13 Go yor waye and axe councell at the LORDE for me, for the people, and for all Iuda, concernynge the wordes of this boke that is founde: for greate is the wrath of the LORDE that is kyndled ouer vs, because or fathers haue not herkened vnto the wordes of this boke, to do all that is wrytten vnto vs therin.
2 Kings 22:13 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 20:5
5 Worshipe them not, and serue them not: for I the LORDE thy God am a gelouse God, vysitinge ye synne of the fathers vpon the children, vnto ye thirde and fourth generacion, of them that hate me:
Deuteronomy 4:23-27
23 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, that ye forget not the conuenaunt of the LORDE youre God, and that ye make no ymages of eny maner of fashion as the LORDE thy God hath commaunded.
24 For the LORDE thy God is a consumynge fyre and a gelous God.
25 Yf whan ye haue begotten children, and childers children, and haue dwelt in the londe, ye marre youre selues, & make you ymages of eny maner of fashion, and do euell in the sighte of ye LORDE youre God, to prouoke him:
26 I call heauen and earth to recorde ouer you this daie, that ye shall shortly perishe fro the londe, in to ye which ye go ouer Iordane to possesse it. Ye shal not dwell longe therin, but shal vtterly be destroyed.
27 And ye LORDE shal scater you amonge ye nacions and ye shall be left a small people amoge ye Heythen, whyther the LORDE shall brynge you.
Deuteronomy 29:23-28
23 that he hath brent vp all their londe with brymstone and salt, so yt it cannot be sowne, ner is frutefull, nether groweth there eny grasse therin, Like as Sodom, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim are ouerthrowne, which the LORDE ouerthrewe in his wrath and anger.
24 Then shall all nacions saye: Wherfore hath the LORDE done thus vnto this londe? What greate wrothfull displeasure is this?
25 Then shalt it be sayde: Euen because they haue forsaken the couenaunt of ye LORDE God of their fathers (which he made with them whan he broughte them out of the londe of Egipte)
26 and they wete, and serued other goddes, and worshipped the, euen soch goddes as they knewe not, and whom he had not deuyded vnto them.
27 Therfore the wrath of the LORDE waxed whote ouer this londe, to brynge vpon it all the curses that are wrytten in this boke.
28 And the LORDE thrust them out of their londe wt greate wrath, indignacion & displeasoure & hath cast them into another londe, as it is come to passe this daye.
Deuteronomy 31:17-18
17 And then shall my wrath waxe whote agaynst them, at the same tyme, & I shal forsake the, and hyde my face fro them, that they maye be consumed. And so whan moch aduersite & trouble commeth vpo the, they shal saye: Is not all this euell come vpo me, because God is not with me?
18 But I shal hyde my face at the same tyme because of all the euell that they haue done, in that they haue turned vnto other goddes.
1 Kings 22:7-8
7 But Iosaphat sayde: Is there not one prophet here more of ye LORDE, that we maye axe at him?
8 The kinge of Israel saide vnto Iosaphat Here is yet a man, one Micheas the sonne of Iemla, at whom we maye axe of the LORDE: but I hate him, for he prophecieth me no good, but euell. Iosaphat sayde: Let not the kynge saye so.
2 Kings 3:11
11 But Iosaphat sayde: Is here no prophet of ye LORDE, yt we maye axe coucell at ye LORDE by him? Then answered one of ye kynge of Israels seruauntes, & saide: Here is Eliseus ye sonne of Saphat, which poured water vpon Elias handes.
1 Chronicles 10:13-14
2 Chronicles 29:6
6 for oure fathers haue trespaced, and done yt which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE oure God, and haue forsaken him. For they turned their faces from the habitacio of ye LORDE oure God, & turned their backes on it,
2 Chronicles 34:21
21 Go youre waye, axe councell at the LORDE for me and for the remnaunt in Israel, and for Iuda, concernynge these wordes of the boke that is founde. For greate is the indignacion of the LORDE that is gone forth ouer vs, because oure fathers haue not kepte the worde of the LORDE, to do acordinge as it is wrytten in this boke.
Nehemiah 8:8-9
8 And they red in the boke of the lawe of God distinctly and planely, so that men vnderstode the thinge that was red.
9 And Nehemias (which is Hathirsatha) and Esdras the prest and scrybe, and the Leuites yt caused the people to take hede, sayde vnto all the people: This daye is holy vnto the LORDE youre God: be not ye sory therfore, & wepe not. For all ye people wepte, wha they herde the wordes of the lawe.
Nehemiah 9:3
3 and stode vp in their place, and red in the boke of the lawe of the LORDE their God foure tymes on the daye, and they knowleged, and worshipped the LORDE their God foure tymes on the daye.
Psalms 25:14
14 The secrete of the LORDE is amonge them that feare him, and he sheweth them his couenaunt.
Psalms 76:7
7 Thou art feareful, for who maye abyde in yi sight, when thou art angrie?
Psalms 106:6
6 We haue synned with oure fathers, we haue done amysse, we haue dealt wickedly.
Proverbs 3:6
6 In all thy wayes haue respecte vnto him, and he shal ordre thy goinges.
Jeremiah 16:12
12 And ye wt youre shamefull blasphemies, haue exceaded the wickednes off youre fathers. For euery one off you foloweth the frawerde euel ymaginacion off his owne hert, and is not obedient vnto me.
Jeremiah 21:1-2
1 These are the wordes that the LORDE spake vnto Ieremy, what tyme as kinge Sedechias sent vnto him Pashur the sonne off Melchia, and Sophonias the sonne of Maasia prest, sayenge:
2 Axe councell at the LORDE (we praye the) of oure behalfe, for Nabuchodonosor the kinge off Babilon besegeth vs, yff the LORDE (peraduenture) will deale with vs, acordinge to his maruelous power, and take him from vs.
Jeremiah 37:17
17 Then Sedechias the kynge sent for him, & called him, & axed him quietly in his owne house, sayenge: thinkest thou this busynes (that now is in honde) cometh of the LORDE? Ieremy answerde: yee yt it doth: & thou (sayde he) shalt be delyuered in to the kynge of Babilons power.
Jeremiah 44:17
17 but what so euer goeth out of oure owne mouth, that wil we do: We will do sacrifice, and offre oblacions vnto the Quene off heauen: like as we and or forefathers, oure kynges and oure heades haue done in the cities off Iuda, and in the stretes and feldes of Ierusalem. For then had we plenteousnesse off vytales, then were we in prosperite, and no my?fortune came vpon vs.
Lamentations 5:7
7 Oure fathers (which now are gone) haue synned, & we must beare their wickednesse.
Ezekiel 14:3-4
3 Thou sonne of man, these men beare their Idols in their hertes, & go purposly vpon the stomblinge block of their owne wickednesse: how darre they then axe councell at me?
4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: thus saieth the LORDE God: Euery man of the house of Israel that beareth his Idols in his herte, purposynge to stomble in his owne wickednesse, and commeth to a prophet, to enquere eny thinge at me by him: vnto that man wil I the LORDE myself geue answere, acordinge to the multitude of his Idols:
Ezekiel 20:1-3
1 In in the xvij yeare the x daye of the v Moneth, it happened, that certayne of the elders of Israel came vnto me for to axe councell at the LORDE, and sat them downe by me.
2 Then came the worde of the LORDE vnto me on this maner:
3 Thou sonne of man: Speake to the elders of Israel, and saye vnto them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Are ye come hither to axe eny thinge at me? As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE,)
Daniel 9:5-8
5 We haue synned, we haue offended, we haue bene disobedient and gone backe: yee we haue departed from all thy preceptes and iudgmentes.
6 We wolde neuer folowe thy seruauntes the prophetes, that spake in thy name to oure kynges and prynces to oure forefathers, and to all the people off the londe.
7 O LORDE, rightuousnesse belongeth vnto the, vnto vs pertayneth nothynge but open shame: as it is come to passe this daye vnto euery man of Iuda, and to them that dwell at Ierusalem: Yee vnto all Israel, whether they be farre or nye: thorow out all londes, wherin thou hast strowed them, because of the offences that they had done agaynst the.
8 Yee o LORDE, vnto vs, to oure kinges & prynces, to oure forefathers: euen to vs all, that haue offended the, belongeth open shame.
Daniel 9:10
10 and haue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God, to walke in his lawes, which he layed before vs by his seruauntes the prophetes:
Amos 3:7
7 Now doth the LORDE God no maner of thinge, but he telleth his secrete before vnto his seruauntes ye prophetes.
Nahum 1:6
6 Who maye endure before his wrath? Or who is able to abyde his grymme displeasure? His anger taketh on like fyre, and the harde rockes burst in sunder before him.
Romans 3:20
20 because yt by ye dedes of the lawe no flesh maye be iustified in his sighte. For by the lawe commeth but the knowlege of synne.
Romans 4:15
15 for so moch as the lawe causeth but wrath. For where the lawe is not, there is also no transgression.
Romans 7:9
9 As for me, I lyued some tyme without lawe. Howbeit whan the commaundement came, synne reuyued, but I was deed.
James 1:22-25
22 And se that ye be doers of ye worde & not heares only, deceauinge youre awne selues.
23 For yf eny heare the worde, and do it not, he is like vnto a ma that beholdeth his bodily face in a glasse.
24 For assone as he hath loked on himselfe, he goeth his waye, and forgetteth immediatly what his fasshion was.
25 But who so loketh in ye perfect lawe of libertie, and continueth therin (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happie in his dede.
Revelation 6:17
17 for the grete daye of his wrath is come. And who can endure it?