1 Samuel 25:10 Cross References - Coverdale

10 But Nabal answered Dauids seruauntes, & sayde: What is he yt Dauid? & who is the sonne of Isai? There are many seruauntes now yt runne awaye from their masters.

Exodus 5:2

2 Pharao answered: What felowe is the LORDE, that I must heare his voyce, and let Israel go?

Judges 9:28

28 And Gaal ye sonne of Ebed sayde: Who is Abimelech? and what is Sichem, that we shulde serue him? Is he not the sonne of Ierubaal, and hath set Sebul his seruaut ouer the men of Hemor the father of Sichem? Wherfore shulde we serue him?

1 Samuel 20:30

30 Then was the kynge wroth at Ionathas, and sayde vnto him: Thou wicked and vnthrifte, I knowe how that thou hast chosen the sonne of Isai, to the shame of thy selfe and of yi shamefull mother.

1 Samuel 22:2

2 And there gathered vnto him all men that were in trouble and det, and sory of hert, and he became their heade, so that there were with him vpon a foure hundreth men.

1 Samuel 22:7-8

7 Then sayde Saul vnto his seruauntes that stode by him: Heare ye children of Iemini: Shal the sonne of Isai geue lodes and vynyardes vnto you all, & make you all captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hudreds, 8 that ye haue all conspyred agaynst me, and there is no ma that sheweth it before myne eares, for so moch as my sonne also hath made a couenaunt with the sonne of Isai? There is no man amonge you that letteth it for my sake, or yt openeth it vnto myne eares: for my sonne hath stered vp my seruauntes against me, that he maye laye wayte for me, as it is manifest.

2 Samuel 20:1

1 There was a famous man of Belial there, whose name was Seba ye sonne of Bichri, a ma of Iemini, which blewe the trompe, and sayde: We haue no porcion in Dauid, ner inheritaunce in ye sonne of Isai: let euery get him to his tent, O Israel.

1 Kings 12:16

16 But whan all Israel sawe that the kynge wolde not heare them, the people gaue ye kynge an answere and sayde: What porcion haue we then in Dauid or inheritaunce in the sonne of Isai? Get the to thy tentes O Israel. Loke thou now to thy house thou Dauid. So Israel wente vnto their tentes.

Psalms 73:7-8

7 Their eyes swell for fatnesse, they do euen what they lyst. 8 Corrupte are they, and speake blasphemies maliciously, proude and presumptuous are their wordes.

Psalms 123:3-4

3 Haue mercy vpo vs (o LORDE) haue mercy vpon vs, for we are vtterly despysed. 4 Oure soule is fylled wt the scornefull reprofe of the welthy, & with ye despitefulnesse of the proude.

Ecclesiastes 7:10

10 Saye not thou: What is the cause that ye dayes of ye olde tyme were better, then they yt be now? for that were no wyse question.

Isaiah 32:5

5 Then shal the nygarde be no more called gentle, ner the churle lyberall.

Isaiah 32:7

7 These are the perlous weapons of the cuvetous, these be his shameful councels: that he maye begyle the poore with disceatful workes, yee euen there as he shulde geue sentence with the poore.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.