9 Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and we that dwell in Mesopotamia, and in Iewry and Capadocia, Pontus, and Asia,
Acts 2:9 Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 10:22
22 And these are his children: Ela, Assur, Arphachad, Lud & Aram.
Genesis 14:1
1 And it chaunsed in the tyme of Amraphel the kynge of Synear, Arioch the kynge of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer the kinge of Elam, & Thy deal the kynge of ye Heithen,
Genesis 24:10
10 So the seruaunt toke ten Camels of the Camels of his master and departed, and had wt him of all maner of goodes of his master, and gat him vp, and departed vnto Mesopotamia, to the cite of Nahor.
Deuteronomy 23:4
4 because they met you not wt bred & water in ye waye, wha ye came out of Egipte. And besides yt, they hired agaynst you Balaa ye sonne of Beor, ye interpreter out of Mesopotamia, to curse ye.
Judges 3:8
8 Then ye wrath of ye LORDE waxed whote ouer Israel, & he solde the vnder the hade of Cusan Risathaim kynge of Mesopotamia, & so ye childre of Israel serued Cusan Risathaim viij. yeare.
2 Kings 17:6
6 And in the nyenth yeare of Oseas dyd ye kynge of Assiria wynne Samaria, and caried Israel awaye in to Assiria, and set them at Halah and at Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes.
1 Chronicles 19:6
6 Whan the childre of Ammon sawe, that they stynked in ye sighte of Dauid, both Hanun and the children of Ammon sent a thousande taletes of syluer, to hyre charettes and horsmen out of Mesopotamia, out of Maecha and out of Zoba:
Ezra 6:2
2 So at Egbathanis in a castell that lyeth in the londe of the Meedes, there was founde a boke, & in it was there an acte wrytten after this maner:
Isaiah 11:11
11 At the same tyme shal the LORDE take in honde agayne, to conquere ye remnaunt of his people (which are lefft alyue) From the Assirias, Egiptians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochias and Ilodes of the see.
Isaiah 21:2
2 Who so maye disceaue (sayde the voyce) let him disceaue: Who so maye distroye, let him distroye. Vp Elam, besege it o Madai, for I will still all their gronynges.
Daniel 8:2
2 I sawe in a vision, (and when I sawe it, I was at Susis in the chefe cite, which lyeth in the londe off Elam) and in ye vision, me thought I was by the ryuer off Vlai.
Daniel 8:20
20 The ramme which thou sawest with the two hornes, is the kynge off the Medes ad Perses:
Acts 6:9
9 Then arose there certayne of the synagoge, which is called (the synagoge) of ye Libertynes, & of the Cyrenites, and of the Alexadrines, and of the yt were of Celicia and Asia, & disputed with Steue,
Acts 7:2
2 He sayde: Deare brethren and fathers, herken to, The God of glorye appeared vnto or father Abraha, whyle he was yet in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran,
Acts 16:6
6 But as they wente thorow Phrygia and the londe of Galacia, they were forbydden of the holy goost, to preache the worde in Asia.
Acts 18:2
2 and founde a Iewe named Aquila, borne in Potus, which was lately come out of Italy: and his wife Priscilla (because the Emperor Claudius had commaunded all Iewes to departe from Rome) and he drue vnto the.
Acts 19:10
10 And this was done two yeares loge, so that all they which dwelt in Asia, herde the worde of the LORDE Iesu, both Iewes & Grekes.
Acts 19:27
27 Howbeit it shal not onely brynge oure occupacion to this poynte to be set at naught, but also the temple of greate Diana shal from hence forth be despysed, and hir maiestye also shalbe destroyed, who neuertheles all Asia and the worlde worshippeth.
Acts 19:31
31 Certayne also of ye chefe of Asia which were Pauls good frendes, sent vnto him, and desyred him, that he shulde not preasse in to the open place.
Acts 20:16
16 for Paul had determed to sayle ouer by Ephesus, that he nede not to spende the tyme in Asia: for he haisted to be at Ierusalem vpo the Whitsondaye, yf it were possible for him.
Acts 20:18
18 Whan they were come to him, he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe sence the first daye that I came in to Asia, after what maner I haue bene with you at all tyme,
Romans 16:5
5 Grete the congregacion also in their house. Salute Epenetos my beloued, which is ye first frute amoge the of Achaia i Christ.
1 Corinthians 16:19
19 The congregacions of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you moch in the LORDE, and so doth the cogregacion that is in their house.
2 Corinthians 1:8
8 Brethren we wolde not haue you ignoraunt of oure trouble, which happened vnto vs in Asia, for we were greued out off measure passynge strength, so that we euen dispared of life,
2 Timothy 1:15
15 This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia, be turned fro me, of which sorte are Phigelus and Hermogenes.
1 Peter 1:1
1 Peter an Apostle of Iesu Christ, to the that dwell here and there as straungers thorow out Pontus, Galacia, Capadocia, Asia and Bithinia, electe
Revelation 1:4
4 Ihon to the seuen cogregacions in Asia. Grace be with you & peace, fro him which is and which was, and which is to come, & fro the seuen spretes which are present before his trone,
Revelation 1:11
11 sayenge: I am Alpha and Omega, the fyrst and ye laste. That thou seist, write in a boke, and sende it vnto the cogregacions which are in Asia, vnto Ephesus and vnto Smyrna, and vnto Pargamos, and vnto Thiatira, and vnto Sardis, and vnto Philadelphia, and vnto Laodicia.