9 The woma saide vnto him: Beholde, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath roted out the soythsayers & witches from the londe, wherfore wilt thou brynge my soule then in to ye nett, that I maye be slayne?
1 Samuel 28:9 Cross References - Coverdale
1 Samuel 28:3
3 As for Samuel, he was deed, and all ye people had mourned for him, & buried him in his cite Ramath. So Saul had dryuen the soythsayers and expounders of tokens out of ye londe.
2 Samuel 18:13
13 Or yf I had dyssembled vpon the ioperdy of myne owne soule (for so moch as nothinge shulde be hyd from ye kinge) thou thy selfe shuldest haue stode against me.
2 Kings 5:7
7 And whan the kynge of Israel red the letter, he rente his clothes, & sayde: Am I God then, that I can kyll and quycke agayne, yt he sendeth vnto me, to heale the man fro his leprosy? Considre and se, how he seketh an occasion vnto me.