1 John 3:21 Cross References - Coverdale

21 Dearly beloued, yf oure hert condemne vs not, then haue we a fre boldnes to God warde.

Job 22:26

26 Then shalt thou haue thy delyte in the Allmightie, & lift vp thy face vnto God.

Job 27:6

6 My rightuous dealynge wil I kepe fast, & not forsake it: For my conscience reproueth me not in all my conuersacion.

Psalms 7:3-5

3 O LORDE my God, yff I haue done eny soch thinge: yf there be eny vnrightuousnes in my hades: 4 Yff I haue rewarded euell vnto the yt dealt frendly wt me or hurte the yt wt out eny cause are myne enemies: 5 Then let myne enemie persecute my soule, & take me: yee let hi treade my life downe in the earth, & laye myne honor in the dust.

Psalms 101:2

2 O let me haue vnderstondinge in the waye of godlynesse, vntill the tyme that thou come vnto me: & so shal I walke in my house wt an innocent herte.

1 Corinthians 4:4

4 I knowe noughte by my selfe, yet am I not therby iustified. It is the LORDE that iudgeth me.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For oure reioysinge is this, euen the testimony of oure conscience, that in synglenes & godly purenesse, not in fleshlye wyssdome, but in the grace of God, we haue had oure conuersacion in the worlde, but most of all with you.

1 Timothy 2:8

8 I wil therfore that men praye in all places, liftinge vp pure hades without wrath or dowtynge.

Hebrews 4:16

16 Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receaue mercy, and fynde grace to helpe in the tyme of nede.

Hebrews 10:22

22 let vs drawe nye with a true hert in a full faith, sprenkled in oure hertes from an euell conscience, and washed in oure bodies with pure water:

1 John 2:28

28 And now babes, abyde in hi, yt wha he shal appeare, we maye be bolde, & not be made ashamed of him at his commynge.

1 John 4:17

17 Here in is the loue perfecte with vs, that we shulde haue a fre boldnesse in the daye of iudgment: for as he is, eue so are we in this worlde.

1 John 5:14

14 And this is the fre boldnesse which we haue towarde him, that yf we axe eny thinge acordinge to his wyll, he heareth vs.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.