Acts 2:25 Cross References - CLV

25 For David is saying to Him, I saw the Lord before me continually, Seeing that He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken."

Psalms 16:8-11

8 I poise Yahweh in front of me continually; Because He is at my right hand, I shall not slip at all." 9 Wherefore, my heart rejoices, and my glory shall exult; Indeed, my flesh, it shall tabernacle in serenity." 10 For You shall not forsake my soul in the unseen; You shall not allow Your benign one to see corruption. 11 You shall acquaint me with the path of life; Satisfying rejoicings are in Your presence; Pleasantness is at Your right hand. {Permanent{

Psalms 21:7

7 For the king is trusting in Yahweh, And in the benignity of the Supreme he shall not slip at all."

Psalms 30:6

6 Yet I, I have said in my ease, I shall not slip at all for the eon."

Psalms 62:2

2 He only is my Rock and my Salvation, My Impregnable Retreat; I shall not slip more."

Psalms 62:6

6 He only is my Rock and my Salvation, My Impregnable Retreat; I shall not slip."

Psalms 73:23

23 Yet I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand.

Psalms 109:31

31 For He is standing at the right hand of the needy one, In order to save him from those judging his soul."

Psalms 110:5

5 Yahweh is at Your right; He will transfix kings in the day of His anger.

Isaiah 41:13

13 For I, Yahweh, your Elohim, am holding fast your right hand, saying to you, `You must not fear; I, I help you."

Isaiah 50:7-9

7 And my Lord Yahweh is helping me. Therefore, I am not confounded. Therefore I set my face as a flint, and know that I shall not be shamed." 8 Near is my Justifier. Who will contend with me? We will stand together. Who possesses my judgment? He shall come close to me. 9 Behold! My Lord Yahweh will help me. Who is he who will condemn me? Behold! All of them, as a garment, will decay. The moth shall devour them."

John 16:32

32 Lo! the hour is coming and has come, that you should be scattered, each to his own, and you may be leaving Me alone. And I am not alone, for the Father is with Me."

Acts 2:29-30

29 Men! Brethren! Allow me to say to you with boldness concerning the patriarch David, that he deceases also and was entombed, and his tomb is among us until this day." 30 Being, then, inherently, a prophet, and having perceived that God swears to him with an oath, out of the fruit of his loin to seat One on his throne,

Acts 13:32-36

32 And we are bringing to you the evangel which comes to be a promise to the fathers, 33 that God has fully fulfilled this for our children in raising Jesus, as it is written in the second psalm also, 'My Son art Thou; I, today, have begotten Thee.'" 34 Now, seeing that He raises Him from among the dead, by no means longer about to return to decay, He has thus declared that, I shall be giving you the faithful benignities of David.'" 35 Wherefore, in a different place also, He is saying, 'Thou wilt not be giving Thy Benign One to be acquainted with decay.'" 36 For David, indeed, subserving his own generation by God's counsel, was put to repose, and was added to his fathers, and was acquainted with decay;"

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.