1 Chronicles 10 Cross References - Coverdale

1 The Philistynes foughte agaynst Israel. And they of Israel fled before the Philistynes, and ye wounded fell vpon mount Gilboa. 2 And the Philistynes folowed vpon Saul and his sonnes, and smote Ionathas, Abinadab and Malchisua ye sonnes of Saul. 3 And the battayll was sore agaynst Saul. And the archers came vpon him, so that he was wounded of the archers 4 Then sayde Saul vnto his weapenbearer: Drawe out thy swerde, and thrust it thorow me, that these vncircumcysed come not, and deale shamefully with me. Neuertheles his weapenbearer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. Then toke Saul his swerde, and fell therin. 5 Whan his weapenbearer sawe that Saul was deed, he fell vpon his swerde also, and dyed. 6 Thus died Saul and his thre sonnes, and all his housholde together. 7 And whan the men of Israel which were in ye valley, sawe, that Saul and his sonnes were deed, they lefte their cities and fled: and the Philistynes came and dwelt therin. 8 On the morowe came the Philistynes to spoyle the slayne, and founde Saul, and his sonnes lyenge vpon mount Gelboa, 9 and stryped him out, and toke his heade, and his harnesse, and sent it aboute in to ye londe of the Philistynes, and caused it to be shewed before their Idoles and the people. 10 And his weapens layed they in the house of their god, and styckte vp his heade vpon the house of Dagon. 11 But whan all they of Iabes in Gilead herde of euery thinge, that the Philistynes had done vnto Saul, 12 they gat them vp (as many as were men of armes) and toke the body of Saul and of his sonnes, and broughte them vnto Iabes, and buryed their bones vnder the Oke at Iabes, and fasted seuen dayes. 13 Thus dyed Saul in his trespace which he commytted agaynst the LORDE, because he kepte not the worde of the LORDE: & because he axed councell at the soythsayer, 14 and axed not at the LORDE, therfore slewe he him, & turned the kyngdome vnto Dauid.

Genesis 35:8

8 Then dyed Debora Rebeccas norse, and was buried beneth Bethel vnder the Oke, and it was called the Oke of lamentacion.

Genesis 49:23-24

23 And though the shoters angered him, stroue with him, and hated him, 24 yet his bowe bode fast, and the armes of his hades were made stroge by the handes of ye Mightie in Iacob. Of him are come herdmen & stones in Israel.

Genesis 50:10

10 Now whan these came to the playne of Atad yt lyeth beyonde Iordane, they made there a very greate and bytter lamentacion, & he mourned for his father seue dayes.

Exodus 20:5

5 Worshipe them not, and serue them not: for I the LORDE thy God am a gelouse God, vysitinge ye synne of the fathers vpon the children, vnto ye thirde and fourth generacion, of them that hate me:

Exodus 22:18

18 Thou shalt not suffre a witch to lyue.

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shal not turne yor selues to ye Soythsayers, and axe nothinge at the expounders of tokes, that ye be not defyled by them: for I am the LORDE youre God.

Leviticus 20:6

6 If eny soule turne him to ye soythsayers and expounders of tokens, so that he goeth a whorynge after them, I wyl set my face agaynst the same soule, and wyl rote him out from amonge his people.

Leviticus 26:31

31 And youre cities wyll I make waist, and brynge youre churches to naught, and wyll not smell youre swete odoures.

Leviticus 26:36

36 And as for them that remayne of you, I wyll make them faynte harted in the londe of their enemies, so that a shakynge leaf shall chace them. And they shall flye from it, as though a swerde persecuted them, and shal fall noman folowynge vpon them.

Deuteronomy 18:10-14

10 that there be not founde amonge you, yt maketh his sonne or doughter go thorow the fyre, or a prophecier, or a choser out of dayes, or that regardeth the foules cryenge, 11 or a witch, or a coniurer, or soythsayer, or an expounder of tokens, or yt axeth eny thinge of the deed. 12 For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto the LORDE: and because of soch abhominacions doth the LORDE yi God dryue the out before the. 13 But thou shalt be perfecte with the LORDE yi God. 14 For these nacios whom thou shalt conquere, whom the LORDE thy God hath geuen the, herken to the chosers out of dayes, and to the soythsayers: but so shalt not thou do vnto the LORDE thy God.

Deuteronomy 28:33

33 The frute of yi londe and all yi laboure, shall a nacion eate, which thou knowest not: and thou shalt but onely be he that shalbe oppressed and suffre wronge, all the dayes of thy life.

Deuteronomy 28:43

43 The straunger that is with ye, shal clymme vp ouer the, and be allwaye aboue the: but thou shalt come downe alowe, and lye euer beneth.

Judges 6:2

2 And wha the hande of the Madianites was to mightie ouer the children of Israel, the children of Israel made them clyffes in ye mountaynes, and caues and holdes, to defende them selues from ye Madianites.

Judges 9:54

54 Then Abimelech in all the haist, called the seruaunt that bare his wapen, and sayde vnto him: Drawe out thy swerde, and kyll me, that it be not sayde of me: A woman hath slayne him. Then his seruaunt thrust him thorow, and he dyed.

Judges 10:11-16

11 But the LORDE sayde vnto the childre of Israel: Did not the Egipcias, the Amorites, the children of Ammon, ye Philistines, 12 the Sidonians, the Amalechites and Maonites oppresse you, and I helped you out of their hande, whan ye cryed vnto me? 13 Yet haue ye forsaken me, and serued other goddes? Therfore wyll I helpe you nomore 14 Go youre waye, and crye vpon the goddes whom ye haue chosen, let them helpe you in the tyme of youre trouble. 15 But the childre of Israel sayde vnto the LORDE: We haue synned, do thou vnto vs what pleaseth the, onely delyuer vs at this tyme. 16 And they put the straunge goddes fro them, and serued the LORDE, And his soule had pytie on the mysery of Israel.

Judges 15:18

18 But wha he was sore a thyrst, he called vpo the LORDE, & saide: Soch greate health hast thou geue by the hade of thy seruaunt, but now must I dye a thyrst, & fall in to ye hande of ye vncircucised.

Judges 16:21

21 But the Philistynes toke him, & put out his eyes, and broughte him downe to Gasa, & bounde him wt fetters, and made him to grynde in the preson.

Judges 16:23-25

23 Whan ye prynces of the Philistynes were gathered together, to make a greate sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to be ioyfull, they sayde: Oure god hath delyuered Samson or enemye in to or hande.

Judges 16:23-24

23 Whan ye prynces of the Philistynes were gathered together, to make a greate sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to be ioyfull, they sayde: Oure god hath delyuered Samson or enemye in to or hande. 24 Like wyse whan ye people sawe him, they praysed their god, & sayde: Oure god hath delyuered in to oure handes oure enemye, yt destroyed oure londe, & slewe many of vs.

Judges 16:24-24

24 Like wyse whan ye people sawe him, they praysed their god, & sayde: Oure god hath delyuered in to oure handes oure enemye, yt destroyed oure londe, & slewe many of vs. 25 Now whan their hert was ioyfull, they sayde: Let vs fetch Samson, that he maye make some pastyme before vs. Then fetched they Samson out of the preson, & he made pastyme before them. And they set him betwene two pilers.

1 Samuel 4:10-11

10 Then foughte the Philistynes, & Israel was smytten, & euery one fled vnto his tete, & there was a very greate slaughter, so that there fell of Israel thirtye thousande fote me, 11 & the Arke of God was take, & the two sonnes of Eli, Ophni and Phineas dyed.

1 Samuel 4:18

18 Whan he had made mencion of the Arke of God, he fell downe bacwarde from the seate by the gate, and brake his neck, and dyed: for he was olde, & an heuy man. He iudged Israel fortie yeares.

1 Samuel 5:2-7

2 in to the house of Dagon, and set it besyde Dagon. 3 And whan they of Asdod rose vp early on the morowe, they founde Dagon lyenge on his face vpon the earth, before the Arke of the LORDE. But they toke vp Dagon, and set him agayne in his place. 4 Neuertheles whan they rose vp early on the nexte morowe, they founde Dagon lyenge on his face agayne vpon the earth before the Arke of the LORDE: but his heade and both his hades hewen of vpon the thresholde, so that the block laie there onely. 5 Therfore the prestes of Dagon, and all they that go in to his house, treade not vpo the thressholde of Dagon at Asdod vnto this daye. 6 But the hande of the LORDE was heuy vpon them of Asdod, and destroyed them, and smote Asdod and all the borders therof in secrete places. 7 Whan the men of Asdod sawe that they were so plaged, they sayde: Let not the Arke of the God of Israel tary with vs, for his hande is to harde vpo vs & vpon or god Dagon.

1 Samuel 11:1-11

1 Nahas ye Ammonite wete vp & layed sege vnto Iabes in Gilead. And all the men of Iabes sayde vnto Nahas: Be at one with vs, & we wyll serue the. 2 But Nahas ye Ammonite answered them: I wil make a couenauut with you, of this condicion, that I maye thrust out all youre right eyes, and put you to shame amonge all Israel. 3 Then sayde all the Elders of Iabes vnto him: Geue vs seuen dayes respyte, that we maye sende messaungers into all ye coastes of Israel: Yf there be then no sauioure, we wyl go forth vnto the. 4 So the messaungers came vnto Gibea of Saul, and spake this before the eares of the people. Then all ye people lifte vp their voyce, and wepte. 5 And beholde, Saul came after the oxen out of the felde, and sayde: What ayleth the people that they wepe? So they tolde him the earande of the men of Iabes. 6 Then came the sprete of God vpon him, whan he had herde these wordes, and his wrath was sore moued, 7 and he toke a couple of oxen, and hewed them in sunder, and sent them in to all the coastes of Israel by the messaungers, sayenge: Who so euer goeth not forth after Saul and Samuel, his oxen shalbe thus dealte withall. Then fell the feare of the LORDE vpon the people, so that they wente forth like as one man, 8 and they were tolde at Basek, and of the childre of Israel there were thre hundreth thousande men, and thirtie thousande of the children of Iuda. 9 And they spake vnto the messaungers that were come: Saye thus to the men of Iabes in Gilead: Tomorow shal ye haue helpe, whan ye Sonne is at the whotest. Whan ye messaungers came and tolde this to the men of Iabes, they were glad. 10 And the men of Iabes sayde: Tomorow wyll we come forth vnto you, that ye maye do vnto vs, what so euer it pleaseth you. 11 And on ye nexte morow Saul set the people in thre partes, and came in to the hoost aboute the mornynge watch, and smote the Ammonites tyll the daye was at the whotest. As for those yt remayned, they were so scatred, that two of them abode not together.

1 Samuel 12:25

25 But yf ye do wickedly, both ye & youre kynge shal perishe.

1 Samuel 13:6

6 Whan the men of Israel sawe that mysfortune laye vpon the neckes of the (for the people was come therto) they crope in to caues and dennes, in to rockes, and holes and welles.

1 Samuel 13:13-14

13 Samuel sayde vnto Saul: Thou hast done foolishly, and not kepte the commaundement of the LORDE thy God, which he commaunded the. For (yf thou haddest not done this) he had prospered thy kyngdome vpo Israel for euer: 14 but now shall not thy kyngdome contynue. The LORDE hath soughte him out a man after his owne hert: him hath the LORDE commaunded to be prynce ouer his people, for thou hast not kepte yt the LORDE commaunded ye.

1 Samuel 13:14

14 but now shall not thy kyngdome contynue. The LORDE hath soughte him out a man after his owne hert: him hath the LORDE commaunded to be prynce ouer his people, for thou hast not kepte yt the LORDE commaunded ye.

1 Samuel 14:6

6 And Ionathas sayde vnto his wapen bearer: Come, let vs go ouer to ye watch of these vncircumcised, peraduenture the LORDE shall worke with vs, For it is no harde matter for the LORDE to helpe by many or by fewe.

1 Samuel 14:39-40

39 For as truly as God the Sauioure of Israel lyueth, & though it be in my sonne Ionathas, he shal dye. And no man answered him of all the people. 40 And he sayde vnto all Israel: Be ye on the one syde, I & my sonne Ionathas wyl be on this syde. The people sayde vnto Saul: Do as it pleaseth the.

1 Samuel 14:49

49 Saul had these sonnes: Ionathas, Isui, and Malchisua. And these were ye names of his two doughters: the firstborne Merob, & ye yogest Michol.

1 Samuel 15:2

2 Thus sayeth ye LORDE Zebaoth: I haue remembred what Amaleck dyd vnto Israel, & how he layed wayte for him in ye waye, whan he wente out of Egipte:

1 Samuel 15:23

23 For disobedience is as ye synne of witchcrafte, and rebellion is as the blasphemy of Idolatrye. In so moch now as thou hast refused the worde of the LORDE, he hath refused the also, that thou shuldest not be kynge.

1 Samuel 15:28

28 Then sayde Samuel vnto him: The LORDE hath rente the kyngdome of Israel from ye this daye, & geuen it vnto yi neghbor, which is better then thou.

1 Samuel 16:1

1 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Samuel: How longe mournest thou for Saul, whom I haue refused, that he shulde not be kynge ouer Israel? Fyll thine horne with oyle, go thy waye, I wyll sende the to Isai the Bethleemite: for amonge his sonnes haue I prouyded me a kynge.

1 Samuel 16:11-13

11 And Samuel sayde vnto Isai: Are here all the childre? He sayde: There is yet one ye leest of all, and beholde, he kepeth the shepe. The sayde Samuel vnto Isai: Sende & cause him to be fetched, for we will not syt downe at the table, vntyll he come. 12 Then sent he, & caused him be broughte. And he was well coloured wt fayre eyes & of a beutyfull countenaunce. And the LORDE saide: Aryse, and anoynte him, that is he. 13 The toke Samuel his oyle horne, & anoynted him amonge his brethre. And the sprete of the LORDE came vpo Dauid fro ye daye forth. As for Samuel, he gat him vp, & wente vnto Ramath.

1 Samuel 17:26

26 Then sayde Dauid vnto the men that stode by him: What shalbe done to the man, that smyteth this Philistyne, and turneth this shame awaye from Israel? For what is he this Philistyne this vncircucysed, that defyeth the hoost of ye lyuynge God?

1 Samuel 17:36

36 So thy seruaunt smote both the Lyon and ye Bere. Therfore shall this Philistyne this vncircumcysed be euen as one of them: for he hath defyed the hoost of the lyuynge God.

1 Samuel 28:1

1 It fortuned at ye same tyme, that the Philistynes gathered their hoost together to the battayll, to go agaynst Israel. And Achis sayde vnto Dauid: Thou shalt knowe, that thou and thy men shal go forth with me in the hoost.

1 Samuel 28:4

4 Now whan the Philistynes gathered them selues together, and came and pitched their tentes at Sunem, Saul gathered all the people together, & they pitched at Gilboa.

1 Samuel 28:6

6 and he axed councell at the LORDE. But ye LORDE gaue him no answere, nether by dreames, ner by the lighte, ner by prophetes. 7 The sayde Saul vnto his seruauntes: Seke me a woma which hath a sprete of soythsayege, that I maye go vnto her, and axe at her. His seruauntes sayde vnto him: Beholde, at Endor is there a woman, which hath a sprete of soythsayenge. 8 And Saul chaunged his clothes, and put on other, and wente his waye and two men with him, and came by nighte vnto the woman, and sayde: Prophecye vnto me (I pray the) thorow the sprete of soythsayenge, and brynge me him vp whom I shal name vnto the. 9 The woma saide vnto him: Beholde, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath roted out the soythsayers & witches from the londe, wherfore wilt thou brynge my soule then in to ye nett, that I maye be slayne? 10 But Saul sware vnto her by ye LORDE, and sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, there shall no harme happen vnto the for this. 11 Then sayde ye woman: Whom shal I brynge vp vnto the? He sayde: Brynge me vp Samuel. 12 Now whan ye woman sawe Samuel, she cryed loude, and sayde vnto Saul: Wherfore hast thou begyled me? Thou art Saul. 13 And the kynge sayde vnto her: Feare not, what seist thou? The woman sayde vnto Saul: I se goddes comynge vp out of ye earth? 14 He sayde: How is he shapened? She sayde: There commeth vp an olde man, and is clothed with a longe garment. Then perceaued Saul that it was Samuel, & bowed him selfe downe wt his face to the grounde, and worshiped him. 15 Samuel saide vnto Saul: Why hast thou disquyeted me, to cause me be broughte vp? Saul sayde: I am sore troubled, the Philistynes fighte against me, & God is departed frome, & geueth me no answere, nether by prophetes ner by dreames: therfore haue I called the, yt thou mightest shewe me, what I shal do. 16 Samuel sayde: What wilt thou axe at me, seynge the LORDE is departed from the, and is become thine enemye? 17 The LORDE shal do vnto the euen as he spake by me, and shall plucke the kyngdome out of thy hande, and geue it vnto Dauid thy neghboure,

1 Samuel 28:17

17 The LORDE shal do vnto the euen as he spake by me, and shall plucke the kyngdome out of thy hande, and geue it vnto Dauid thy neghboure, 18 because thou hast not herkened vnto the voyce of the LORDE, ner perfourmed the displeasure of his wrath agaynst Amalek. Therfore hath the LORDE done this now vnto the. 19 Morouer the LORDE shal delyuer Israel with the also in to the handes of the Philistynes: tomorow shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me. And the hoost of Israel shal the LORDE delyuer in to the handes of the Philistynes. 20 Then fell Saul immediatly vnto the earth, for he coulde not stonde, and was sore afrayed at these wordes of Samuel, so that there was nomore strength in him: for he had eaten no bred all that daye and all that night.

1 Samuel 29:1-2

1 The Philistynes gathered all their armies together at Aphek. But Israel pitched at Ain in Iesrael. 2 And the prynces of the Philistynes wete forth with hundreds and with thousandes, but Dauid and his men wete behynde with Achis.

1 Samuel 31:1-13

1 Bvt ye Philistynes foughte against Israel, and the men of Israel fled before the Philistynes, and fell downe smytten vpon the mount Gilboa. 2 And the Philistynes preassed vpon Saul and his sonnes, and slewe Ionathas, & Abinadab and Malchisua the sonnes of Saul. 3 And the battayll was sore agaynst Saul, & the archers fell vpon him with bowes, and he was sore wounded of the archers.

1 Samuel 31:3-6

3 And the battayll was sore agaynst Saul, & the archers fell vpon him with bowes, and he was sore wounded of the archers. 4 Then sayde Saul vnto his wapebearer: Drawe out thy swerde, and thrust it thorow me, that these vncircumcised come not and slaie me, and make a laughinge stocke of me. Neuertheles his wapenbearer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. Then toke Saul ye swerde, and fell therin.

1 Samuel 31:4-6

4 Then sayde Saul vnto his wapebearer: Drawe out thy swerde, and thrust it thorow me, that these vncircumcised come not and slaie me, and make a laughinge stocke of me. Neuertheles his wapenbearer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. Then toke Saul ye swerde, and fell therin.

1 Samuel 31:4

4 Then sayde Saul vnto his wapebearer: Drawe out thy swerde, and thrust it thorow me, that these vncircumcised come not and slaie me, and make a laughinge stocke of me. Neuertheles his wapenbearer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. Then toke Saul ye swerde, and fell therin. 5 Now whan his wapenbearer sawe that Saul was deed, he fell also vpon his swerde, and dyed with him.

1 Samuel 31:5-6

5 Now whan his wapenbearer sawe that Saul was deed, he fell also vpon his swerde, and dyed with him. 6 Thus dyed Saul and his thre sonnes, & his wapenbearer, and all his men together the same daye.

1 Samuel 31:6-6

6 Thus dyed Saul and his thre sonnes, & his wapenbearer, and all his men together the same daye. 7 Whan ye men of Israel which were beyonde the valley, and beyonde Iordane, sawe, yt the men of Israel were fled, and that Saul and his sonnes were deed, they lefte ye cities, and fled also. Then came the Philistynes, & dwelt therin.

1 Samuel 31:7

7 Whan ye men of Israel which were beyonde the valley, and beyonde Iordane, sawe, yt the men of Israel were fled, and that Saul and his sonnes were deed, they lefte ye cities, and fled also. Then came the Philistynes, & dwelt therin. 8 On the nexte daye came the Philistynes to spoyle ye slayne, and founde Saul and his thre sonnes lyenge vpon mount Gilboa,

1 Samuel 31:8

8 On the nexte daye came the Philistynes to spoyle ye slayne, and founde Saul and his thre sonnes lyenge vpon mount Gilboa, 9 and smote of his heade, and toke of his harnesse, and sent it in to the lande of the Philistynes rounde aboute, to shewe it in the house of their Idols, and amonge the people,

1 Samuel 31:9-10

9 and smote of his heade, and toke of his harnesse, and sent it in to the lande of the Philistynes rounde aboute, to shewe it in the house of their Idols, and amonge the people, 10 & layed his harnesse in ye house of Astaroth: but his body hanged they vp vpo the wall of Bethsan.

1 Samuel 31:10-10

10 & layed his harnesse in ye house of Astaroth: but his body hanged they vp vpo the wall of Bethsan.

1 Samuel 31:10

10 & layed his harnesse in ye house of Astaroth: but his body hanged they vp vpo the wall of Bethsan. 11 Whan they of Iabes in Gilead herde, what the Philistynes had done vnto Saul, 12 they gat them vp, as many as were men of armes, and wente all the nighte, and toke ye body of Saul, and the bodies of his sonnes from ye wall of Bethsan, broughte the to Iabes, and brent them there, 13 and toke their bones, and buried them vnder ye tre at Iabes, & fasted seue dayes.

2 Samuel 1:4-10

4 Dauid sayde vnto him: Tell me, what is the matter? He sayde: the people is fled from the battayll, and many of the people are fallen: Yee and Saul also is deed and his sonne Ionathas. 5 Dauid sayde vnto the yonge ma that brought him this worde: How knowest thou that Saul and Ionathas his sonne are deed? 6 The yonge man yt tolde him this, sayde: I came by chaunce vnto mount Gelboa, and beholde, Saul leaned vpon his speare, & the charettes and horsme folowed harde after him:

2 Samuel 1:6-10

6 The yonge man yt tolde him this, sayde: I came by chaunce vnto mount Gelboa, and beholde, Saul leaned vpon his speare, & the charettes and horsme folowed harde after him: 7 and he turned him aboute, and sawe me, and called me. And I sayde: Here, am I. 8 And he sayde vnto me: What art thou? I sayde vnto him: I am an Amalechite. 9 And he saide vnto me: Come to me, and kyll me, for anguysh hath gotten holde of me: for my life is yet whole within me. 10 Then stepte I to him, and slewe him, for I knowe well that he coulde not lyue after his fall. And I toke the crowne from his heade, and the armelet fro his arme, and haue broughte it here vnto ye my lorde.

2 Samuel 1:14-16

14 Dauid sayde: How happeneth it that thou wast not afrayed to laye thine hade vpon the LORDES anointed to destroye him? 15 And Dauid sayde vnto one of his yonge men: Come hither, and slaye him. And he smote him that he dyed. 16 Then sayde Dauid vnto him: Thy bloude be vpon thyne owne heade. For thy mouth hath spoken against thyselfe and sayde: I haue slayne the anoynted of the LORDE.

2 Samuel 1:20

20 Tell it not at Gath: speake not of it in ye stretes at Ascalon: lest the doughters of ye Philistynes reioyse, lest the doughters of ye vncircumcysed tryumphe. 21 Ye mountaynes of Gelboa, nether dew ner rayne come vpo you, nether lode be wherof commeth Heueofferynges: for there is ye shylde of the Worthies smytten downe, the shylde of Saul, as though he had not bene anoynted with oyle.

2 Samuel 2:4-7

4 And ye men of Iuda came, and there they anointed him kynge ouer the house of Iuda. And wha it was tolde Dauid, that they of Iabes in Gilead had buried Saul, 5 he sent messaungers vnto them, sayenge: Blessed be ye of the LORDE, that ye haue done soch mercy vpon youre lorde Saul, and haue buried him. 6 The LORDE therfore shewe mercy now and faithfulnes vpon you. And because ye haue done this, I also wyll do you good. 7 Let youre hade now therfore be comforted, and be ye stronge: for though Saul youre lorde be deed, yet hath the house of Iuda chosen me to be kynge ouer them.

2 Samuel 3:9-10

9 God do Abner this and that, yf I do not as the LORDE hath sworne vnto Dauid, 10 that the kyngdome maye be taken fro the house of Saul, and ye seate of Dauid set vp ouer Israel and Iuda, from Dan vnto Berseba.

2 Samuel 3:35

35 Now whan all the people came in to eate with Dauid, whyle it was yet hye daye, Dauid sware, and sayde: God do this and that vnto me, yf I taist ether bred or oughte els afore the Sone go downe.

2 Samuel 5:3

3 And all the Elders in Israel came to ye kynge vnto Hebron. And kynge Dauid made a couenaunt with them at Hebron before ye LORDE. And they anoynted Dauid to be kynge ouer Israel.

2 Samuel 17:23

23 Whan Achitophel sawe that his coucell wente not forth, he sadled his asse, gat him vp, and wete home in to his cite and put his house to poynte, and hanged him selfe, and dyed, and was buried in his fathers graue.

2 Samuel 21:12

12 And Dauid wente and toke the bones of Saul and the bones of Ionathas his sonne from ye citesens at Iabes in Gilead (which they had stollen from ye strete at Bethsan, where ye Philistynes had hanged the, what tyme as the Philistynes had smytten Saul vpon mount Gilboa)

2 Samuel 21:12-14

12 And Dauid wente and toke the bones of Saul and the bones of Ionathas his sonne from ye citesens at Iabes in Gilead (which they had stollen from ye strete at Bethsan, where ye Philistynes had hanged the, what tyme as the Philistynes had smytten Saul vpon mount Gilboa) 13 and broughte them vp from thence, and gathered them together wt the bones of them that were hanged. 14 And the bones of Saul and of his sonne Ionathas buried they in ye londe of Ben Iamin, besyde ye graue of his father Cis. So after this was God at one with the londe.

1 Kings 16:18

18 But whan Simri sawe yt the cite shulde be wonne, he wente in to the palace in the kynges house, & brent it with ye kynges house, & dyed

2 Kings 3:23

23 & they sayde: It is bloude, ye kynges haue destroyed them selues wt the swerde, & one hath smytten another. Now Moab get the vp to the spoyles.

2 Kings 21:6

6 And caused his sonne to go thorow the fyre, and regarded byrdes cryenge and tokens, and maynteyned soythsayers, and expounders of tokens, and so moch dyd he of this which was euell in the sight of the LORDE, that he prouoked him vnto wrath.

2 Kings 23:29

29 In his tyme wete Pharao Necho ye kynge of Egipte vp agaynst the kynge of Assyria by the water Euphrates. But kynge Iosias wente agaynst him, and dyed at Megiddo, wha he had sene him.

2 Kings 25:7

7 And they slewe Ezechias children before his eyes, and put out Sedechias eies, and bounde him with cheynes, and caryed him vnto Babilon.

1 Chronicles 8:33

33 Ner begat Cis. Cis begat Saul. Saul begat Ionathas, Melchisua, Abinadab and Esbaal.

1 Chronicles 9:39

39 Ner begat Cis, Cis begat Saul, Saul begat Ionathas, Malchisua, Abinadab, Esbaal.

1 Chronicles 10:4

4 Then sayde Saul vnto his weapenbearer: Drawe out thy swerde, and thrust it thorow me, that these vncircumcysed come not, and deale shamefully with me. Neuertheles his weapenbearer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. Then toke Saul his swerde, and fell therin. 5 Whan his weapenbearer sawe that Saul was deed, he fell vpon his swerde also, and dyed.

1 Chronicles 10:8

8 On the morowe came the Philistynes to spoyle the slayne, and founde Saul, and his sonnes lyenge vpon mount Gelboa,

1 Chronicles 12:23

23 And this is the nombre of the heades harnessed vnto the warre, which came to Dauid vnto Hebron, for to turne the kyngdome of Saul vnto him, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 20:25

25 And Iosaphat came with his people to deuyde the spoyles of them. And they founde amonge them so moch goodes and rayment and precious Iewels (which they toke from them) that they coulde not beare them. And thre dayes were they deuydinge the spoyle, for it was so moch.

Proverbs 17:13

13 Who so rewardeth euell for good, the plage shal not departe fro his house.

Ecclesiastes 9:1-2

1 For all these thinges purposed I in my mynde to seke out. The righteus and wyse yee and their workes also are in the hande of God: and there is no man that knoweth ether the loue or hate of the thinge that he hath before him. 2 It happeneth vnto one as vnto another: It goeth with the rightuous as with the vngodly: with the good & cleane as with the vncleane: with him that offereth as with him that offereth not: like as it goeth with the vertuous, so goeth it also with the synner: As it happeneth vnto the periured, so happeneth it also vnto him that is afrayed to be man sworne.

Isaiah 8:19

19 And therfore yf they saye vnto you: aske councel at the soythsayers, witches, charmers and coniurers, then make them this answere: Is there a people enywhere, that axeth not councel at his God: whether it be concernynge the dead, or the lyuynge?

Isaiah 10:7

7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people,

Isaiah 10:15

15 But doth the axe boost itself, agaynst him yt heweth therwith, or doth the sawe make eny krakinge, agaynst him that ruleth it? That were euen like, as yf the rod dyd exalte it self agaynst him, that beareth it: or as though ye staff shulde magnifie it self, as who saye: it were no wodd.

Isaiah 57:1-2

1 Bvt in the meane season ye righteous perisheth, & no ma regardeth it in his hert. Good godly people are taken awaye. & no ma cosidreth it. Namely: that the righteous is conuayed awaye thorow ye wicked: 2 that he himself might be in rest, lie quietly vpon his bed, & lyue after his owne pleasure.

Ezekiel 14:3-6

3 Thou sonne of man, these men beare their Idols in their hertes, & go purposly vpon the stomblinge block of their owne wickednesse: how darre they then axe councell at me? 4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: thus saieth the LORDE God: Euery man of the house of Israel that beareth his Idols in his herte, purposynge to stomble in his owne wickednesse, and commeth to a prophet, to enquere eny thinge at me by him: vnto that man wil I the LORDE myself geue answere, acordinge to the multitude of his Idols: 5 that the house of Israel maye be snared in their owne hertes, because they be clene gone fro me, for their Idols sakes. 6 Wherfore, tell the house of Israel: thus saieth the LORDE God: Be conuerted, forsake youre Idols, and turne youre faces from all yor abhominacions.

Daniel 5:2-4

2 and when he was dronken wt wyne, he commaunded to brynge him ye golden and syluer vessel, which his father Nabuchodonosor had taken out of the temple at Ierusalem: that the kynge and his lordes (with his quene and concubynes) might drike therout. 3 So they brought the golden vessel, that was take out of the temple of the LORDES house at Ierusalem. Then the kynge and his lordes with his quene and concubines dronke out of them. 4 They dronke wyne, and praysed their Idols of golde, syluer, copper, yron, wodde and stone.

Daniel 5:23

23 but hast magnified thy selff aboue the LORDE off heauen, so that the vessels off his house were brought before the: that thou, and thy lordes, with thy quene and concubynes, might drynke wyne therout: And hast praysed the Idols of syluer and golde, copper and yron, off wodde & stone: As for the God, in whose honde consisteth thy breth ad all thy wayes: thou hast not loaued him.

Hosea 13:10-11

10 Where are thy kinges now, that shulde helpe the in all thy cities? Yee and thy iudges, of whom thou saydest: geue me a kinge and prynces? 11 well, I gaue the a kinge in my wrath, and in my displeasure will I take him from the agayne.

Amos 2:14

14 so that ye swifte shall not escape, nether the stronge be able to do eny thynge: no, the giaunte shal not saue his owne life.

Matthew 14:11

11 And his heed was brought in a platter, and geuen to the damsell, & she brought it vnto her mother.

Matthew 27:4-5

4 and sayde: I haue done euell, in that I haue betrayed innocet bloude. They sayde: What haue we to do with yt? Se thou therto. 5 And he cast the syluer pens in the teple, and gat him awaye, and wente and hanged him self.

Acts 1:18

18 This same trulye possessed the felde for the rewarde of vnrighteousnes, and hanged himself, and brast asunder in the myddes, and all his bowels gusshed out.

Acts 8:9-11

9 But afore there was in ye same cite a certayne ma, called Simon, which vsed witche craft, and bewitched ye people of Samaria, sayenge, that he was a man which coulde do greate thinges. 10 And they all regarded him from the leest vnto ye greatest, & sayde: This is the power of God which is greate. 11 But they regarded him, because that of longe tyme he had bewitched them with his sorcery.

Acts 16:16-18

16 It fortuned whan we wente to prayer, yt there met vs a damsel, which had a sprete of soythsayenge, and broughte hir master and mastresse greate vauntage with soyth sayenge: 17 ye same folowed Paul and vs, and cryed, and sayde: These men are the seruauntes of the most hye God, which shewe vs ye waye of saluacion. 18 This dyd she many dayes. But Paul was not content with it, and turned him aboute, and sayde vnto the sprete: I comaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ, that thou departe out of her. And he departed out at the same houre.

Acts 16:27

27 Wha the keper of the preson waked out of slepe, and sawe the preson dores open, he drue out his swerde, and wolde haue kylled him selfe: for he thoughte ye presoners had bene fled.

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