10 And Sedechias the sonne of Cnaena had made him hornes of yron, and sayde: Thus sayeth the LORDE: With these shalt thou pu?she at the Syrians, tyll thou brynge them to naughte.
2 Chronicles 18:10 Cross References - Coverdale
Jeremiah 23:17
17 They saye vnto them, that despyse me: The LORDE hath spoken it: Tush, ye shal prospere right well. And vnto all them, that walke after the lust of their owne herte, they saye: Tush, there shall no my?fortune happen you.
Jeremiah 23:21
21 I haue not sent these prophetes, (saieth the LORDE) and yet they ranne. I haue not spoken to them, and yet they preached.
Jeremiah 23:25
25 I haue herde well ynough, what the prophetes saye, that preach lyes in my name, sayege: I haue dreamed, I haue dreamed.
Jeremiah 23:31
31 Beholde, here am I (saieth the LORDE) agaynst the prophetes, that take vpon their tunges to speake: The LORDE hath sayde it.
Jeremiah 27:2
2 Make the bondes & chaynes, and put them aboute thy neck,
Jeremiah 28:2-3
Jeremiah 28:10-14
10 And Hananias the prophet toke the chayne from the prophet Ieremias neck, & brake it:
11 & with that sayde Hananias, that all the people might heare: Thus hath the LORDE spoken: Euen so will I breake the yock of Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babilo, from the neck of all nacions, yee & that within this two yeare. And so the prophet Ieremy wente his waye.
12 After now that Hananias the prophet had taken the chayne from the prophet Ieremies neck, and broken it: The worde of the LORDE came vnto the prophet Ieremy sayenge:
13 Go, and tell Hananias these wordes: Thus saieth the LORDE: Thou hast broken the chayne of wodd, but in steade of wodd, thou shalt make chaynes of yron.
14 For thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel: I wil put a yock of yron vpon the neck of all this people, that they maye serue Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, yee & so shal they do. And I wil geue him ye beestes in the felde.
Jeremiah 29:21
21 Thus hath the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel spoken, of Achab ye sonne of Colaias, & of Sedechias the sonne of Maasia, which prophecie lies vnto you in my name: Beholde, I wil delyuer them in to the honde of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon, that he maye slaye them before youre eyes.
Ezekiel 13:7
7 Vayne visios haue ye sene, & spoke false prophecies. when ye saye: the LORDE hath spoken it, where as I neuer sayde it.
Ezekiel 22:28
28 As for thy prophetes, they dawbe with vntempered claye, they se vanities, and prophecie lies vnto them, sayenge: the LORDE God sayeth so, where as the LORDE hath not spoken
Zechariah 1:18-21
18 Then lift I vp myne eyes and sawe, and beholde, foure hornes.
19 And I sayde vnto the angel, that talked with me: what be these? he answered me: These are ye hornes, which haue scatred Iuda, Israel and Ierusalem abrode.
20 And ye LORDE shewed me iiij. carpenters.
21 Then sayde I: what wil these do? He answered, & sayde: Those are the hornes, which haue so strowed Iuda abrode, that no man durst lift vp his heade: But these are come to fraye them awaye, and to cast out ye hornes of the Gentiles, which lift vp their horne ouer the londe of Iuda, to scatre it abrode.
2 Timothy 3:8
8 But like as Iamnes and Iabres withstode Moses, euen so do these also resist the trueth: me they are of corrupte myndes, and lewde as cocernynge ye faith: