Matthew 16:10 Cross References - CLV

10 Neither the seven cakes of bread of the four thousand and how many hampers you got?

Matthew 15:34-38

34 And Jesus is saying to them, "How many cakes of bread have you?Now they said, "Seven, and a few small fishes." 35 And, charging the throng to lean back on the earth, 36 He took the seven cakes of bread and the fishes, and, giving thanks, He breaks them and gave them to the disciples, yet the disciples to the throngs." 37 And they all ate and are satisfied. And of the superfluous fragments they pick up seven hampers full. 38 Now those eating were about four thousand men, apart from women and little children."

Mark 8:5-9

5 And He inquired of them, "How many cakes of bread have you?Now they say, "Seven." 6 And He is charging the throng to be leaning back on the earth. And taking the seven cakes of bread, giving thanks, He breaks and gave to His disciples, that they may place them before them. And they place them before the throng." 7 And they had a few small fishes. And, blessing them, He said to place these also before them." 8 And they all ate and are satisfied. And they pick up of the surplus fragments, seven hampers." 9 Now those eating were about four thousand. And He dismisses them.

Mark 8:17-21

17 And, knowing it, Jesus is saying to them, "Why are you reasoning that you have no bread? Not as yet are you apprehending, neither understanding? Still calloused is your heart? 18 Having eyes, are you not observing? And, having ears, are you not hearing? And are you not remembering? 19 When I break the five cakes of bread for the five thousand, how many panniers full of fragments do you pick up?They are saying to Him, "Twelve." 20 And when I break the seven cakes of bread for the four thousand, how many hampers filled with fragments do you pick up?And they are saying to Him, "Seven." 21 And He said to them, "How is it you are not as yet understanding?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.