2 Chronicles 34:31 Cross References - Coverdale

31 And ye kynge stode in his place, and made a couenaunt before the LORDE, that they shulde walke after the LORDE, to kepe his comaundementes, his testimonies, and his statutes with all their hert and with all their soule, to do accordinge vnto all the wordes of the couenaunt that are wrytten in this boke.

Exodus 24:6-8

6 And Moses toke the half parte of the bloude, and put it in a basen, the other half sprenkled he vpon the altare: 7 & toke the boke of ye couenaunt, & cried in the eares of the people. And whan they had sayde: All yt the LORDE hath sayde, wil we do, & herken vnto him: 8 Moses toke the bloude, & sprenkled it vpon the people, & sayde: Beholde, this is ye bloude of the couenaunt that the LORDE maketh wt you vpon all these wordes.

Deuteronomy 6:5

5 And thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God wt all thy hart, with all yi soule, & with all thy mighte.

Deuteronomy 29:1

1 These are ye wordes of the couenaunt, which the LORDE comaunded Moses to make wt the children of Israel in the londe of the Moabites, besyde ye couenaunt which he made with them in Horeb.

Deuteronomy 29:10-15

10 Ye stonde this daye all before the LORDE youre God, the chefe rulers of youre trybes, youre Elders, youre officers, euery man in Israel, 11 youre children, youre wyues, ye straungers that are in thine hoost, from the hewer of yi wodd vnto ye drawer of yi water: 12 that thou shuldest enter in to the couenaunt of the LORDE thy God, and in to the ooth which the LORDE thy God maketh with the this daye, 13 that he mighte set the vp this daye to be a people vnto himself, and that he mighte be thy God, as he hath sayde vnto the, and as he sware vnto yi fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob. 14 For I make not this couenaunt and this ooth with you onely, 15 but both with you yt are here this daye, and stonde with vs before the LORDE oure God, and also with them that are not here with vs this daye.

Joshua 24:25

25 So Iosua made a couenaunt with the people ye same daye, and laied statutes & lawes before them at Sichem.

2 Kings 11:4

4 Neuertheles in the seuenth yeare sent Ioiada, and toke the rulers ouer hudreds with the captaynes and fote men, and caused the to come to him in to the house of the LORDE and made a couenaunt with them, and toke an ooth of them in the house of the LORDE, and shewed them the kynges sonne,

2 Kings 11:14

14 and loked, and beholde, the kynge stode by the piler, as the vse was, and the syngers and tropettes by the kynge: and all the people of ye lode were glad, and blewe with trompettes. But Athalia rente hir clothes, & sayde: Vproure, vproure.

2 Kings 23:3

3 And the kinge stode vpon a piler, and made a couenaut before the LORDE, that they shulde walke after the LORDE, and to kepe his commaundementes, witnesses, and ordinaunces with all their hert and with all their soule, yt they shulde set vp the wordes of this couenaunt, which are wrytten in this boke. And all the people entred in to the couenaunt.

2 Chronicles 6:13

13 for Salomon had made a brasen pulpit, and set it in the myddes of the courte, fyue cubites longe, and fyue cubites brode, and thre cubites hye: vpon the same stode he, and fell downe vpon his knees in the presence of the whole cogregacion of Israel, and helde out his handes towarde heaue

2 Chronicles 15:12

12 And they entred in to ye couenaunt, that they wolde seke the LORDE God of their fathers, with all their hert and with all their soule.

2 Chronicles 15:15

15 And all Iuda were glad ouer the ooth: for they had sworne with all their hert, and they soughte him with a whole wyll: and he was founde of them, and the LORDE gaue them rest on euery syde.

2 Chronicles 23:16

16 And Ioiada made a couenaunt betwene him and all the people, and the kynge, yt they shulde be the people of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 29:10

10 Now am I mynded to make a couenaunt with the LORDE God of Israel, yt he maye turne awaie from vs his wrath & indignacion.

2 Chronicles 30:16

16 and stode in their ordinaunce, as it was acordinge, after the lawe off Moses the man of God. And the prestes sprenkled the bloude from the hande of the Leuites:

2 Chronicles 31:21

21 And in all the busynes that he toke in hade concernynge the seruyce of the house of God, acordinge to the lawe and commaundement, to seke his God, that dyd he with all his hert, and therfore prospered he well.

Nehemiah 9:38

38 And in all this made we a sure couenaunt, & wrote it, & let or prynces, Leuites & prestes seale it.

Nehemiah 10:29

29 and their lordes that had rule of them, receaued it for their brethren. And they came to sweare, and to bynde them selues with an ooth to walke in Gods lawe, which was geuen by Moses the seruaunt of God, that they wolde obserue and do acordinge vnto all the commaundementes, iudgmentes and statutes of the LORDE oure God:

Psalms 119:106

106 I haue sworne & am sted fastly purposed, to kepe the iudgmetes of thy rightuousnesse.

Psalms 119:111-112

111 Thy testimonies haue I claymed as myne heretage for euer: & why? they are the very ioye of my herte. 112 I applye myne herte to fulfill thy statutes all waye, euen vnto the ende.

Jeremiah 50:5

5 They shall axe the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne their faces, & come, and hange vpon the, in a couenaunt that neuer shal be broken.

Ezekiel 46:2

2 Then shal the prynce come vnder the dore porche, & stonde still without by the dore cheke. So ye prestes shall offre vp his burnt & healthoffrynges. And he shal worshipe at the dore poste, and go his waye forth agayne: but ye dore shal nomore be shut till the euenynge.

Luke 10:27-29

27 He answered and sayde: Thou shalt loue thy LORDE God with all thy hert, with all thy soule, with all thy strength, and with all thy mynde, and thy neghboure as thy self. 28 He sayde vnto him: Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt lyue. 29 But he wolde haue iustified himself, & sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghboure?

Hebrews 8:6-13

6 But now hath he optayned a more excellent office, in as moch as he is the mediatour of a better Testament, which was made for better promyses. 7 For yf that first (Testament) had bene fautles, then shulde no place haue bene soughte for the secode. 8 For in rebukynge the he sayeth: Beholde, the dayes wyll come (sayeth the LORDE) that I wyl fynish vpo the house of Israel, and vpon the house off Iuda, 9 a new Testament: not as the Testament which I made with their fathers, in that daye whan I toke them by the handes, to lede them out of the londe of Egipte: for they contynued not in my Testament, and I regarded them not, sayeth the LORDE. 10 For this is the Testament, that I wil make wt the house of Israell after those dayes, sayeth the LORDE. I wyl geue my lawes in their mynde, and in their hertes wyl I wryte them: And I wil be their God, and they shal be my people: 11 and they shal not teach euery ma his neghboure, and euery man his brother, sayenge: knowe ye LORDE, for they shal knowe me from the leest to the most of them: 12 for I wil be mercifull ouer their vnrighteousnesses: And on their synnes & on their iniquyties wyl I not thynke enymore. 13 In that he sayeth: A new, he weereth out ye olde. Now yt which is worne out and waxed olde, is ready to vanish awaye

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