1 Thessalonians 2:18 Cross References - Coverdale

18 Therfore wolde we haue come vnto you, (I Paul) two tymes, but Sathan withstode vs.

Job 33:14

14 For whe God doth once commaunde a thinge, there shulde no man be curious, to search whether it be right.

Zechariah 3:1-2

1 And he shewed me Iesua ye hye prest, stondinge before the angel of the LORDE, and Satan stode at his right honde to resiste him. 2 And the LORDE sayde vnto Satan: The LORDE reproue the (thou Satan) yee the LORDE that hath chosen Ierusalem, reproue the. Is not this a brande take out of the fyre?

Matthew 4:10

10 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: Auoyde Sata. For it ys wrytte: thou shalt worshyp the LORDE thy God and hym onely shalt thou serue.

Romans 1:13

13 But I wolde ye shulde knowe (brethren) how that I haue often tymes purposed to come vnto you (but haue bene let hither to) that I mighte do some good amonge you, like as amonge other Gentyles.

Romans 15:22

22 This is also the cause, wherfore I haue bene oft tymes let to come vnto you.

1 Corinthians 16:21

21 The salutacion of me Paul wt myne awne hande.

2 Corinthians 11:12-14

12 Neuertheles what I do and wyl do, that do I to cut awaye occasion, from the which seke occasion, that they mighte boast the selues to be like vnto vs. 13 For soch false Apostles & disceatfull workers fashion them selues like vnto the Apostles of Christ. 14 And that is no maruell: for Sathan himfelfe is chaunged in to ye fashion of an angell of light.

Philippians 4:16

16 For vnto Tessalonica ye sent once and afterwarde agayne vnto my necessite.

Colossians 4:18

18 My salutacion with the hnade of me Paul. Remembre my bodes. Grace be with you, Amen.

2 Thessalonians 3:17

17 The salutacion of me Paul with myne awne hande: This is the token in all epistles, So I wryte,

Philemon 1:9

9 yet for loues sake I rather beseke ye, though I be as I am, eue Paul aged, and now a presoner also of Iesu Christ.

Revelation 2:10

10 Feare none of tho thinges which thou shalt soffre. Beholde, ye deuell shal cast of you in to preson, to tempte you, and ye shal haue tribulacion x. dayes. Be faithfull vnto the deeth, and I wil geue ye a crowne of life.

Revelation 12:9-12

9 And the greate dragon that olde serpent (called the deuell and Sathanas) was cast out. Which disceaued all the worlde. And he was cast in to the earth, and his angelles were cast out with him also. 10 And I harde a lowde voyce, which sayde in heauen: Now is saluacion, and strength and the kyngdome become oure Gods, and ye power his Christes: For he is cast downe, which accused them before God daye and night. 11 And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe, and by the worde of their testimony, and they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth. 12 Therfore reioyce ye heauens, and ye that dwell in them. Wo to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the see: for the deuell is come downe vnto you, which hath greate wrath, because he knoweth, that he hath but a short tyme.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.