2 Chronicles 9 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And whan the quene of rich Arabia herde the fame of Salomon, she came with a very greate tryne to Ierusalem (with Camels that bare spyces and golde, and precious stones) to proue Salomon with darke sentences. And whan she came vnto Salomon, she spake vnto him all that she had deuysed in hir mynde. 2 And the kynge tolde her all hir matters, & Salomon had nothinge in secrete, but he tolde it her. 3 And whan the Quene of riche Arabia sawe the wy?dome of Salomon, and ye house that he had buylded, 4 the meates of his table, the dwellinges of his seruauntes, ye offices of his mynisters and their garmentes, & his butlers and their apparell, and his parler where he wente vp in to the house of the LORDE, she coulde no longer refrayne. 5 And she sayde vnto the kynge: It is true that I haue herde in my londe of thy behaueoure and of thy wy?dome: 6 howbeit I wolde not beleue their wordes, tyll I came my selfe, & sawe it with myne eyes: and beholde, the halfe of thy greate wy?dome hath not bene tolde me: there is more in ye then the fame that I haue herde. 7 Happye are thy men, and happie are these thy seruauntes, yt allwaye stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome. 8 Praysed be the LORDE thy God, which had soch pleasure vnto the, that he hath set the vpon his seate to be kynge vnto the LORDE thy God. Because thy God loueth Israel, to set them vp for euer, therfore hath he ordeyned ye to be kynge ouer them, that thou shuldest mayntayne iustice and equyte. 9 And she gaue ye kynge an hundreth and twentye talentes of golde, & very moch spyce & precious stones. There were no mo soch spyces as these that the Quene of riche Arabia gaue vnto kynge Salomo. 10 And Hirams seruauntes and the seruauntes of Salomon, which broughte golde from Ophir, broughte costly tymber also & precious stones. 11 And of the same costly tymber dyd Salomon cause to make stares in the house of the LORDE, and the kynges house, and harpes and psalteries for the Musicians. There was no soch tymber sene before in the londe of Iuda. 12 But kynge Salomon gaue the Quene of riche Arabia all that she desyred and axed, & moch more then she had broughte vnto the kynge. And she returned, and departed into hir londe with hir seruauntes. 13 The golde that was broughte vnto Salomon in one yeare, was sixe hundreth and sixe and thre score talentes, 14 besydes that ye chapmen and marchauntes broughte. And all the kynges of the Arabians, and the lordes in ye londe broughte golde and syluer vnto Salomon. 15 Of the which kynge Salomon made two hundreth speares of beaten golde, so yt sixe hundreth peces of beaten golde came vpo one speare: 16 & thre hundreth shildes of beaten golde, so that thre hundreth peces of beaten golde came to one shylde: and the kynge put the in the house of the wod of Libanus. 17 And the kynge made a greate seate of Yuery, and ouerlaied it with pure golde: 18 and the seate had sixe steppes, and a fotestole of golde festened vnto the seate, and it had two leanynge postes vpon both the sydes of the seate, 19 and two lyons stode beside the leanynge postes, and there stode twolue Lions vpo the syxe steppes on both the sides. In all realmes hath not soch one bene made. 20 And all kynge Salomons drynkynge vessels were of golde, and all the vessels of the house of the wod of Libanus, were of pure golde: for syluer was rekened nothinge in Salomons tyme. 21 For the kynges shippes wente vpon the See with the seruauntes of Hira, & came once in thre yeare, and brought golde, syluer, Yuery, Apes and Pecockes. 22 Thus was kynge Salomon greater then all the kynges vpon earth, in riches and wisdome. 23 And all the kynges of ye earth desired (to se) Salomons face, and to heare his wysdome, which God had geuen him in his hert. 24 And they brought him yearly euery ma his present: Iewels of siluer and golde, raymet, harnesse, spyces, horses and Mules. 25 And Salomon had foure thousande charethorses, and twolue thousande horsmen, and put them in the charetcities, and with the kynge at Ierusalem. 26 And he was lorde ouer all the kynges from the water vnto the londe of the Philistynes, and to the coaste of Egipte. 27 And the kynge brought it so to passe, that there was as moch syluer at Ierusalem as stones: and as many Ceders, as there were Molbery trees in the valleys. 28 And there were horses broughte vnto him out of Egipte, and out of all countres. 29 What more there is to saye of Salomon, both of his first and of his last, beholde, it is writte in the Cronicles of the prophet Nathan, and in the prophecies of Ahia of Silo, & in ye actes of Ieddi the Seer against Ieroboa ye sonne of Nebat. 30 And Salomo reigned at Ierusale ouer all Israel fortie yeares. 31 And Salomon fell on slepe wt his fathers, & was buried in the cyte of Dauid his father. And Roboa his sonne was kige i his steade.

Genesis 10:7

7 The children of Chus are these: Seba, Heuila Sabtha, Reyma and Sabthecha. The children of Reyma are these: Sheba and Deda.

Genesis 10:28

28 Obal, Abimael, Seba,

Genesis 15:18

18 The same daye made the LORDE a couenaut with Abram, and sayde: Vnto thy sede wil I geue this lode, from the water of Egipte, vnto the greate water Euphrates:

Genesis 25:3

3 Iaksan begat Seba and Dedan. The children of Dedan were Assurim, Latusim, and Leumim.

Genesis 43:11

11 Then sayde Israel their father vnto the: Yf it must nedes be so, then do this: take of the best frutes of the lande in youre sackes, and brynge the man a present: a curtesy balme, and hony, and spyces, and myrre, and dates, and almondes.

Genesis 49:9-10

9 Iuda is a yonge lyon, thou art come vp hye my sonne, fro the spoyle. He kneled downe and couched himself as a lyon & as a lionesse: who wil rayse him vp? 10 The cepter shal not be remoued fro Iuda, ner a master fro his fete, tyll the Worthye come, and vnto him shal the people fall.

Exodus 23:31

31 And I wil set the borders of thy londe, euen from the reed see vnto ye see of the Philistynes, & from the wyldernes vnto the water. For I wil delyuer the indwellers of the londe in to thine hande, yt thou shalt dryue them out before the.

Exodus 30:34

34 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Take vnto the spyces: Balme, Stacte, Galban, and pure franckencense, of one as moch as of another,

Numbers 23:24

24 Beholde, the people shall ryse vp as a Lyonesse, & heue vp him self as a Lyon. He shal not lye downe, tyll he eate of the pray, and drynke the bloude of the slayne.

Numbers 24:9

9 He hath layed him downe as a Lyon and as a Lyonesse. Who wyll rayse him vp? Blessed be he, yt blesseth the: and cursed, that curseth the.

Deuteronomy 7:8

8 but because he loued you, and that he mighte kepe the ooth, which he sware vnto youre fathers, he broughte you out with a mightie hade, and delyuered you fro the house of bondage, out of the hande of Pharao kynge of Egipte.

Deuteronomy 17:16

16 Onely let him not haue many horses, yt he brynge not ye people againe in to Egipte thorow ye multitude of horses, for as moch as ye LORDE hath sayde vnto you, that from hence forth ye shulde come nomore this waye agayne.

Deuteronomy 33:9

9 He that sayeth vnto his father and to his mother: I se him not: and to his brother, I knowe him not: and to his sonne, I wote not of him, those haue obserued thy wordes, and kepte yi couenaunt:

Joshua 13:2-7

2 and there remayneth yet moch of the londe to conquere, namely all Galile of the Philistynes, and all Gessuri, 3 from Sihor which floweth before Egipte, vnto the border of Ekron, northwarde, which is rekened vnto the Cananites: fyue lordes of the Philistynes, namely, the Gasites, the Asdodites, the Ascalonites, the Gethites, the Ekronites & the Hauites. 4 But from the north it is all ye londe of the Cananites, and Maara of the Sidonians vnto Aphek, euen vnto the border of the Amorites. 5 Morouer the londe of the Giblites eastwarde, from Baalgad vnder mount Hermon, tyll a ma come vnto Hamath. 6 All they that dwell vpon the mount, from Libanus vnto the warme waters, and all the Sidonians. I wyl dryue them out before the children of Israel: Onely let them be dealte out amonge Israel, as I haue commaunded the. 7 Deuyde thou this lode now to enheritauce amonge the nyne trybes and ye halfe trybe of Manasse.

1 Samuel 1:15

15 Neuertheles Anna answered and sayde: No my lorde, I am a soroufull woman, wyne and stronge drynke haue I not dronken but haue poured out my hert before ye LORDE.

1 Samuel 10:27

27 But the childre of Belial sayde: What shal this felowe helpe vs, and despysed him, & broughte him no presente. But he made him as though he herde it not.

2 Samuel 7:1-3

1 Now whan the kynge sat in his house, and the LORDE had geuen him rest from all his enemies on euery syde, 2 he sayde vnto the prophet Nathan: Beholde, I dwell in a house of Cedre, and the Arke of God dwelleth amonge the curtaynes. 3 Nathan sayde vnto the kynge: Go thy waye, what so euer thou hast in thine hert, yt do: for the LORDE is wt the.

2 Samuel 7:12

12 Now whan yi tyme is fulfylled yt thou shalt slepe wt thy fathers, I wil after ye rayse vp thy syde, which shal come of thy body: his kyngdome wyl I stablishe,

2 Samuel 8:15

15 Thus was Dauid kynge ouer all Israel. And he executed iudgmente and righteousnes vnto all ye people.

2 Samuel 12:1

1 And the LORDE sent Nathan vnto Dauid. Whan he came to him, he tolde him: There were two men in one cite, the one riche, the other poore.

2 Samuel 12:25

25 And he put him vnder the hade of Nathan ye prophet, which called him Iedidia because of the LORDE.

2 Samuel 15:25-26

25 But the kynge sayde vnto Sadoc: Brynge the Arke of God into the cite agayne. Yf I shal fynde grace before the LORDE, he shall fetch me agayne, and shall let me se it, and the house of it. 26 But yf he saye thus: I haue no pleasure to ye, beholde, here am I, let him do with me as it pleaseth him.

2 Samuel 23:3

3 He sayde: The God of Israel hath spoke vnto me, the strength of Israel, the gouernoure amonge men, the righteous gouernoure in the feare of God.

1 Kings 1:8

8 But Sadoc the prest, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and Nathan the prest and Semei and Rei, and Dauids Worthies were not with Adonias.

1 Kings 1:10-11

10 But the prophet Nathan and Benaia, and the Worthies, and his brother Salomon called he not. 11 Then sayde Nathan vnto Bethseba Salomons mother: Hast thou not herde yt Adonias is kynge, and oure lorde Dauid knoweth not therof?

1 Kings 1:21

21 And wha my lorde the kynge slepeth with his fathers then shal I and my sonne Salomon be fayne to be synners. 22 But whyle she yet spake to the kynge, the prophet Nathan came, 23 and she tolde ye kinge: beholde, there is the prophet Nathan. And whan he came in before the kynge, he worshipped the kynge vpon his face to the grounde, 24 and sayde My lorde O kynge, hast thou saide: Adonias shal be kinge after me, & syt vpo my seate? 25 For he is gone downe this daye, and hath offred oxen, and fat catell, & hath called all the kynges sonnes, and the captaynes, and the prest Abiathar. And beholde, they eate and drynke before him, and saye: God saue the kynge Adonias. 26 But me thy seruaunt, and Sadoc the prest, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and thy seruaunt Salomon hath he not called. 27 Hath my lorde the kynge commaunded this, and not certifyed his seruauntes who shall sytt vpon the seate of my lorde the kynge after him?

1 Kings 1:32-38

32 And the kynge sayde: Call me the prest Sadoc & the prophet Nathan, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada.And whan they came in before the kynge, 33 the kynge sayde vnto them: Take youre lordes seruauntes with you, and set my sonne Salomon vpon my Mule, and cary him downe to Gihon: 34 and let Sadoc ye prest and the prophet Nathan, anoynte him there to be kynge ouer Israel, and blowe the trompe, and saye: God saue kynge Salomon, 35 and go ye vp after him: and whan he commeth, he shal syt vpo my seate, and be kynge in my steade: for I haue ordeyned him to be prynce ouer Israel and Iuda. 36 Then answered Benaia the sonne of Ioiada vnto the kynge, & sayde: Amen. The LORDE God of my lorde the kynge saye thus also. 37 As the LORDE hath bene with my lorde the kynge, so be he with Salomon also, that his seate maye be greater then the seate of my lorde kynge Dauid. 38 Then wente they downe, the prest Sadoc and the prophet Nathan, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and the Chrethians, & Plethians, & set Salomon vpon kynge Dauids Mule, & broughte him to Gihon.

1 Kings 2:10

10 So Dauid slepte with his fathers, and was buried in the cite of Dauid.

1 Kings 3:12

12 beholde, therfore haue I done acordynge to thy wordes. Beholde, I haue geuen the an hert of wy?dome and vnderstondynge, so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the, nether shall ryse vp after the.

1 Kings 3:12-13

12 beholde, therfore haue I done acordynge to thy wordes. Beholde, I haue geuen the an hert of wy?dome and vnderstondynge, so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the, nether shall ryse vp after the. 13 Yee and that thou hast not prayed for, haue I geuen the also, namely, ryches, and honoure, so that amonge the kynges in yi tyme there is not soch one as thou.

1 Kings 3:28

28 And all Israel herde of this iudgment that the kynge had geuen: and they feared the kynge, for they sawe that ye wysdome of God was in him to kepe iudgmet.

1 Kings 4:21

21 Thus was Salomo lorde ouer all the kyngdomes (from the water of the londe of the Philistynes, vnto the border of Egipte) which broughte him giftes, and serued him as longe as he lyued. 22 And Salomon had daylie to his vytayles thirtye quarters of fyne meel, threscore quarters of other meel, 23 ten fat oxen, and twety small catell, and an hundreth shepe, beside hartes and Roes, and wilde goates, and fat capons, and foules. 24 For he had the lordshippe of all the londe on this syde the water, fro Tiphsa vnto Gasa, and ouer all ye kynges on this syde ye water: & had peace of all his subiectes rounde aboute,

1 Kings 4:26

26 And Salomo had fortye thousande cart horses and twolue thousande horsmen.

1 Kings 4:29

29 And God gaue Salomon maruelous greate wy?dome and vnderstondinge, and a large hert, as the sonde that lyeth vpon ye See shore: 30 so that the wy?dome of Salomon was greater then the wy?dome of all the children towarde the south and of all ye Egipcians. 31 And he was wyser then all men, yee wyser then Ethan the Esrahite, Heman, Chalcal, and Darda, the sonnes of Mahol: and had a greate name amonge all the Heythe on euery syde.

1 Kings 4:31-31

31 And he was wyser then all men, yee wyser then Ethan the Esrahite, Heman, Chalcal, and Darda, the sonnes of Mahol: and had a greate name amonge all the Heythe on euery syde.

1 Kings 4:34

34 And there came of all nacions to heare ye wy?dome of Salomon, and there came of all the kynges of ye earth, which had herde of his wy?dome.

1 Kings 6:1-7

1 In the foure hundreth and foure score yeare after the departinge of the children of Israel out of the londe of Egipte, in the fourth yeare of the raigne of Salomon ouer Israel, in the moneth Sif (yt is the seconde moneth) was the house buylded vnto the LORDE. 2 This house that kynge Salomon buylded vnto ye LORDE, was thre score cubytes loge, twenty cubytes brode, & thirtie cubites hye. 3 And he buylded a Porche before the temple of twentye cubytes longe after the bredth of the house, & ten cubites brode before the house. 4 And in ye house he made wyndowes, which might be opened and shut with lyddes. 5 And rounde aboute by the wall of ye house he buylded a compase, so yt it wente both aboute the temple and the quere, and made his outwarde wall roude aboute. 6 The nethermost stacion was fyue cubytes wyde, and ye myddest sixe cubites wyde, and the thirde seuen cubites wyde. For he layed balkes rounde aboute the house, that they touched not ye wall of the house. 7 And whan ye house was buylded, it was buylded of whole and outbroken stones, so yt there was herde nether hammer ner axe, ner eny other instrument of yron, whan the house was a buyldinge.

1 Kings 7:2

2 he buylded an house of the wodd of Libanus, an hundreth cubites longe, fiftye cubites wyde, & thirtie cubites hye, fouresquared with rowes of pilers, and wt carued Ceders.

1 Kings 9:14

14 And Hiram vnto the kynge, sixe score hundreth weight of Golde.

1 Kings 9:27-28

27 And Hiram sent his seruauntes by shippe, which were shipmen, and had experience of the See, with Salomons seruauntes, 28 and they came vnto Ophir, and fetched from thence one & twenty score hundreth weight of golde, and brought it vnto Salomon.

1 Kings 10:1-13

1 And whan kynge Salomons fame of the name of the LORDE came to the eares of the Quene of riche Arabia, she came to proue him with darke sentences. 2 And she came to Ierusalem with a maruelous greate trayne, with camels which bare spyces, and moch golde, and precious stones And whan she came in to kynge Salomon, she spake vnto him all that was in hir hert. 3 And Salomon tolde her euerythinge, and the kynge had nothinge in secrete, but he tolde it her.

1 Kings 10:3

3 And Salomon tolde her euerythinge, and the kynge had nothinge in secrete, but he tolde it her. 4 But whan the Quene of riche Arabia sawe all the wy?dome of Salomon, and the house that he had buylded, 5 and the meates of his table, and the dwellinges of his seruauntes, & the offyces of his ministers, and their garmentes, and his butlers and the burntofferynges which he offred in the house of the LORDE, she wondred exceadingly, and coulde no longer refrayne,

1 Kings 10:5

5 and the meates of his table, and the dwellinges of his seruauntes, & the offyces of his ministers, and their garmentes, and his butlers and the burntofferynges which he offred in the house of the LORDE, she wondred exceadingly, and coulde no longer refrayne, 6 but sayde vnto the kynge: It is true that I haue herde in my londe of thy behauoure and of thy wy?dome.

1 Kings 10:6

6 but sayde vnto the kynge: It is true that I haue herde in my londe of thy behauoure and of thy wy?dome. 7 And I wolde not beleue it, tyll I came and sawe it with myne eyes: and beholde, the halfe hath not bene tolde me. hou hast more wy?dome and good, the the fame is that I haue herde.

1 Kings 10:7

7 And I wolde not beleue it, tyll I came and sawe it with myne eyes: and beholde, the halfe hath not bene tolde me. hou hast more wy?dome and good, the the fame is that I haue herde. 8 Happye are thy people and thy seruauntes, that allwaie stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome.

1 Kings 10:8

8 Happye are thy people and thy seruauntes, that allwaie stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome. 9 Praysed be the LORDE thy God, which had soch a pleasure vnto the, that he set the vpon the seate of Israel: because he hath allwaye loued Israel, and hath set the to be kynge, that thou shuldest mantayne iustyce and equyte.

1 Kings 10:9

9 Praysed be the LORDE thy God, which had soch a pleasure vnto the, that he set the vpon the seate of Israel: because he hath allwaye loued Israel, and hath set the to be kynge, that thou shuldest mantayne iustyce and equyte. 10 And she gaue the kynge syxe score hundreth weighte of golde, and very moch spyce, and precious stones. There came neuer so moch spyce thyther, as the Quene of riche Arabia gaue vnto kynge Salomon.

1 Kings 10:10

10 And she gaue the kynge syxe score hundreth weighte of golde, and very moch spyce, and precious stones. There came neuer so moch spyce thyther, as the Quene of riche Arabia gaue vnto kynge Salomon. 11 And Hirams shippes, which caried golde out of Ophir, broughte maruelous moch costly tymber and precious stones from Ophir.

1 Kings 10:11

11 And Hirams shippes, which caried golde out of Ophir, broughte maruelous moch costly tymber and precious stones from Ophir. 12 And of that costly tymber the kynge caused to make pilers in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kinges house, and harpes and Psalteries for the Musicians. There came nomore soch costly tymber, nether was it sene vnto this daye.

1 Kings 10:12

12 And of that costly tymber the kynge caused to make pilers in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kinges house, and harpes and Psalteries for the Musicians. There came nomore soch costly tymber, nether was it sene vnto this daye. 13 And kynge Salomon gaue the quene of riche Arabia, all that she desyred and axed, besydes that which he gaue her of a frye hande. And she returned, and departed in to hir lande with hir seruauntes.

1 Kings 10:13

13 And kynge Salomon gaue the quene of riche Arabia, all that she desyred and axed, besydes that which he gaue her of a frye hande. And she returned, and departed in to hir lande with hir seruauntes. 14 The golde that came to Salomon in one yeare, was nyne and thyrtie score hundreth weighte, 15 besydes that which came of chapmen, marchauntes and Apotecaries, and of the nexte kynges, and of the mightie men in the londe. 16 And kynge Salomon caused to make two hundreth speares of beaten golde, sixe hundreth peces of golde put he to euery speare:

1 Kings 10:16-17

16 And kynge Salomon caused to make two hundreth speares of beaten golde, sixe hundreth peces of golde put he to euery speare: 17 and thre hundreth shyldes of ye best golde, euen thre pounde of golde vpon euery shylde. And the kynge put them in the house of the wod of Libanus.

1 Kings 10:17-17

17 and thre hundreth shyldes of ye best golde, euen thre pounde of golde vpon euery shylde. And the kynge put them in the house of the wod of Libanus. 18 And the kynge made a greate seate of Yuery, and ouerlayed it with ye most precious golde.

1 Kings 10:18-20

18 And the kynge made a greate seate of Yuery, and ouerlayed it with ye most precious golde. 19 And the seate had sixe steppes, and ye heade of the seate was roude behynde. And there were two postes to leane vpo on both the sydes of the seate, and two lyons stode vpon the leanynge postes,

1 Kings 10:19-20

19 And the seate had sixe steppes, and ye heade of the seate was roude behynde. And there were two postes to leane vpo on both the sydes of the seate, and two lyons stode vpon the leanynge postes, 20 and twolue lyons stode vpon the sixe steppes on both the sydes. Soch one hath not bene made in eny kyngdome.

1 Kings 10:20-20

20 and twolue lyons stode vpon the sixe steppes on both the sydes. Soch one hath not bene made in eny kyngdome. 21 All kynge Salomos drynkynge vessels were of golde, and all the vessels in the house of ye wod of Libanus were of pure golde also: for syluer was not regarded in Salomons tyme.

1 Kings 10:21

21 All kynge Salomos drynkynge vessels were of golde, and all the vessels in the house of ye wod of Libanus were of pure golde also: for syluer was not regarded in Salomons tyme. 22 For the kynges Seeshippe yt sayled vpon the See with ye shippe of Hiram, came once in thre yeare, and broughte golde, syluer, Yuery, Apes, and Pecockes.

1 Kings 10:22-28

22 For the kynges Seeshippe yt sayled vpon the See with ye shippe of Hiram, came once in thre yeare, and broughte golde, syluer, Yuery, Apes, and Pecockes. 23 Thus was kynge Salomon greater in riches and wy?dome, then all the kynges vpo earth:

1 Kings 10:23-24

23 Thus was kynge Salomon greater in riches and wy?dome, then all the kynges vpo earth: 24 And all the worlde desyred to se Salomon, that they mighte heare the wy?dome which God gaue him in his hert.

1 Kings 10:24-24

24 And all the worlde desyred to se Salomon, that they mighte heare the wy?dome which God gaue him in his hert. 25 And they broughte him yearly euery man his present, vessels of syluer and golde, rayment and harnesse, spyces, horses and Mules.

1 Kings 10:25

25 And they broughte him yearly euery man his present, vessels of syluer and golde, rayment and harnesse, spyces, horses and Mules. 26 And Salomon broughte charettes and horsmen together, so that he had a thousande and foure hundreth charettes, and twolue thousande horsmen: and those he put in ye charet cities, and with the kynge at Ierusalem.

1 Kings 10:26

26 And Salomon broughte charettes and horsmen together, so that he had a thousande and foure hundreth charettes, and twolue thousande horsmen: and those he put in ye charet cities, and with the kynge at Ierusalem. 27 And the kynge broughte it to passe, that there was as moch syluer at Ierusale as stones: and as many Ceders as there were wylde figge trees in the valleys.

1 Kings 10:27-29

27 And the kynge broughte it to passe, that there was as moch syluer at Ierusale as stones: and as many Ceders as there were wylde figge trees in the valleys. 28 And Salomos horses were broughte out of Egipte, and fro Reua: for the kynges marchauntes fetched them from Reua for money.

1 Kings 10:28-29

28 And Salomos horses were broughte out of Egipte, and fro Reua: for the kynges marchauntes fetched them from Reua for money.

1 Kings 10:28

28 And Salomos horses were broughte out of Egipte, and fro Reua: for the kynges marchauntes fetched them from Reua for money. 29 And a charet came vp out of Egipte for sixe hudreth Sycles of Syluer, and an horse for an hudreth and fyftye. Thus were they brought also vnto all the kynges of the Hethites and to the kynges of Siria by their handes.

1 Kings 11:29

29 But at the same tyme it fortuned, that Ieroboam wente out from Ierusalem, and the prophet Ahias of Silo founde him by the waye, and he had a new cloke vpon him, and they two were alone in the felde.

1 Kings 11:41-43

41 What more there is to saye of Salomon, and all that he dyd, and his wy?dome, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of Salomon. 42 The tyme that Salomon was kynge at Ierusalem ouer all Israel, is fortye yeare. 43 And Salomon fell on slepe with his fathers, and was buryed in the cite of Dauid his father, and Roboam his sonne was kynge in his steade.

1 Kings 14:2

2 and Ieroboam saide vnto his wyfe: Get the vp, and disguise the, so that no man perceaue that thou art Ieroboams wyfe, and go vnto Silo: beholde, there is the prophet Ahias, which promysed me yt I shulde be kynge ouer this people:

1 Kings 22:48

48 And Iosaphat had caused to make shippes vpon the See, which shulde go to fetch golde in Ophir, but they wente not: for they were broken at Ezeon Gaber.

2 Kings 16:18

18 And the pulpit for the Sabbath which they had buylded in the house, and ye entrye of the kynges house turned he vnto the house of the LORDE, for the kynge of Assirias sake.

1 Chronicles 9:18

18 for hither to had the children of Leui kepte the watch at the eastsyde of the kinges gate by armies.

1 Chronicles 17:22

22 and ye people of Israel hast thou made yi people for euer, and thou LORDE art become their God.

1 Chronicles 23:5

5 and foure thousande porters, & foure thousande that songe prayses vnto ye LORDE with instrumentes, which he had made to synge prayse with all.

1 Chronicles 25:1

1 And Dauid with the chefe captaynes sundered to the offices amonge ye childre of Assaph, Heman & Iedithun ye prophetes with harpes, psalteries & Cymbales, and they were nombred vnto the worke acordynge to their offyce.

1 Chronicles 27:28

28 Ouer the oyle gardens and Molberytrees in the lowe feldes, was Baal Hanan the Gaderite. Ouer the treasure of the oyle was Ioas.

1 Chronicles 28:5

5 and amoge all my sonnes (for the LORDE hath geuen me many sonnes) he hath chosen Salomon my sonne, to syt vpon the seate of the kyngdome of the LORDE ouer Israel,

1 Chronicles 29:10

10 and praysed God, and sayde before the whole congregacion: Praysed be thou O LORDE God of Israel oure father,

1 Chronicles 29:20

20 And Dauid sayde vnto the whole cogregacion: O prayse the LORDE yor God. And all the cogregacion praysed ye LORDE God of their fathers, & bowed them selues, & worshipped the LORDE & then the kynge,

1 Chronicles 29:23

23 Thus sat Salomon vpon the seate of ye LORDE, kynge in his fathers steade, & prospered. And all Israel obeyed him,

1 Chronicles 29:29

29 These actes of kynge Dauid (both ye first and last) beholde, they are wrytten amonge the actes of Samuel the Seer, and amonge the actes of the prophet Nathan, and amoge the actes of Gad the Seer,

2 Chronicles 1:1

1 And Salomon the sonne of Dauid was stablyshed in his kyngdome, and the LORDE his God was with him, & made him exceadinge greate.

2 Chronicles 1:10-12

10 Graunte me wy?dome therfore and knowlege, yt I maye go out and in before this people: for who is able to iudge this greate people of thine? 11 Then sayde God vnto Salomon: For so moch as thou art so mynded, and hast not desyred riches ner good, ner honor, ner the soules of thine enemies, ner longe life, but hast requyred wy?dome and knowlege, to iudge my people, ouer whom I haue made the kynge, 12 wy?dome therfore and knowlege be geuen the. Morouer, riches & good and honoure wyll I geue the, so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the amoge the kynges, nether shal be after the.

2 Chronicles 1:12-12

12 wy?dome therfore and knowlege be geuen the. Morouer, riches & good and honoure wyll I geue the, so that soch one as thou hath not bene before the amoge the kynges, nether shal be after the.

2 Chronicles 1:14

14 And Salomon gathered him charettes and horsmen, so that he had a thousande and foure hundreth charettes, & twolue thousande horsmen: and those appoynted he to be in the charet cities, and with the kynge at Ierusalem. 15 And the kynge broughte it so to passe, that there was as moch syluer & golde at Ierusale as stones: and as many Ceders, as the Molberyes trees, that are in the valleys. 16 And there were horses broughte vnto Salomon out of Egipte, & the kynges marchauntes fetched them from Kena for moneye.

2 Chronicles 1:16

16 And there were horses broughte vnto Salomon out of Egipte, & the kynges marchauntes fetched them from Kena for moneye. 17 And they came vp, and broughte out of Egipte a charet for sixe hudreth syluer pes, and an horse for an hundreth and fiftye. Thus broughte they also vnto all the kynges of the Hethites, and to the kynges of ye Syrians.

2 Chronicles 2:11

11 Then sayde Hiram the kynge of Tyre by wrytinge, and sent it vnto Salomon: Because the LORDE loueth his people, therfore hath he made ye to be kynge ouer them.

2 Chronicles 3:1-4

1 And Salomon beganne to buylde the house of the LORDE at Ierusalem vpon the mount Moria, that was shewed vnto Dauid his father, which Dauid had prepared for the rowme, vpon the corne floore of Arnan the Iebusite. 2 In the seconde daye of the seconde moneth in the fourth yeare of his reigne begane he to buylde. 3 And so layed Salomon the foundacion to buylde the house of God: first the length thre score cubytes, the bredth twentye cubites 4 and the Porche before the wydenes of the house, was twentye cubites longe, but the height was an hundreth and twentye, and he ouerlayed it on the ynsyde with pure golde.

2 Chronicles 8:18

18 And Hiram sent him shippes by his seruauntes which had knowlege of the See, and they wente with Salomos seruauntes vnto Ophir, and fetched from thence foure hundreth and fyftye talentes of golde, and broughte it vnto kynge Salomon.

2 Chronicles 9:1

1 And whan the quene of rich Arabia herde the fame of Salomon, she came with a very greate tryne to Ierusalem (with Camels that bare spyces and golde, and precious stones) to proue Salomon with darke sentences. And whan she came vnto Salomon, she spake vnto him all that she had deuysed in hir mynde.

2 Chronicles 9:5

5 And she sayde vnto the kynge: It is true that I haue herde in my londe of thy behaueoure and of thy wy?dome: 6 howbeit I wolde not beleue their wordes, tyll I came my selfe, & sawe it with myne eyes: and beholde, the halfe of thy greate wy?dome hath not bene tolde me: there is more in ye then the fame that I haue herde. 7 Happye are thy men, and happie are these thy seruauntes, yt allwaye stonde before the, and heare thy wy?dome.

2 Chronicles 9:9

9 And she gaue ye kynge an hundreth and twentye talentes of golde, & very moch spyce & precious stones. There were no mo soch spyces as these that the Quene of riche Arabia gaue vnto kynge Salomo.

2 Chronicles 9:20

20 And all kynge Salomons drynkynge vessels were of golde, and all the vessels of the house of the wod of Libanus, were of pure golde: for syluer was rekened nothinge in Salomons tyme.

2 Chronicles 9:24

24 And they brought him yearly euery ma his present: Iewels of siluer and golde, raymet, harnesse, spyces, horses and Mules. 25 And Salomon had foure thousande charethorses, and twolue thousande horsmen, and put them in the charetcities, and with the kynge at Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 9:27

27 And the kynge brought it so to passe, that there was as moch syluer at Ierusalem as stones: and as many Ceders, as there were Molbery trees in the valleys.

2 Chronicles 12:9-10

9 Thus wete Sisack the kynge of Egipte vp to Ierusalem, & toke the treasures in the house of the LORDE, & the treasures in the kynges house, and caried all awaye, and toke the shyldes of golde that Salomon caused to make: 10 in steade wherof kynge Roboa made shyldes of stele, and commytted the vnto the chefe fotemen, which kepte the dore of the kynges house.

2 Chronicles 12:15

15 These actes of Roboam, both fyrst and last, are wrytten in the actes of Semaia the prophet, & of Iddo the Seer, and are noted, & so are the warres that Roboam and Ieroboam had together as longe as they lyued.

2 Chronicles 13:22

22 What more there is to saye of Abia, and of his wayes and his doynges, it is wrytten in the storye of the prophet Iddo.

2 Chronicles 20:36-37

36 And he agreed with him to make shippes, for to go vpon the see. And they made the shippes at Ezeon Gaber. 37 But Elieser the sonne of Dodana of Maresa prophecied agaynst Iosaphat, and sayde: Because thou hast agreed with Ahasia, therfore hath the LORDE broken thy workes. And so ye shippes were broken, & mighte not go vpon the See.

2 Chronicles 23:13

13 and loked: and beholde, ye kynge stode in his place at ye intraunce, and the rulers and trompettes aboute ye kynge: and all the people of the londe were glad, & blewe the trompes, and there were syngers yt coulde playe wt all maner of musicall instrumentes. But she rete hir clothes, & sayde: Sedicion, sedicion.

Nehemiah 1:11

11 O LORDE, let thine eares marke the prayer of thy seruaunt, & the prayer of thy seruauntes, whose desyre is to feare thy name, & let thy seruaunt prospere this daye, & graunte him mercy in the sight of this man: for I was the kynges butlar.

Esther 1:7

7 And ye drinke was caried in vessels of golde, and there was euer chaunge of vessell. And the kinges wine was moch acordynge to the power of the kynge.

Job 22:24-25

24 He shal geue the an haruest, which in plenty & abundaunce shall exceade the dust of the earth, and the golde of Ophir like ryuer stones. 25 Yee the Allmightie his owne self shalbe thine haruest, & the heape of thy money.

Job 39:13

13 The Estrich (whose fethers are fayrer the ye wynges of the sparow hauke)

Job 42:11

11 And the came there vnto him all his brethren, all his sisters with all them that had bene off his acquatauce afore, and ate bred with him in his house, wondringe at him, ad comfortinge him ouer all the trouble, that the LORDE had brought vpon him. Euery ma gaue him a shepe and a Iewell of golde.

Psalms 18:19

19 He brought me forth also into lyberte: & delyuered me, because he had a fauor vnto me.

Psalms 20:4

4 Sela. Graunte the thy hertes desyre, & fulfill all thy mynde.

Psalms 22:8

8 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him: let him helpe hi, yf he wil haue him.

Psalms 27:4

4 One thinge haue I desyred of the LORDE, which I wil requyre: namely, that I maye dwell in the house of the LORDE all the dayes of my life, to beholde the fayre beutie of the LORDE, and to vyset his temple.

Psalms 31:19

19 Let me not be confounded (o LORDE) for I call vpon the: let the vngodly rather be put to confucion, and brought vnto the hell.

Psalms 45:8

8 Thou hast loued rightuousnesse, & hated iniquite: wherfore God (which is thy God) hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes.

Psalms 49:4

4 I wil encline myne eare to the parable, & shewe my darcke speach vpon the harpe.

Psalms 68:29

29 For thy teples sake at Ierusalem shal kynges brynge presentes vnto the.

Psalms 72:2

2 That he maye gouerne thy people acordinge vnto right, and defende thy poore.

Psalms 72:8-11

8 His dominion shalbe from the one see to the other, and from the floude vnto the worldes ende. 9 They that dwell in the wildernes, shal knele before him, & his enemies shal licke the dust. 10 The kynges of the see and of the Iles shal brynge presentes, ye kinges of Araby & Saba shall offre giftes.

Psalms 72:10-11

10 The kynges of the see and of the Iles shal brynge presentes, ye kinges of Araby & Saba shall offre giftes. 11 All kynges shal worshipe him, & all Heithe shal do him seruyce.

Psalms 72:15

15 He shal lyue, & vnto him shalbe geue of ye golde of Arabia: Prayer shal be made euer vnto him, & daylie shal he be praysed.

Psalms 72:18-19

18 His name shal endure for euer, his name shal remayne vnder the sonne amonge the posterites, which shalbe blessed thorow him, & all the Heithen shal prayse him. 19 Blessed be the LORDE God, euen the God of Israel, which only doth woderous thinges.

Psalms 78:2

2 I wil open my mouth in parables, and speake of thinges of olde.

Psalms 78:47

47 How he gaue their frutes vnto the catirpiller, and their laboure vnto the greshopper.

Psalms 84:10-12

10 For one daye in thy courte is better then a thousande: 11 I had rather be a dore keper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tentes of the vngodly. 12 For the LORDE God is a light and defence, the LORDE wil geue grace & worshipe, and no good thinge shal he witholde from them, that lyue a godly life. O LORDE God of hoostes, blessed is the man, yt putteth his trust in the.

Psalms 89:27

27 He shal call me: thou art my father, my God, and the strength of my saluacion.

Psalms 92:1-3

1 It is a good thinge to geue thankes vnto the LORDE, and to synge prayses vnto yi name, o most hyest. 2 To tell of thy louynge kyndnesse early in the mornynge, and of thy trueth in the night season. 3 Vpon an instrumet of ten strynges, vpon the lute and with a songe vpon the harpe.

Psalms 99:4

4 The kynges power loueth iudgment, thou preparest equite, thou executest iudgmet & rightuousnes in Iacob.

Psalms 119:81

81 My soule longeth for thy sauynge health, for my trust is in thy worde.

Psalms 142:2

2 When my sprete is in heuynesse, for thou knowest my path: in the waye where in I walke, haue they preuely layed a snare for me.

Psalms 143:7

7 Sela. Heare me (o LORDE) and that soone, for my sprete waxeth faynte: hyde not yi face fro me, lest I be like vnto the that go downe in to the graue.

Psalms 150:3-5

3 Prayse him in the sounde of the trompet, prayse him vpo the lute and harpe. 4 Prayse him in the cymbals and daunse, prayse him vpon the strynges and pype. 5 Prayse him vpo the welltuned cymbals, prayse him vpon the loude cymbals.

Proverbs 1:6

6 he shal be more apte to vnderstonde a parable, and the interpretacion therof: the wordes of the wyse, and the darcke speaches of the same.

Proverbs 2:6

6 For it is the LORDE that geueth wy?dome, out of his mouth commeth knowlege and vnderstondinge.

Proverbs 3:3

3 Let mercy & faithfulnes neuer go from ye: bynde the about yi necke, & wryte them in the tables of thine herte.

Proverbs 3:14

14 for the gettinge of it is better then eny marchaundise of syluer, & the profit of it is better then golde.

Proverbs 8:34

34 Blessed is ye man that heareth me, watchinge daylie at my gates, & geuynge attendaunce at the postes of my dores.

Proverbs 9:5

5 O come on youre waye, eate my bred, and drynke my wyne, which I haue poured out for you.

Proverbs 10:21

21 The lippes of the rightuous fede a whole multitude, but fooles shal dye in their owne foly.

Proverbs 13:20

20 He that goeth in the company of wyse men, shal be wyse: but who so is a copanyo of fooles, shal be hurte.

Proverbs 18:4

4 The wordes of a mas mouth are like depe waters, and the well of wy?dome is like a full streame.

Proverbs 21:3

3 To do rightuousnesse and iudgmet is more acceptable to the LORDE the sacrifice.

Song of Songs 5:8

8 I charge you therfore (o ye doughters of Ierusalem) yf ye fynde my beloued, that ye tell him, how that I am sick for loue. 9 Who is thy loue aboue other louers, O thou fayrest amonge wemen? Or, what can thy loue do, more then other louers, that thou chargest vs so straitly? 10 As for my loue, he is whyte and reade coloured, a synguler personne amonge many thousandes: 11 his heade is the most fyne golde, the lockes of his hayre are bu?shed, browne as the euenynge: 12 His eyes are as the eyes of doues by the water brokes, washen with mylck, and remaynynge in a plenteous place: 13 His chekes are like a garden bedd, where in the Apotecaryes plate all maner of swete thinges: His lippes droppe as the floures of the most pryncipall Myrre, 14 his hades are full of golde rynges and precious stones. His body is as the pure yuery, decte ouer with Saphyres: 15 His legges are as the pilers of Marbell, sett vpon sokettes of golde: His face is as Libanus, and as the bewty of the Cedre trees: 16 His throte is swete, yee he is alltogether louely. Soch one is my loue (o ye doughters of Ierusalem) soch one is my loue.

Isaiah 2:7-8

7 As soone as youre londe was ful of syluer and golde, and no ende of youre treasure: so soone as youre londe was ful of stronge horses and no ende of youre charettes: 8 Inmediatly was it ful of Idols also, euen workes of youre owne hondes, which ye youre selues haue facioned, and youre fyngers haue made.

Isaiah 2:22

22 Every man can eschue a persone moued in anger, for what doth he wysely?

Isaiah 9:7

7 he shal make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace, and shal syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, to stablish it with equyte and rightuousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe.

Isaiah 9:10

10 The tyle worcke is fallen downe, but we will buylde it with harder stones. The Molbery tymbre ys broken, but we shal set it vp agayne with Cedre.

Isaiah 11:1-5

1 After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote. 2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God:

Isaiah 11:2

2 The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God: 3 and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge: 4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked. 5 Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes.

Isaiah 11:10

10 Then shal the Gentiles enquere after the rote of Iesse (which shalbe set vp for a token vnto the Gentiles) for his dwellinge shalbe glorious.

Isaiah 31:1

1 Wo vnto them that go downe in to Egipte for helpe, and trust in horses, and conforte them selues in Charettes, because they be many, and in horse me because they be lustie and stronge. But they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the LORDE.

Isaiah 32:1-2

1 Beholde, the kinge shal gouerne after ye rule of rightuousnes, and ye princes shal rule acordinge to the balaunce of equite. 2 He shalbe vnto me, as a defence for the wynde, and as a refuge for the tempest, like as a ryuer of water in a thurstie place, and ye schadowe of a greate rock in a drie lode.

Isaiah 42:1

1 Beholde now therfore, this is my seruaunt whom I will kepe to my self: my electe, In whom my soule shalbe pacified. I will geue him my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgment & equyte amonge the Gentiles.

Isaiah 60:6

6 The multitude of Camels shal couer ye, the Dromedaries of Madia and Epha. All they of Saba shal come, bringinge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the LORDE.

Isaiah 62:4

4 From this tyme forth thou shalt neuer be called the forsake, & thy lode shal nomore be called the wildernesse. But thou shalt be called Hephziba (that is, my beloued) & yi londe Beula (that is) a maried woma: for ye LORDE loueth ye, & thy lode shalbe inhabited.

Jeremiah 31:5

5 Thou shalt plante vynes agayne vpon ye hilles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plante, and synge.

Jeremiah 33:15-16

15 In those daies and at the same tyme, I will bringe forth vnto Dauid, the braunch of rightuousnes, and he shall do equite and rightuousnesse in the londe. 16 In those daies shall Iuda be helped, and Ierusalem shall dwell safe, and he that shall call her is euen God oure rightuous maker.

Ezekiel 44:3

3 The prynce himself shal come thorow it, that he maye eate bred before the LORDE. At the porche shal he come in, and there shal he go out agayne.

Ezekiel 46:2

2 Then shal the prynce come vnder the dore porche, & stonde still without by the dore cheke. So ye prestes shall offre vp his burnt & healthoffrynges. And he shal worshipe at the dore poste, and go his waye forth agayne: but ye dore shal nomore be shut till the euenynge.

Daniel 1:17

17 God gaue now these foure spryngaldes connynge and lernynge in all scripture and wisdome: but vnto Daniel specially, he gaue vnderstondinge off all visions and dreames.

Daniel 2:21-23

21 he chaungeth the tymes and ages: he putteth downe kynges, he setteth vp kynges: he geueth wy?dome vnto the wyse, and vnderstodinge to those that vnderstode 22 he openeth the depe secretes: he knoweth ye the thynge that lyeth in darknesse, for the light dwelleth with him. 23 I thanke the, and prayse the (O thou God off my fathers) that thou hast lent me wy?dome and strength, & hast shewed me the thinge, that we desyred off the, for thou hast opened the kynges matter vnto me.

Daniel 5:2-3

2 and when he was dronken wt wyne, he commaunded to brynge him ye golden and syluer vessel, which his father Nabuchodonosor had taken out of the temple at Ierusalem: that the kynge and his lordes (with his quene and concubynes) might drike therout. 3 So they brought the golden vessel, that was take out of the temple of the LORDES house at Ierusalem. Then the kynge and his lordes with his quene and concubines dronke out of them.

Daniel 5:11

11 For why: there is a man in ye kyngdome, that hath the sprete off the holy goddes within him, as it was sene in thy fathers dayes. He hath vnderstondinge ad wysdome like the goddes. Yee the kynge Nabuchodonosor thy father made this man chefe of the soythsayers, charmers, Caldees and deuel coniurers:

Daniel 7:14

14 Then gaue he him power ad dignite regall, that all people, trybes and tunges shulde serue him. His power is an euerlastinge power, which shal neuer be put downe: & his kyngdome endureth vncorrupte.

Daniel 10:17

17 How maye my lordes seruaunt then talke with my lorde? seinge there is no strength in me, so that I can not take my breth?

Amos 7:14

14 Amos answered, and sayde to Amasias: As for me, I am nether prophet, ner prophetes sonne: but a keper of catell. Now as I was breakynge downe molberies, and goynge after the catell,

Zechariah 9:17

17 O how prosperous and goodly a thynge shall that be? The corne shall make the yongemen chearefull, and the new wyne the maydens.

Matthew 2:11

11 and went into the house, and found the chylde with Mary his mother, and kneled downe and worshipped hym, & opened ther treasures, and offred vnto hym gyftes: gold, franckynsence and myrre.

Matthew 12:34

34 O ye generacio of vypers, how can ye speake good, whan ye youre selues are euell? For of ye abundace of ye hert ye mouth speaketh.

Matthew 12:42

42 The quene of the south shal aryse in the last iudgmet with this generacion, and shal condene it: for she came from the vttemost partes of the earth, to heare ye wyssdome of Salomon: And lo, here is one greater then Salomon.

Matthew 13:11

11 He answered and sayde vnto the: Vnto you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kingdome of heauen, but vnto them it is not geuen.

Matthew 13:35

35 yt the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoke by ye prophet, sayenge: I wil open my mouth in parables, and wil speake out the secretes from the begynnynge of the worlde.

Matthew 19:28

28 Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely I saye vnto you: that when the sonne of man shal sytt in the seate of his maiestye, ye which haue folowed me in the new byrth, shal syt also vpon twolue seates, and iudge ye twolue trybes of Israel.

Mark 4:11

11 And he sayde vnto the: Vnto you it is geuen, to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God: but vnto them that are without, all thinges happen by parables,

Mark 4:34

34 & without parables spake he nothinge vnto them: but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately.

Luke 10:39-42

39 And she had a sister, called Mary, which sat hir downe at Iesus fete, and herkened vnto his worde. 40 But Martha made hirself moch to do, for to serue him. And she stepte vnto him, and sayde: LORDE, carest thou not, that my sister letteth me serue alone? Byd her therfore, that she helpe me. 41 But Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Martha Martha, thou takest thought, and combrest thy self aboute many thinges: 42 there is but one thinge nedefull. Mary hath chosen a good parte, which shal not be taken awaye from her.

Luke 11:28

28 But he sayde: Yee blessed are they that heare the worde of God, and kepe it.

Luke 11:31

31 The quene of the south shal aryse at the iudgmet with the men of this generacion, and shall condempne them: for she came from the ende of the worlde, to heare the wyssdome of Salomon. And beholde, here is one more then Salomon.

Luke 12:37

37 Blessed are those seruauntes, whom the LORDE (whan he cometh) shal fynde wakynge. Verely I saye vnto you: He shal gyrde vp him self, and make them syt downe at the table, and shal go by them, and mynister vnto them.

Luke 19:4

4 And he ranne before, and clymmed vp in to a wylde fygge tre, that he might se him: for he shulde come yt waye.

Luke 21:15

15 for I wil geue you mouth & wyssdome, agaynst the which all youre aduersaries shal not be able to speake ner to resist.

John 6:53-57

53 Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte ye eate ye flesh of ye sonne of man and drynke his bloude, ye haue no life in you. 54 Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, hath euerlastinge life: and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. 55 For my flesh is ye very meate, and my bloude is ye very drynke. 56 Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, abydeth in me, and I in him. 57 As the lyuynge father hath sent me, and I lyue for the fathers sake: Euen so he that eateth me, shall lyue for my sake.

John 15:15

15 Hence forth call I you not seruauntes, for a seruaunt knoweth not what his lorde doeth. But I haue sayde that ye are frendes: For all that I haue herde of my father, haue I shewed vnto you.

John 20:25-29

25 The sayde the other disciples vnto him: We haue sene the LORDE. But he sayde vnto the: Excepte I se in his handes the prynte of the nales, and put my hade in to his syde, I wil not beleue. 26 And after eight dayes agayne were his disciples with in, & Thomas wt the. The came Iesus (wha ye dores were shutt) & stode in the myddes, & sayde: Peace be wt you. 27 After yt sayde he vnto Thomas: Reach hither yi fynger, and se my handes, and reach hither yi hade, & put it i to my syde, & be not faithlesse, but beleue. 28 Thomas answered, & sayde vnto him: My LORDE, and my God. 29 Iesus sayde vnto him: Thomas, because thou hast sene me, thou hast beleued. Blessed are they, that se not, and yet beleue.

Acts 11:23

23 Which whan he was come thither, & sawe the grace of God, he was glad, and exorted them all, that with purpose of hert they wolde contynue in the LORDE.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 Of the same are ye also in Christ Iesu, which of God is made vnto vs wyssdome and righteousnes, and sanctifienge and redepcion,

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 but as it is wrytten: The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not herde, nether hath it entred in to the hert of man that God hath prepared for them that loue him.

1 Corinthians 12:8

8 To one is geuen thorow the sprete the vtteraunce of wissdome: to another is geuen the vtteraunce of knowlege acordinge to the same sprete:

2 Corinthians 9:12-15

12 For the hadreachinge of this colleccion not onely suppleeth the nede off the sayntes, but also is abudaunt herin, that for this laudable mynistracion many mighte geue thakes vnto God, 13 and prayse God for yor obedient professynge of the Gospell of Christ, & for yor synglenesse in distributynge vnto the, and to all men, 14 and in their prayer for you, which longe after you, for the abundaunt grace of God in you. 15 Thankes be vnto God for his vnoutspeakeable gifte.

Ephesians 1:17

17 that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe,

Ephesians 3:20

20 Vnto him that is able to do exceadinge abundauntly, aboue all that we axe or vnderstonde (acordinge to ye power that worketh in vs)

Colossians 2:2-3

2 that their hertes mighte be comforted and knytt together in loue, to all riches of full vnderstodinge, which is in the knowlege of the mystery of God the father and of Christ, 3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege.

Colossians 2:3-3

3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege.

Hebrews 1:8-9

8 But vnto ye sonne he sayeth: God, yi seate endureth for euer & euer: the cepter of yi kyngdome is a right cepter. 9 Thou hast loued righteousnes, & hated iniquyte: wherfore God (which is thy God) hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnesse aboue yi felowes.

Hebrews 4:12

12 For ye worde of God is quycke, and mightie in operacion, and sharper the eny two edged swerde, and entreth thorow, euen to the deuydinge of the soule & the sprete, and of ye ioyntes & the mary, and is a iudger of the thoughtes & intetes of the hert,

James 1:5

5 Yf eny of you lacke wyssdome, let him axe of God, which geueth to all men indifferentlie, and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geue him.

James 1:16-17

16 Erre not my deare brethre. 17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

James 3:17

17 But the wissdom that is fro aboue, is fyrst pure, the peasable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudgynge, and without simulacion:

1 John 3:2

2 Dearly beloued, we are now ye childre of God, and yet hath it not appeared what we shalbe. But we knowe yt when he shal appeare, we shal be like him: for we shal se him as he is.

Revelation 1:17

17 And when I sawe him, I fell at his fete, euen as deed. And he layde his right honde vpon me, sayenge vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst, and the laste,

Revelation 3:20

20 Beholde, I stonde at the doore & knocke. Yf eny man heare my voyce and vpen the dore, I wil come in vnto him and will suppe with him, & he with me.

Revelation 5:5

5 And one of the elders sayde vnto me: wepe not: Beholde, the lyon which is off the trybe of Iuda, ye rote of Dauid, hath obtayned to ope the boke, and to lowse the seue seales therof.

Revelation 5:8

8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beestes and the xxiiij. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauinge harpes and golden vialles full of odoures (which are ye prayers of the sayntes)

Revelation 19:16

16 And hath on his vesture and on his thyghe a name wrytten: Kynge of all kinges, and LORDE of all lordes.

Revelation 20:11

11 And I sawe a gret whyte seate, and him that sat on it, from whose face fled awaye both the earth and heauen, and their place was nomore founde.

Revelation 21:12

12 & had greate and hye walles, and had twolue gates, and at ye gates twolue angels: and names wrytten, which are the twolue trybes of Israel:

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