, is a mansleyer. And ye knowe that a mansleyer hath not eternall life abydinge in him.
16 Hereby haue we perceaued loue, that he gaue his life for vs, and therfore ought we also to geue oure lyues for the brethre.
3 John 1:12
12 Demetrius hath good reporte of all men, and of the trueth: yee and we oure selues also beare recorde, and ye knowe that oure recorde is true.