2 Timothy 3:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 For there shalbe me which shal holde of the selues, couetous, boasters, proude, cursed speakers, dishobedient to their elders, vnthankfull, vngoostly,

Psalms 10:3

3 For the vngodly maketh boost of his owne hertes desyre, the cuvetous blesseth him self, and blasphemeth the LORDE.

Psalms 49:6

6 They that put their trust in their good, & boost them selues in the multitude of their riches.

Psalms 52:1

1 Why boastest thou thy self (thou Tyraunt) that thou canst do myschefe?

Proverbs 6:17

17 A proude loke, a dyssemblynge tonge, hades that shed innocent bloude,

Isaiah 10:15

15 But doth the axe boost itself, agaynst him yt heweth therwith, or doth the sawe make eny krakinge, agaynst him that ruleth it? That were euen like, as yf the rod dyd exalte it self agaynst him, that beareth it: or as though ye staff shulde magnifie it self, as who saye: it were no wodd.

Daniel 7:25

25 He shall subdue thre kynges, and shall speake wordes agaynst the hyest off all: he shall destroye the sayntes of the most hyest and thynke, that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes. They shall be geuen vnder his power, vntill a tyme, two tymes, and halff a tyme.

Daniel 11:36

36 The kinge shal do what him list, he shal exalte and magnifie himself agaynst all, that is God. Yee he shall speake maruelous thinges agaynst the God of all goddes, wherin he shal prospere, so longe till the wrath be fulfilled, for the conclusion is deuysed alredy.

Matthew 15:6

6 By this is it come to passe, that no man honoureth his father or his mother eny more. And thus haue ye made the comaundement of God of none effecte, for youre owne tradicios.

Mark 7:11-12

11 But ye saye: A ma shal saye to father or mother: Corban, that is, The thinge yt I shulde helpe the withall, is geue vnto God. 12 And thus ye suffre him nomore to do ought for his father or his mother,

Luke 12:15

15 And he sayde vnto them: Take hede, and bewarre of couetousnesse, for no man lyueth therof, that he hath abundaunce of goodes.

Luke 16:14

14 All these thinges herde the Pharises, which were couetous, and they mocked hi.

Acts 5:36

36 Before these dayes rose vp one Theudas, boostinge himself. (And there cleued vnto him a nobre of me, aboute a foure hundreth) which was slayne, and all they yt enclyned vnto him, were scatred abrode, and brought to naught.

Romans 1:29-31

29 beynge full of all vnrighteousnes, whordome, wickednes, couetousnes, maliciousnes, full of enuye, murthur, strife, disceate, euell codicioned whisperers, 30 backbyters, despysers of God, doers of wronge, proude, boosters, bryngers vp of euell thinges, disobedient to their Elders, 31 without vnderstondinge, couenaunt breakers, vnlouynge, stubborne, vnmercifull:

Romans 11:18

18 boost not thy selfe agaynst the braunches. Yf thou boost thy selfe agaynst them, then bearest not thou the rote, but the rote beareth the.

Romans 15:1-3

1 We that are stronge ought to beare ye fraylnesse of them which are weake, and not to stonde in oure awne consaytes. 2 Let euery one of vs ordre himselfe so, that he please his neghboure vnto his welth, and edifienge: 3 For Christ pleased not himselfe, but as it is wrytten: The rebukes of them which rebuked the, are fallen vpon me.

2 Corinthians 5:15

15 And therfore dyed he for all, that they which lyue, shulde not hence forth lyue vnto them selues, but vnto him, which dyed for them and rose agayne.

Philippians 2:21

21 for all other seke their awne, not that which is Iesus Christes.

Colossians 3:5

5 Mortifye therfore youre mebres which are vpon earth, whordome, vnclennes, vnnaturall lust, euell concupiscece, and couetousnes, which is a worshippynge of Idols:

2 Thessalonians 2:4

4 which is an aduersary, and is exalted aboue all yt is called God or Gods seruyce, so that he sytteth as God in the temple of God, and boasteth himselfe to be God.

1 Timothy 1:20

20 of whose nombre is Hymeneos and Alexander, whom I haue delyuered vnto Sathan, that they might be taught, nomore to blaspheme.

1 Timothy 3:3

3 Not geuen to moch wyne, no fighter, not geuen to filthy lucre: but gentle, abhorrynge stryfe, abhorrynge couetousnes:

1 Timothy 6:4

4 he is puft vp, and knoweth nothinge, but waysteth his brayne aboute questions and stryuynges of wordes: wherof sprynge envye, stryfe, raylinges, euell surmysinges,

1 Timothy 6:10

10 For Couetousnes is the rote of all euell, which whyle some lusted after, they erred from the faith, and tangled them selues with many sorowes.

2 Timothy 3:4

4 traytours, heady, hye mynded, gredy vpon voluptuousnes more then the louers of God,

James 2:8

8 Yf ye fulfill the royall lawe acordinge to the scripture which saith: Thou shalt loue thyne neghbour as thyselfe, ye do well.

James 4:6

6 but geueth more grace.

James 4:16

16 But nowe ye reioyce in youre bostinges. All soche reioysynge is euell.

1 Peter 5:5

5 Likewyse ye yoger submytte youre selues vnto the elder. Submytte youre selues euery man one to another, and knyt yor selues together in lowlynes of mynde. For God resisteth the proude, but geueth grace to the humble.

2 Peter 2:3

3 and thorow cuvetousnes shal they with fayned wordes make marchaundise of you, vpo who the iudgment is not necliget in tarienge of olde, and their damnacion slepeth not.

2 Peter 2:12

12 But these are as ye brute beestes, which naturally are broughte forth to be take and destroyed: speakynge euell of yt they knowe not, and shal perishe in their owne destruccion,

2 Peter 2:14-15

14 hauynge eyes full of aduoutrye, and ca not ceasse from synne, entysinge vnstable soules: hauynge an hert exercysed wt couetousnes: they are cursed children, 15 and haue forsaken the righte waye, and are gone astraye: folowinge the waye of Balaam the sonne of Bosor, which loued the rewarde of vnrighteousnes:

2 Peter 2:18

18 For they speake ye proude wordes of vanite, vnto ye vttemost, and entyse thorow wantannes vnto ye luste of the flesh, euen them that were cleane escaped, and now walke in erroure:

Jude 1:10-11

10 But these speake euell off those thinges which they knowe not: and what thinges they knowe naturally, as beastes which are without reason, in tho thinges they corrupte them selues. 11 Wo be vnto the, for they haue folowed the waye of Cain, and are vtterly geue to the erroure of Balaam for lukers sake, and perysshe in the treason of Core.

Jude 1:16

16 These are murmurers, complaners, walkynge after their awne lustes, whose mouthes speake proude thynges. They haue me in greate reuerence because of avauntage.

Revelation 13:1

1 And I sawe a beest rise out of the see, hauinge seuen heades, and x. hornes, and vpon his hornes x. crownes, and vpo his heed, the names of blasphemy.

Revelation 13:5-6

5 And there was geuen vnto him a mouth to speake greate thinges & blasphemies, and power was geuen vnto him, to do xlij. monethes. 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen.

Revelation 16:9

9 And the men raged in gret heate, and spake euell of the name of God, which had power ouer those plages, and they repented not, to geue him glory.

Revelation 16:11

11 and blasphemed the God of heaue for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes.

Revelation 16:21

21 And there fell a greate hayle, as it had bene talentes, out of heaue vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the hayle, for it was greate, and the plage of it sore.

Revelation 18:12-13

12 the ware of golde, and syluer, and of precious stones, off pearle, & sylke, and purple, and skarlet, & all Thynen wod, and all manner vessels of yuery, and all manner vessels of most precious wod, and of brasse, and of yron, 13 & synomom and odours, and oyntmentes, and frankynsence, and wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, and catell, and shepe, and horses, and charrettes, and bodies and soules of men.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.