37 Thou hast enlarged my goinge vnder me, and myne ankles haue not slyded.
2 Samuel 22:37 Cross References - Coverdale
1 Samuel 2:9
9 He shall preserue the fete of his sayntes, but ye vngodly shal be put to sylece in darcnesse. For there is no ma that can do oughte of his owne power.
Psalms 4:1
1 Heare me whe I cal, o God of my rightuousnes, thou that comfortest me in my trouble: haue mercy vpon me, and herken vnto my prayer.
Psalms 17:5
5 Oh ordre thou my goynges in thy pathes, that my fote steppes slippe not.
Psalms 18:36
36 Thou hast made rowme ynough vnder me for to go, that my fote steppes shulde not slyde.
Psalms 94:18
18 When I sayde: my fote hath slipped, thy mercy (o LORDE) helde me vp.
Psalms 121:3
3 He will not suffre thy fote to be moued, and he yt kepeth the, slepeth not.
Proverbs 4:12
12 So that yf thou goest therin, there shal no straytnesse hynder the: and when thou runnest, thou shalt not fall.